A Deposit of €20.00 is required per Book. All Deposits must be paid prior to rental. Maximum limit of two books per fortnight rental period. Deposit will be refunded in full on the return of the Book(s) within the fortnight. Any outstanding books after this period will be subject to an overdue fee of €1.00 per day, this charge will initially be deducted from the deposit paid.
4BAutistic Children: One Way Through-The DoucecroftIan B. Ashton
School Approach
The DoucecroftSchool was founded by the Essex Autistic Society. This book describes the techniques used by the school to deal with behaviour problems, communication difficulties and the teaching of life skills, always in close co-operation with parents.
9BLanguage of Autistic ChildrenDan W. Churchill
Language of Autistic children is based on more than a decade of concentrated research at the Indiana University Clinical Research Centre for early childhood schizophrenia where the highly interesting and insightful cases of children featured in this book have been developed over long periods of time.
10BTo a different drumbeat- A practical guide to parenting children withP. Clarke, H. Hofsky, J. Lauruol
special needs.
This book is a book on childcare, with a difference. It is written by parents for parents, and is based on personal experience. It seeks to address the problem areas of those whose children have handicaps or special needs.
11G-F-E-D Autism – The FactsBaron-Cohen & Bolton
This book offers practical advice about Autism in clear and accessible style. It is highly recommended as the best source from which parents and others can learn the key facts about Autism.
12CChildren with Emerald EyesMira Rothenberg
Mira Rothenberg works with Autistic and Schizophrenic children. This book is an account of her most dramatic experiences with them. It is not a compilation of case histories but a story of children in trouble and of the therapist herself who sees and describes them uniquely, with a degree of patience, tenderness and understanding.
15C-DAutism – preparing for AdulthoodPatricia Howlin
This book raises awareness and provides practical solutions to enable recognition, understanding and support to adults with Autism. It aims to inform professionals and carers of what can be achieved by people with Autism in adult life and how to cope with their difficulties and to help those living with Autism to achieve greater fulfilment of their potential.
18C-D-E Autism – Professional perspectives & practices, Vol 17Kathryn Ellis
This book will prepare all those who deal with people who have Autism for the various stages the child will go through. It takes the reader through from initial diagnosis explains the educational needs of the child and adolescent and also looks at specific practical problems.
23BAutism – Explaining the EnigmaUta Frith
This book presents the first satisfactory psychological account of what happens in the autistic mind. Dr. Frith writes in a way that makes her thinking accessible to a lay audience.
31C-DToo many drugs, too little careJane Hubert.
Parent’s perceptions of the administration of drugs prescribed for young people with severe learning difficulties.
41B-CTeaching Developmentally disabled children, The ME BookO. Ivar Lovaas
This book contains a set of programmes that were started many years ago in an attempt to help parents and teachers in dealing with their developmentally disabled children.
49BThe Siege, A Family’s Journey into the World of an Autistic ChildClara Claiborne Park
In 1960 JessyPark aged two, was remote, withdrawn unable to walk or talk yet oddly content within the invisible walls that surrounded her. Doctors were baffled. The study of Autism was still in its infancy. Jessy’s family stepped in. This book, now widely regarded as a classic work charts a surprising journey of discovery as it records the challenges and rewards of the first eight years of Jessy’s life.
62BThe Sound of a MiracleAnnabel Stehli
Annabel Stehli, mother of Georgie persisted in seeking the best education for Georgie, ignoring doom-mongers and harsh critics. Almost by chance, in Switzerland, Annabel Stehli heard of Dr. Guy Bernard’s innovative treatment to normalise hypersensitive hearing (Auditory Integration Training). The treatment was known to benefit certain types of Autistic children. In Georgie’s case the result was miraculous.
64BAutistic Children- new hope for a cureN. & EA Tinbergen
In this book the author’s fresh approach to a phenomenon that, since it was identified in 1943 has baffled parents, child psychiatrists and therapists alike, offers well founded reasons for new hope to many thousands of children and their parents throughout the world.
68BNobody NowhereDonna Williams
The remarkable autobiography of an Autistic girl
81BAutism, a Practical Guide for Those Who Help OthersJohn Gerdtz & Joel Bregman M.D
This book focuses on the variety of services needed and available for Autistic children, adults and their families. The most important message of this book is that while there is no cure for Autism, every child and adult with Autism has the potential to lead a productive and fulfilling life.
82BAutism, Strategies for Change.G. Groden Ph.D, &
M. Grace Baron Ph.D
This is a comprehensive approach to the education and treatment of children with Autism and related disorders.
88BHolistic Interpretation of Autism, A Theoretical FrameworkCheryl D. Seifert
As title.
89BTheories of AutismCheryl D. Seifert.
As title.
91BThe Hidden Child, The Linwood Method for Reaching the Jeanne Simons & Sabine Oishi Ph.D
Autistic Child
This book takes an informative look at Autism and a uniquely successful treatment programme for the Autistic child, developed by Jeanne Simons, a pioneer in the field. Readers of this book share the experiences of Ms. Simons who established a school for Autistic children that is recognised as one of the best in the nation.
