Ralph was a 1964 graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy with a degree in engineering. He spent many hours aboard ship and learned to respect the water. He first came to Ketchikan as a new Ensign assigned to the USCGC Bittersweet. During those first years in Alaska, he took his first helicopter ride. His love of flying began with this trip.
Ralph went through Naval Flight Training in Pensacola, Florida, in 1966. The memories of Alaska were always in his mind and Ralph and his family returned to Ketchikan in 1974. For the next 14 years Ralph was a part of TEMSCO Helicopters and the community of Ketchikan.
Involvement and commitment were important to Ralph. He was widely read and loved to teach anything to people who were interested in learning. He taught many classes at KetchikanCommunity College: aviation, sailing, celestial navigation and computers.
Ralph Yetka was a caring person and volunteerism was a part of his commitment to his community. Ralph was a member of the March of Dimes for 11 years and helped in the fight against birth defects, both in fund raising and in the leadership of the organization. He spent many hours with the Ketchikan Volunteer Rescue Squad, bringing injured persons to medical facilities. Friends and family were familiar with Ralph's motto: "If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right."
Shortly after Ralph's death in 1988, the Ketchikan Campus Council of the University of Alaska Southeast established the Ralph Yetka Memorial Scholarship.
Criteria for award of the scholarship are:
1)Recipient must attend or plan to attend the University of Alaska full-time (12 credits or more);
2)Must intend to major in education, engineering, computer science, or aviation programs leading to a
3)Must be a Ketchikan or Revilla high school graduate and have earned a 2.5 GPA or better during
high school or college career;
5) Must have demonstrated motivation and leadership potential through either school-sponsored
extracurricular activities or community service organizations.
Deadline for Application is April 29, 2013
If you completed a University of Alaska Foundation Scholarship Application and you meet the criteria listed above, your application will be automatically forwarded to the scholarship committee for this award and you will not need to complete this application.
Personal Information
Name: ______SSN: ______
Mailing address: ______
Telephone: ______E-mail: ______
Citizenship: US Other: ______Alaskaresident: No Yes, since (year) ______
Sex: Male Female Place of birth: ______Date of birth: ______
High school graduation date: ______High school location: ______
city state
College Plans
Other College(s) previously attended:
Program of StudySchoolGrade
Program of StudySchoolGrade
Program of StudySchoolGrade
Current class standing
Freshman, new, first time in College Freshman, transfer or continuing Sophomore
Junior Senior
I plan to attend: University of Alaska Southeast ( Juneau Ketchikan Sitka)
University of AlaskaAnchorage University of AlaskaFairbanks
Semester(s) and year you will attend the University of Alaska: Fall _____ Spring _____ Summer _____
Fall enrollment status: Full time (12 or more credits/term) At least half time (6 or more credits/term)
Do you plan to live in Alaska after graduation? No YesExpected graduation date: ______
Do you plan to work while in college? No Yes, number of years: ______
College Major: ______Minor: ______
Describe your educational and career goals, your plans and time frame for meeting these goals, your involvement in curricular/ extracurricular activities, community involvement, leadership roles, and your plans for utilizing your education after you receive your degree. This essay is very important. A subjective review of your essay is a significant part of the evaluation.
List activities in which you have participated in your high school (such as publications, intramural sports, music, art, student government and clubs, etc.):
High School Activities / Dates Participated / Offices Held / Special Awards/HonorsList community activities in which you have participated without pay (such as volunteer work, church work, crisis hot lines, peer groups, hobbies, Parks & Recreation sports, community chorus, hobbies, athletics, etc.):
Kind of Work / Agency or Organization / Dates of Participation / Hours/Week / Special Awards/HonorsList jobs (including summer employment) you have held in the past two years:
Job & Kind of Work / Employer / Dates of Work / Hours/WeekOther activities and employment or circumstances that you feel are important should be included in your personal essay.
I certify that the information I have provided on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the Office of the Registrar to release my academic information and the Office of Financial Aid to release my financial information to the Scholarship Committee and other third parties for the purposes of scholarship consideration. I give permission for the University of Alaskaor the UA Foundation to release information about myself and the name and amount of the scholarship if I am awarded a scholarship based on this application.