Thrive Homes Community Grant Application Form
To be successful, it is important that applicants show in detail, how they intend to make a demonstrable difference to Thrive Homes residents and their local community.
Before you complete this form please make sure you read and understand the Guidance Notes. When completing the form please read each question carefully,
and provide the relevant information where required. You may also provide additional information sheets if necessary. Please note the form is also available in an electronic format, which can be found on our web site
Thrive’sCommunity Partnershipsteam is available for impartial guidance in filling in this application form, for further help please contact Zulf Awan on 01923 893839 or Thrive on 0800 917 6077.
Project titleProject group
Description of the organisation type:
(i.e. The name of the individual, group or organisation who will be developing and implementing the project.)
Contact name (and project leader’s name, if different):
Names of other organisations and partnerships (if any) you propose to work with to deliver this project (please also describe the nature of the relationship e.g. how involved other partners are and who will do what).
Note that Thrive Homes encourage partnership-working and will consider suitable bids from organisations that can work together to deliver effective projects.
1. Project aims
What are you aiming to achieve?
(i.e. further to your aims, what are the actions, activities and things you intend to do during your project to achieve these? A successful applicant will give a detailed description of what the project will involve.
2. Justification
This section should say why the project is necessary, what research has been carried out to evidence that there is a need for this initiative.
Who and how many residents would be engaged/benefit from your project?
(Please highlight if your project aims to work with any disadvantage groups or ‘hard to reach’ sections of the community).
How will you ensure your project meets the requirements of Equality and Diversity?
(i.e. Thrive Homes are committed to equality and aims to ensure discriminatory barriers associated with age, disability, gender, race, religion and beliefs or sexual orientation are identified and removed from all activities).
3. Project description
Please give an outline of the project. Please also include any evidence of support from partner organisations, for example the local authority and the local community.
4. Project management and development
How do you propose to measure, monitor and manage progress?
Note that all projects will be expected to submit regular progress monitoring, and may be called upon to give reports to Thrive Homes regarding progress and achievements.
5. Outputs – your project timetable and spending
(i.e. explain what results you expect from your project. A successful applicant should demonstrate direct links between what the project is aiming to do; what the project involves doing; what measurable results there are from the project; and what the implications of the project and its results are for the anticipated beneficiaries.)
What is the proposed timetable for your project?
(i.e. when will your project take place and for how long will it run? A successful project bid should include a list of the milestones and dates for your project: activities you intend to carry out; outputs and outcomes you hope to achieve; and by when.)
6. Costs
How much money in total will your project cost?
(A successful project bid should demonstrate a detailed breakdown of your proposed costs against the anticipated budget. This should include things like costs associated with staffing, activities, overheads, contracts and other specified costs.)
Thrive Homes will encourages projects that can unlock other sources of funding
(e.g. match funding, mainstream funds). It is expected that project applications make explicit any other sources of funding and acknowledge any risks involved (in Section 7).
7. Managing risks
What are the key risks involved in this project?
(e.g. securing staff, match-funding, premises or permissions; sustaining activities, etc.
A successful project bid should demonstrate an awareness of the weaknesses and threats to the project’s delivery and to the anticipated outcomes. It should also demonstrate proposals for managing these risks.)
What is the project’s legacy expected to be?
(i.e. once the project is complete, a successful project bid should be able to demonstrate any relationships to what happens next e.g. what the exit strategy will be; how it affects lasting improvements; if and how the project is to continue; how it impacts on other work; or engages other funding streams.)
Thrive Homes is keen to commission/fund projects that are sustainable and can demonstrate lasting benefits to residents and the Local Community.
Do you have a track record at delivering similar, successful projects?
Thrive Homes welcomes project bids from many kinds of organisations, experienced and new and shall assess project bids on their individual merits. However, this is an opportunity to outline prior projects and experiences to support your application.
Signing off your project
Please sign and date your application below:
Printed name:
Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis, all completed applications should be returned either by post or email to:
By email: or
By post:
Zulf Awan
Community Partnerships Manager
Thrive Homes
Building 3
Hatters Lane
WD18 8YD
If you have questions or comments pleasetelephone Zulf Awan on: 01923 693839 or Thrive on 0800 917 6077.