Habitats and Sensitive Wildlife Species of the VenturaRiver Watershed

Handout 1

Special-Status Wildlife Species Known and Potentially Occurring in the VenturaRiver Basin
Species / Status / Known or Potential Occurrence
Southern Steelhead
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) / FE, CSC / Known throughout the VenturaRiver, Matilija Creek, and other tributary waters of the VenturaRiver
Tidewater goby
(Eucyclogobius newberryi) / FE, CSC / Known from the mouth of the VenturaRiver to two miles upstream
Arroyo chub
(Gila orcutti)) / CSC, FSS / Known throughout the VenturaRiver
California red-legged frog
(Rana aurora draytonii) / FT, CSC, FSS / Known from several locations within the lower watershed
Western spadefoot toad
(Scaphiopus hammondii)) / FSC, CSC / Known from the VenturaRiver near the Oak View area
Southwestern pond turtle
(Clemmys marmorata pallida) / FSC, CSC, FSS / Known from several locations within the VenturaRiver Basin
Californiahorned lizard
(Phrynosoma coronatum frontale) / CSC / Observed in the VenturaRiver Basin
Silvery legless lizard
(Anniella pulchra pulchra) / FSC, CSC, FSS / Known from the coastal dunes near the mouth of the VenturaRiver
Coastal western whiptail
(Cnemidophorus tigris multiscutatus) / FSC, CSC / Observed within the VenturaRiver Basin
Two-striped garter snake
(Thamnophis hammondii) / CSC, FSS / Observed within the VenturaRiver Basin
California brown pelican
(Pelecanus occidentalis californicus) / DFGFP / Estuarine, Marine
Common loon
(Gavia immer) / CSC / Estuarine, Marine
Western snowy plover
(Charadrius alexandrinus) / FT, CSC / Estuarine, Marine, Sand Dunes
Black tern
(Chlidonias niger) / CSC / Lacustrine, Palustrine, Estuarine, Marine
California least tern
(Sterna antillarum browni) / FE, SE, DFGFP / Estuarine, Marine, Sand Dunes
Great egret
(Ardea alba) / CDFS / Riverine, Palustrine, Estuarine, Marine, Grassland
Great blue heron
(Ardea herodias) / CDFS / Riverine, Palustrine, Estuarine, Marine, Grassland
California condor
(Gymnogyps californianus) / FE, SE, CDFS, DFGFP / Grassland, Scrub,Chaparral, Woodland
Northern harrier
(Circus cyaneus) / CSC / Palustrine, Grassland, Scrub
White-tailed kite
(Elanus leucurus) / DFGFP / Palustrine, Grassland, Scrub
American peregrine falcon
(Falco peregrinus anatum) / DFGFP / Palustrine, Estuarine,Grassland, Scrub
(Pandion haliaetus) / CDFS / Lacustrine, Riverine, Estuarine, Woodland
Western yellow-billed cuckoo
(Coccyzus americanus occidentalis) / SE, FSS / Observed within the VenturaRiver Basin
Short-eared owl
(Asio jlammeus) / CSC / Palustrine, Grassland
Burrowing owl
(Athene cunicularia) / CSC / Grassland, Scrub Chaparral, Woodland
Black swift
(Cypseloides niger) / CSC / Riverine, Palustrine
Vaux’s swift
(Chaetura vauxi) / CSC / Woodland
Olive-sided flycatcher
(Contopus copperi) / CSC, FSS, FWSMC / Observed within the VenturaRiver Basin
Southwestern willow flycatcher
(Empidonax traillii extimus) / FE, SE / Palustrine: Potential nesting and foraging riparian habitat, but not observed
Loggerhead shrike
(Lanius ludovicianus) / CSC / Palustrine, Grassland, Scrub Chaparral, Woodland
Least Bell’s vireo
(Vireo bellii pusillus) / FE, SE / Palustrine
Purple martin
(Progne subis) / CSC / Palustrine, Grassland, Woodland
Bank swallow
(Riparia riparia) / ST / Lacustrine, Riverine, Palustrine
Yellow warbler
(Dendrocia petechia brewsteri) / CSC, FWSMC / Palustrine, Chaparral, Woodland
Yellow-breasted chat
(Icteria virens) / CSC / Palustrine
Summer tanager
(Piranga rubra) / CSC / Palustrine, Woodland
Tricolored blackbird
(Agelaius tricolor) / FSC, CSC / Palustrine, Grassland
Lawrence’s goldfinch
(Carduelis lawrencei) / FWSMC / Observed within the VenturaRiver Basin
Pallid bat,
(Antrozous pallidus) / CSC, FSS / Observed within the VenturaRiver Basin
Ringtail cat
(Bassariscus astutus) / DFGFP / Observed within the VenturaRiver Basin


Source: California Natural Diversity Database 2005; updated 2010; Planning Aid Report for the Matilija Dam Removal Project, USFWS 2003
FT Federally Threatened Species
FE Federally Endangered Species
FSCFederal Species of Special Concern
FSS U.S. Forest Service Sensitive Species
FWSMCUSFWS-protected migratory species
SEState Endangered Species
CSCCalifornia Species of Special Concern
DFGFPCDFG Fully Protected Species
CDFSCalifornia Dept. of Forestry Sensitive Species

Useful Species-related Websites



VenturaRiver Watershed U – May 13, 2010 - Laura Riege