98BCitiesStephen Wiltshire
A collection of drawings by Stephen Wiltshire, a highly talented young artist with Autism.
100B- Asperger Syndrome-Practical Strategies for the ClassroomLeicester City & County Co.’s
This book outlines the nature of the underlying impairments and explains how these may give rise to problems in school and provide practical management suggestions.
101D-EBuilding Europe TogetherSeminar & Conclusions
Media campaign to raise awareness on the perspectives opened by the Amsterdam Treaty for disabled persons and their families. Seminar and Conclusions.
105Autism & the Development of MindR. Peter Hobson
This book gives us an insight into the newly emerging area of study concerned with how children understand their social worlds and the many ramifications that this understanding has for their cognitive and social lives.
107BMixed BlessingsWilliam & Barbara Christopher.
This is the story of William & Barbara Christopher and their Autistic son Ned. While Bill was playing the role of Fr. Mulcahy in the television show Mash, only those close to him knew the private drama he was living at home. From the painful recognition of a problem through the agonising search for answers the Christopher’s tell of years of frustration, jostled between hope and despair and how words of Bill Christopher they “somehow managed to have a lot of fun along the way”.
108C-D Autism- An Introduction of psychological theoryFrancesca Happe
This book makes a unique contribution to the literature on this perplexing disorder. It combines a clear introductory account of current thinking in the field; with a balanced overview of psychology theory and a critical synthesis of research work in the area. It will be an essential scientific introduction for all who choose to study Autism in psychology, medicine, speech science and education at undergraduate level and above, while also enlightening both parents and carers of children with Autism.
109CSon Rise- The Miracle ContinuesBarry Neil Kaufman
Part one of Son-Rise the Miracle Continues is the astonishing and poignant record of Raun Kaufman’s development from a lifeless non-communicative child into an active loving and verbal little boy. Part Two tells of Raun’s development after age four and Part Three delivers a deeply moving account of five other ordinary families who used the Son-Riseprogramme to reach their “unreachable” children.
113BA Miracle to Believe InBarry Neil Kaufman
This books follows the story of Robertito, a young Autistic boy who was deemed, ‘incurable’ and ‘uneducable’, and his progress after his parents contacted the Kaufman’s.
131BThe Riddle of Autism, A Psychological AnalysisGeorge Victor
The Riddle of Autism provides an integrating perspective that is needed by researchers, teachers and others, who work with Autistic children. It examines the myths that cloud an understanding of this disorder, explores developmental contributions to it, as well as describes and probes the meanings of its specific behavioural symptoms.
139BGetting Services for your Child on the Autism Spectrum.D. Hyatt Foley & Matthew G.Foley.
This book tells the story of two parents of a child first diagnosed with PDD whose initial experiences with the education system were not unlike those of most parents of a child with a disability. This book describes the experiences in obtaining educational services and information about the disability community, what they learnt from those experiences, and what other parents can do to help their own child. It provides honest and practical advice, which will be invaluable to anyone with a child on the Autistic Spectrum and to all those professionals who work with them.
140BTeaching Children with AutismRobert L. Koegel & Lynn Koegel
This book dispels the stereotype surrounding Autism by providing accurate information on how much children with this complex disorder can learn. It discusses the behavioural characteristics of Autism, available intervention methods and key topics such as spontaneous language, over selectivity, social communication, self-communication and self-management.
146Autistic Spectrum Disorders: An Aid to DiagnosisLorna Wing
As Title
147BAutism – Medical and Educational AspectsPeeters & Gilberg
This book is aimed at the medical and teaching profession. It introduces the medical background to autism and discusses current educational approaches to helping those diagnosed with autism.
149BThinking in PicturesTempleGrandin & M. M. Scariano.
This book, in TempleGrandin’s own words is a story of what it is like to live with Autism, to be among the few people who have broken through many of the neurological impairments associated with Autism.
153D-E Children with Autism, Diagnosis & Interventions to meet their needsTrevarthen, Aitken, Papoudi, Robarts
In this comprehensive study of Autism the authors, balancing theory with practice present a clear picture of what it means to be Autistic and what can be done to improve the capabilities of the Autistic child. They consider the historical descriptions and explanations of the condition, the symptoms and probable causes, the classification of Autism and related conditions, such as Asperger Syndrome.
159B-C Understanding and Teaching children with AutismRita Jordan & Stuart Powell
Understanding the development processes and problems of children with Autism, and the implications of these problems for social and educational learning, is the purpose of this book. The fundamental problems of Autism- relationships, communication, flexibility of thought and behaviour are addressed and practical guidance is offered on how these might be overcome or circumvented in both home and school.
160BWhen the eagles flyJean Collins
A report on the resettlement of people with learning disabilities from long stay institutions.
163B-C-D-EMaking music with the Handicapped ChildElaine Streeter
This booklet is designed to help you make the most of your child’s interest in music as early as possible, by discussing the ways in which music can be used and showing you how to start playing simple musical instruments at home.
