Agenda and Overview of Performance Coaching


Leader Discussion

/ Agenda and Overview of Performance Coaching at Change Healthcare
Say:Welcome and thank you for joining today’s session on Objectives and Key Results at Change Healthcare.
Do:Show Slide 2
Say:Today we will be discussing how OKRs and frequent conversations contribute to our overall goal of Performance Coaching. Second, we will define what are OKRs and why are they important. Third, we’ll walk through the steps to create your OKRs and what steps you should follow after. Then, we’ll look at the GROW model and recording journal entries.
Do:Show Slide 3
Say:At Change Healthcare each team member needs to understand how the work that they do contributes to the business. This first starts with Defining your OKRs. Then, throughout the year having ongoing dialogue about your progress and opportunities with your manager.

What are Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)


Leader and Learner Discussion

/ What are Objects and Key Results (OKRs)
Do: Show Slide 4
Say:So exactly are objectives and key results?
Do:Show Slide 5
Say:The OKR and Performance Coaching model is used by many successful and famous companies around the world. It is a tested and proven successful way to achieve business results.

What are Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) (continued)


Leader Discussion

/ Do:Show Slide 6
Say:How do we define OKRs? Objectives are what you want to accomplish. They should be ambitious, qualitative, time bound and actionable. Key Results are how you complete your objectives. They should be in the SMART format.
Do: Show Slide 7
Say:In order to understand how you contribute to the business. You have to know our business priorities. Each of your OKRs should fall into one of these four areas. However, you do not have to have an OKR for each one. For example: Give an example of your personal OKR and which business priority it fits into.

Steps to Create Your OKRs


Leader Discussion

/ Steps to Create Your OKRs
Do: Show Slide 9
Say:Now that we understand what OKRs are and why they are important, let’s discuss the steps to create them.
Do: Show Slide 10
Say:There are three primary steps to remember when creating your OKRs. The first step is to ensure that you understand your manager’s OKRs. Instead of just being given your manager’s OKRs through email, try to meet with them to ask follow up questions you may have about projects and deliverables described in their OKRs. Second, choose a key result from your manager’s OKRs that is relevant to your role and responsibilities. Then craft it so that it is ambitious and aspirational. This is your objective. Lastly, describe how you will accomplish your objective. This is where you will use the SMART format of Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time bound. These will be your Key Results.

Steps to Create Your OKRs (continued)


Leader Discussion

/ Do: Show Slide 11
Say:After creating your OKRs you are not quite done. After crafting your OKRs, first document them using the OKR template. As discussed earlier in today’s session, an important part during this step is to select a Corporate Goal alignment. Second, if you are a people manager schedule time with your team to share your OKRs with them. Then last, schedule ongoing meetings with your manager to discuss progress and opportunities.

Transitioning to Performance Coaching


Leader and Learner Discussion

/ Transitioning to Performance Coaching
Do: Show Slide 13
Say:Now that we’ve discussed OKRs, let’s talk about how to use them in performance coaching conversations
Do: Show Slide 14
Do: A team member and manager should schedule at minimum quarterly check in meetings. During these check in meetings, OKRs should be a central focus to the conversation. From one quarter to another you may find the need to adjust your OKRs, new projects come up and others fall off your list. Make sure to update your OKRs each quarter to reflect any changes.

GROW Model and Journal Entries


Leader and Learner Discussion

/ GROW Model and Journal Entries
Do: Show Slide 15
Say:It’s important to make the most of your check in meetings. A consistent and successful approach we recommend is the GROW Model. On this slide you’ll see on the left each step of the model and what is to occur during that step.
Do: Show Slide 16
Do: As we mentioned, making sure you update your OKRs each quarter is important. A good way to track these changes and accomplishments is to document them.



Leader and Learner Discussion
/ Assistance with OKRs
Do: Show Slide 19
Say:The Performance Coaching methodology is easy to use and highly effective: 1. Make sure to create your OKRs in the correct format, 2. Align them to business priorities, 3. Document your OKRs, 4. Team members and managers have frequent, ongoing conversations about performance and OKRs, and 5. Determine merit increases using your performance notes that you’ve accumulated over the year.