Representations Reference:
Objector Reference:
Agent Reference: /
London Borough of Southwark
Proposed Modifications to the Emerging Southwark Plan 2006Representations Form
Please use this form to set out your objection to, or representation in support of, the proposed modifications to the emerging Southwark Plan (Unitary Development Plan), using a separate form for each policy or proposal you wish to object to. You may photocopy this form or obtain further copies free of charge from the London Borough of Southwark. It is strongly recommended that representations be made on this form. Please complete all sections using black ink in clear writing or typing. Please note that comments can only be made on modifications made to the Southwark Plan. These changes are shown in the modified Southwark Plan as either underlined (for additions) or strikethrough (for deletions).
01Your name and address:Postcode:
E-mail (if applicable):
Organisation you represent (if applicable): / If you are submitting a representation on behalf of someone other than yourself please state your agents name and address:
E-mail (if applicable):
Company Name (if applicable):
02 Which policy are you commenting on?
Policy number: 5.4, 7.1v, Appx 4 site 63P
(& or Paragraph)
Subject: tram depot in Peckham / Are you: (please tick as appropriate)
03 If there is a Public Local Inquiry, would you wish to prepare written representations or represent evidence verbally at the inquiry? (tick one box)
Written Representations Appear at the Inquiry
Note: Only objectors have the right to appear at the local public inquiry. If you do not wish to attend, your written representations will still carry the same weight as those who appear. The vast majority of evidence can be handled by written representations. Those who appear at public inquiries may be questioned.
04 Please state fully and clearly the reasons why you are objecting or supporting this part of the plan, using a continuation sheet if necessary.
I object to the proposed split-site tram depot as written in the UDP because it is not consistent with the Inspector's assessment that any split-site tram depot should seek to protect the majority of the jobs on the site and the amenity of the neighbouring residents.
In addition there has been no full and complete public review of the alternative locations compared with Peckham, nor assessment of the viability and effects of the plan on Peckham Town Centre.
05 If objecting to a policy or a proposal, please indicate what changes you are seeking to the plan which could solve your objection, using a continuation sheet if necessary
a note that the safeguarding of site 63P is subject to a full and public comparative evaluation of the alternative split-site locations concluding that the best location for one of the split-sites is Peckham town centre.
The inclusion of constraints on the scale and size of the depot to ensure that the majority of jobs on the site and the amenity of the neighbouring residents are protected.
06 If others have objected to the same policy/proposal, would you be willing to present a joint case with them at the local public inquiry?
Yes No
Signature: Date:
Please return all completed forms to: PLANNING POLICY & RESEARCH, LONDON BOROUGH OF SOUTHWARK, Regeneration, FREEPOST SE1919/14 LONDON SE17 2ES Fax: 020 7525 5561 E-mail: . Representations should be received no later than 5pm Friday 13 October 2006 After this date you will be contacted by a Council officer with regards to your representation(s) and when and if they are rejected, accepted, approved and/or adopted. There is no right for your representation to be heard, and it may not be accepted, if it is received after this date. For further information contact Planning Team on: Tel: 020 7525 5471 e-mail: Website: