Unit Six: Law and Order

Concept: Conflict

Essential Question: Why is it important for our legal system to be based on Rule of Law?

Topical Essential Question: How can conflicts be resolved through the use of debate, consensus, compromise, and negotiation? (for honors add mediation, arbitration, and collaboration) (end of class)

Students will know: The different forms of conflict resolutions

Students will be able to: Determine the best form of conflict resolution to use in certain scenarios (application of knowledge).

Activity for know: simple identifications for each form of conflict resolution in some sort of note style. (10 minutes to copy, 5 minutes to discuss)

Activity for do: Conflict Resolution Scenarios

Materials: index cards, color coded laminated scenario cards


1)  Have class break into 7 as equal as possible groups (honors) 4 groups for standard.

2)  Position groups in class so that they are in some type of circular pattern.

3)  Pass out one index card per group.

4)  Make sure each group has someone as a recorder.

5)  Have recorder write group names on non-lined side of index card.

6)  Have recorder list 1 through 7 (or 4) on lined side of index card.

7)  Make sure each group has someone as a reader.

8)  Inform students that they will all have one scenario to look at for (blank time), and decide as a group which form of conflict resolution is the best for that scenario.

9)  They will record the form of conflict resolution on the line with the corresponding number (all scenario cards have a number assigned).

10) If students started with Scenario #4 then they will write the form of CR on the line marked #4.

11) After the time is up students will pass (clockwise) the scenario cards to the next group and they will repeat this procedure until all groups have seen all scenarios.

12) When the groups have the last card, give them an extra 2 minutes to discuss and prepare to describe evidence as to why the form of CR they chose is the best for resolving the conflict.

Debrief: Be sure to go over all 7 (or 4) in a brief discussion and determine whether or not the students truly see why each form of CR is best for the individual scenarios.

Activity Time: 25-30 minutes max.


Unit Six: Law and Order

Directions: In your group read each of the 7 scenarios and record which method of conflict resolution would be the most effective in each situation. A “secretary” for the group should record the answers on the index card and everyone should record them below (not just a number but the situation, for ex: Terrell Owens)


·  Mediation—conflict resolution in which a third party (person) guides the arguing parties to a solution. ______

·  Arbitration—conflict resolution in which a third party makes the decision for the arguing parties based on evidence given in a formal setting.


·  Negotiation—form of conflict resolution in which one party may or may not use a third party to bargain for terms that benefit one or both parties. ______

·  Compromise—form of conflict resolution where the two parties give up certain demands in order to accomplish a mutual goal. ______

·  Collaboration—conflict resolution process that requires different groups to bring expertise in various areas for a mutual goal. ______

·  Debate—a form of conflict resolution in which two parties take sides of an issue and argue using evidence in order to persuade their opponent(s). ______

·  Consensus—this is when a general agreement is made by all parties after careful consideration of the opinions of all members of the group. ______

Conflict Resolution Activity

How Should This Conflict be Resolved?

Directions: Read the scenario below with your partner/group and determine which of the following forms of conflict resolution should be used:

Form 1—Mediation

Form 2—Arbitration

Form 3—Negotiation

Form 4—Compromise

Form 5—Collaboration

Form 6—Debate

Form 7—Consensus

Scenario #1—T.O. gets suspended

On Saturday November 5th 2005, Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Terrell Owens was suspended by the team for conduct detrimental to the team and organization. According to league rules Owens could only receive a maximum suspension of 4 games without pay. Owens lost approximately $200,000 per game and was informed by the team that he was not welcome back after the suspension.

Owens and his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, appealed to the NFL Players Association (labor union for NFL players) to fight for Owens right to play football and to get paid. They (Owens and Rosenhaus) believed that the punishment for Owens was too harsh for crimes against the team that he was alleged to have committed.

Both the Eagles ownership and Owens (agent and union) refused to talk to one another anymore because they could not come to mutual agreement. Both believed the other side was in the wrong, what should they do to resolve this conflict?

Each group has an index card with all group members’ names on the non-lined side. On the lined side write numbers 1-7, these numbers represent the scenarios. Next to each number write the proper form of conflict resolution used.

Conflict Resolution Activity

How Should This Conflict be Resolved?

Directions: Read the scenario below with your partner/group and determine which of the following forms of conflict resolution should be used:

Form 1—Mediation

Form 2—Arbitration

Form 3—Negotiation

Form 4—Compromise

Form 5—Collaboration

Form 6—Debate

Form 7—Consensus

Scenario #2—Jimmy’s parents get divorced

After 13 years of marriage Jimmy’s parents are filing for divorce. Jimmy is their only child and he has recently turned 8 years old. Both of Jimmy’s parents are working and make enough money separately to support themselves and Jimmy. Jimmy’s parents are on speaking terms, however they cannot agree on the needs of their son.

Jimmy’s parents would both like to have custody of their son and feel as though they have his best interests at hand. The divorce was not a result of abuse from either parent on the other or on Jimmy. There was also no alcohol or drug abuse involved in the decision to divorce. Both parents plan to live in the same city.

Currently Jimmy is living with his mother in the house they all previously shared. Jimmy’s father is living in an apartment, but is planning on moving into a house of his own in order to try and get custody of Jimmy. How should Jimmy’s parents resolve this conflict?

Each group has an index card with all group members’ names on the non-lined side. On the lined side write numbers 1-7, these numbers represent the scenarios. Next to each number write the proper form of conflict resolution used.

Conflict Resolution Activity

How Should This Conflict be Resolved?

Directions: Read the scenario below with your partner/group and determine which of the following forms of conflict resolution should be used:

Form 1—Mediation

Form 2—Arbitration

Form 3—Negotiation

Form 4—Compromise

Form 5—Collaboration

Form 6—Debate

Form 7—Consensus

Scenario #3—Helping Kathy get better

Kathy is a student at a local middle school who has lost one parent and has another who works long hours. Kathy has special needs due to some developmental problems that occurred during her mother’s pregnancy. Kathy is not on the same level with her classmates and her counselor is working to develop an IEP or Individualized Education Plan.

Because Kathy’s mom works such long hours she is often at home alone during the day and has had several episodes in which neighbors have had to call the fire department or police to check on the girl. The local Social Services agency has assigned a case worker to Kathy and her family to help keep track of her.

The school is very concerned and is also looking out for her best interests, but it seems that Kathy’s problems go beyond her school work. What is the best form of conflict resolution in order to help Kathy?

Each group has an index card with all group members’ names on the non-lined side. On the lined side write numbers 1-7, these numbers represent the scenarios. Next to each number write the proper form of conflict resolution used.

Conflict Resolution Activity

How Should This Conflict be Resolved?

Directions: Read the scenario below with your partner/group and determine which of the following forms of conflict resolution should be used:

Form 1—Mediation

Form 2—Arbitration

Form 3—Negotiation

Form 4—Compromise

Form 5—Collaboration

Form 6—Debate

Form 7—Consensus

Scenario #4—Hiring a new Superintendent

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools recently announced the hiring of Dr. Peter Gorman. Gorman comes to Charlotte from Florida after the school board did a nationwide search for a long-term replacement for former superintendent James Pughsley.

Candidates for the job of superintendent had to consider many variables when deciding whether or not they would take the job if it was offered. Those variables include finding a house, salary, job for spouse, and schools for their children if applicable. Likewise, the school board will need to consider how they might entice candidates like Gorman to move from Florida to take the job.

Reports indicate that relocation costs, bonuses, and a job for his spouse were among the perks included in attracting Dr. Gorman. The contract signed between Dr, Gorman and the School Board resulted from what form of conflict resolution?

Each group has an index card with all group members’ names on the non-lined side. On the lined side write numbers 1-7, these numbers represent the scenarios. Next to each number write the proper form of conflict resolution used.

Conflict Resolution Activity

How Should This Conflict be Resolved?

Directions: Read the scenario below with your partner/group and determine which of the following forms of conflict resolution should be used:

Form 1—Mediation

Form 2—Arbitration

Form 3—Negotiation

Form 4—Compromise

Form 5—Collaboration

Form 6—Debate

Form 7—Consensus

Scenario #5—How much do you know about slavery?

In 1820, the territory of Maine applied to become a state in the US. At the same time there were an equal number of states in the US (22). There also were an equal number of states that allowed slavery (11) and those that deemed it illegal (11). The states that did allow slavery were mostly found in the South, while the North was made up of non-slave holding states.

In order for a new state to be allowed to join the Union several criteria must be met. One of the most important requirements is a vote taken in the House of Representatives and a majority must agree to accept the statehood application.

Since Maine was in the North, an area of the country that was non-slave holding, it was widely expected that Maine would be a free state. If Maine were to become a free state the balance of power in Congress would swing to the North (12 states to South’s 11). The South therefore would not accept the application without also getting another new state in the South, to keep balance in Congress. What form of conflict resolution would be used to end this conflict?

Each group has an index card with all group members’ names on the non-lined side. On the lined side write numbers 1-7, these numbers represent the scenarios. Next to each number write the proper form of conflict resolution used.

Conflict Resolution Activity

How Should This Conflict be Resolved?

Directions: Read the scenario below with your partner/group and determine which of the following forms of conflict resolution should be used:

Form 1—Mediation

Form 2—Arbitration

Form 3—Negotiation

Form 4—Compromise

Form 5—Collaboration

Form 6—Debate

Form 7—Consensus

Scenario #6—How will we survive?

You along with five other people have just survived the crash of a small plane. Your group of survivors managed to salvage the following items:

A ball of steel wool
A small ax

Can of Crisco shortening
Newspapers (one per person)

Extra shirt and pants for each survivor
20 x 20 ft. piece of heavy-duty canvas

A compass
Family-size chocolate bars (one per person)

Your task as a group is to list the above items in order of importance for your survival. List the uses for each. YouMUST come to agreement as a group. What form of conflict resolution should be used in this scenario?

Each group has an index card with all group members’ names on the non-lined side. On the lined side write numbers 1-7, these numbers represent the scenarios. Next to each number write the proper form of conflict resolution used.

Conflict Resolution Activity

How Should This Conflict be Resolved?

Directions: Read the scenario below with your partner/group and determine which of the following forms of conflict resolution should be used:

Form 1—Mediation

Form 2—Arbitration

Form 3—Negotiation

Form 4—Compromise

Form 5—Collaboration

Form 6—Debate

Form 7—Consensus

Scenario #7—Who is right, who is wrong?

Each of the political leaders listed below have very strong beliefs on the issues that are included in the chart. How might each leader best appeal to the American people to show that his position on each issue is better for America than those of his opponent?

Candidate / Death Penalty / Drug Policy / Gun Control

G.W. Bush / Supports Death Penalty / Reduce illegal drug usage by 10 percent over two years / Protect gun makers from lawsuits

J. Kerry / Opposes Death Penalty / More police; aggressively target traffickers; fund treatment / Close gun show loopholes; require child safety locks

Each group has an index card with all group members’ names on the non-lined side. On the lined side write numbers 1-7, these numbers represent the scenarios. Next to each number write the proper form of conflict resolution used.