6 February 2017
Dear Parents,
1STSGT Broderick and I, along with the Battalion staff officers, would like to take this opportunity to bring you up to speed on the program and our upcoming schedule. Spring is a very busy time of the year with numerous unit wide events that will involve all of our cadets. As major events draw closer, we will issue information sheets for your cadets to help keep you updated on our schedule. You can also visit our unit website at for up to the minute updates on activities and
events. Here are just a few of the major events happening this spring.
We will host the NJROTC Area Manager Off-Site Inspection on Friday, 17 February 2017. The purpose of this inspection is to determine that all NJROTC requirements and standards are being met by NJROTC Units and will be officiated by Commander Dirk P. Hebert, USN (Retired). Itwill include a personnel inspection of all cadets at 7:45a.m. in the SLHS gym, followed by a pass in review military parade, and demonstrations by the Exhibition Drill Teamsand musical accompaniment by the SLHS band and chorus at 9:15. Parents are welcomed to attend the military parade and should arrive between8:45– 9:10. Guests should park in the lower student parking lot. Guest seating will be in the south side of the stadium (“home” side). The stadium gate will be open directly to the field to facilitate guest seating. The command inspection should be completed by 10:00 AM. Parents, we solicit your support for our inspection by making sure your cadets have fresh haircuts and have inspection ready uniforms. We will have authorized absences arranged with the attendance office for your cadets first three classes on Friday, the 17th.
In March we will conduct our major fundraiser for the year with our ROTCHTHON. Your cadets will be asking for your help to identify potential sponsors for the walkathon. Cadets will address pledge forms for this walkathon which will be held during our normal Physical Fitness Training periods on Friday, 24 March 2017. ROTCTHON is our principle fundraiser for the year which helps defer the cost of field trips, the Navy Ball (8 April 2017), field meets, and other ROTC events and activities. Families are encouraged to do their fair share and help support their cadet’s NJROTC Unit.
April will be a busy month with our Navy Ball on Saturday, 8 April 2017, at the Wesley Center from 7:00-11:00PM. This formal dinner dance will include a full buffet dinner, music and dancing, and a photo booth. Think of the Navy Ball as our NJROTC version of the prom. Male cadets will wear their NJROTC uniforms, females will wear appropriate party attire. Tickets will cost $25.00 per person and will be on sale starting in late March. The dance will be chaperoned by CDR and Mrs. Guy, 1STSGT Broderick, and other SLHS faculty members.
Friday, April 14th is the date of our all hands field trip; the actual location of the trip is still under discussion, but we want to give you a heads up to put on your schedule. The trip is planned for a Teacher Work Day/Student Holiday so that it does not conflict with any instructional time, so your cadets will not miss any school. In order to be eligible for the trip, cadets must be passing all courses, have completed required paperwork, have paid their lab fees, and participated in ROTCTHON. Cost of the trip and trip location will be announced at a later date.
Our annual Awards Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, 3 May 2017 in the high school auditorium from 7:00-9:00 PM. The ceremony will include all cadets, announce their awards earned for the year, present the 2017-2018 cadet staff, and bid a final farewell to our graduating senior cadets. More info will follow as the date approaches.
In addition to the above listed events, we will continue to participate in team events February – April including Orienteering Meets, Field Meets, recruiting trips, and ceremonial color guards. Individual cadets assigned to specific teams will be kept apprised of the latest team events schedule.
As always should you need to contact us regarding any NJROTC matter, please call (352) 394-2100 EXT 5487/5488 or e-mail. CDR Guy's e-mail address is ; 1ST SGT Broderick's e-mail address is .