Latin America Travel Brochure

Your assignment is to create a brochure about a specific country of Latin America and encourage the reader to travel there. Create your brochure by downloading the template on my Wikispace. You will also need to come up with a name for your travel agency and a logo for your agency.

Front Panel Directions:

You must include a title and at least two eye-catching photo of your location and a slogan for enticing people to go visit your country.

Left Inside Panel Directions:

For each of the following topics you must include at least 3 sentences describing the 5 specific topics listed below. The sentences must be in your own words!





Historical Sites

Middle Inside Panel Instructions:

Here, your job is to sound like an advertisement. Imagine that you’re “selling” some Latin American country to your readers. Be convincing to the reader why the country you’ve chosen is the best place in Latin America to visit. You must include at least 3 reasons to come and visit your country.

Right Inside Panel Directions:

Here you are going to add pictures to sell your country. Add captions under the pictures to let the reader know what is going on or where the location is.

Back Left Panel Directions:

Talk about the history of your chosen country. When was it settled? Who settled it? Who were the first inhabitants? Fill up the other panel with this and other information.

Back Middle Panel Directions:

The back of your brochure needs to have your travel agencies name and logo. This you will need to create. You will not receive full credit without your name or your agency’s name being on it. Also include one last picture that sums it all up and is accompanied by a caption.


Rubric for Latin America Travel Brochure

Front Panel / Left Inside Panel / Middle Inside Panel / Right Inside Panel / Back Left Panel / Back MiddlePanel
4 / Slogan and title for your country. 2 eye-catching picture of your country / Minimum of 3 sentences describing all required subjects / Includes 3 reasons to visit your country. Creative job of "selling" your country / 3 pictures present with creative captions under each / Includes information about history (when settled, by whom, and who the first inhabitants were). / Creative Agency Logo. Your name. Attractive picture summing it all up
3 / Slogan and title for your country present, but not well designed. 1 eye-catching picture of your country. / Minimum of 2 Sentences describing all required subjects / Includes 2 reasons why to visit country. "Selling" job is partially creative / 2 Picture present with somewhat creative captions under each / Includes some information about history (when settled, by whom, and who the first inhabitants were). / Agency Logo present. Your name. Picture present
2 / Slogan and title present, but not well designed, no picture. / 2 sentences describing 4-5 of required subjects / Includes 2 reasons to visit country. Non-creative / 2 Picture present with captions under each / Includes little information about history (when settled, by whom, and who the first inhabitants were). / Agency Logo present. Your name.
1 / No slogan or title and no pictures / 1-2 sentences describing 2-3 of required subjects / Includes 1 reason to visit. Non-creative / 1 picture present. Not creative / Includes very little information / Your Name