164DFloating CitiesStephen Wiltshire
This book represents Stephen Wiltshire’s response to a “grand tour” of Europe. These drawings testify to an assured draughtsmanship and an ability to convey complex perspectives with consummate ease. It is this genius, which sets him apart and confers upon him the status of artist.
170B-CAutistic learning- A guide to good practiceStuart Powell & Rita Jordan
This book demonstrates how a cognitive perspective on the way in which, individuals with Autism think and learn may be applied to particular curriculum areas. It shows clearly how theory can influence practice and sets out new view (i.e. a cognitive one) of the relationship between learning and Autism, and hence the way in which the curriculum must be constructed so as to accommodate that relationship.
176B-C-D Therapeutic intervention in Autism: perspectivesUniversity of Durham
from research and practice.
A collection of papers from the conference held at The College of St. Hild and St. Bede, University of Durham April 1st to 3rd 1996.
178E-FAlternatives to punishment-Solving behaviour problemsGary W. Lavigna &
with non-aversive strategiesAnne M. Donnellan.
This book discusses solving behaviour problems with non-aversive strategies.
179B-C Progress without punishmentDonnellan, LaVigna, Negri-Schoultz,
This book provides an overview of non-aversive technology demonstrating through case histories how appropriate methods can yield positive results even for those with the most challenging behaviour problems. It provides workable strategies for behaviour management, in the new era of community integration. It will be of exceptional value to professionals in the field, as a resource for programme administrators, residential care workers and parents.
180B-C Living and Learning with Autism: perspectives from the University of Durham
individual, the family and the professional.
A collection of papers from the conference organised by the Autism Research Unit, University of Durham, April 7th to 9th 1997.
181BLoners-The life path of unusual childrenSula Wolff
In Loners, Sula Wolf discusses the nature and origins of the difficulties of solitary children and compares them with Autism, Asperger Syndrome and schizoid/schizotypal personality disorders. The book shows the necessity of the clinical recognition of the condition. Loners will help all professionals toward a realistic approach to the treatment and education of affected people, both adults and children.
184BIrish Families under Stress, Vol 16Fitzgerald, Matthews, Birkbeck &
A prevalence and psychosocial study in the Eastern regional Health Authority Area of Dublin.
187BAsperger Syndrome, a guide for Parents & Professionals.Tony Attwood
This book provides a description and analysis of the unusual characteristics of Asperger Syndrome, with strategies to reduce those that are most conspicuous or debilitating, it brings together the most relevant and useful information on all aspects of the syndrome from language and social behaviour to motor clumsiness.
189BCOPING A Survival Guide for People with Asperger SyndromeMarc Segar
This book is written by a person with Asperger Syndrome and is packed with really helpful advise on how to cope with Asperger Syndrome.
193Activity Schedule for children with AutismL. E. McClannahan & P. J. Krantz
Activity Schedules – simple, yet revolutionary teaching tools, enable children with Autism to accomplish activities with greatly reduced adult supervision. An activity schedule is a set of pictures or words that cue a child to engage in a sequence of activities. When the activity schedules are mastered children are more self directed and purposeful in their home, school and leisure activities. In this book parents and professionals will find detailed instructions and examples to help them.
194B-C-D Educational Intervention for Children with Autism, A LiteratureRita Jordan, Glenys Jones
Review of Recent & Current Research& Dina Murray
A guide to Educational Interventions for children with Autism.
201C-D-E Parent Survival ManualEric Schopler
The Parents Survival Manual is compiled from 350 anecdotes told by parents of Autistic and developmentally disabled children and analysed by professional behaviour therapists, illustrates effective solutions to various behaviour problems such as aggression, communication, perseveration, play and leisure, eating and sleeping and toileting and hygiene. Schopler offers the Autism affected family quick reference to solutions of the most difficult behaviour problems as well as systematic behavioural analysis for individualised application to new problems
208C-D Autism: How to Help your Young ChildLeicester Co.Co. &
Fosse Health Trust.
Provides many useful suggestions on how to help children with Autism through, social interaction, communication, imagination and the need for sameness.
211BThe Autistic Continuation, an Assessment & Intervention ScheduleMaureen Aarons & Tessa Gittens
This assessment and intervention schedule for investigating the behaviours, skills and needs of children with Autism and Autism Spectrum difficulties.
213Parents Education as Autism TherapistsKeenan, Kerr & Dillenburger
This book is a useful introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis for parents and professionals working with children with Autism.
215C-D-E Autism & PlayJannik Beyer & Lone Gammeltoft
This handbook describes different play sequences, which encourage the integration of social, emotional and cognitive development in Autistic children. Autism and Play will enable parents to nurture their child’s social and cognitive development, and will inform the practice of professionals working in close contact with children on the Autistic Spectrum.
217B-CToilet Training for Individuals with Autism & Related DisordersMaria Wheeler
This book offers effective strategies for teaching toilet skills and is a comprehensive guide for parents and teachers.
222B-C Autism Spectrum Disorders, An Introductory HandbookRita Jordan
This book is written for practitioners working in the field of Autism and related disorders including Asperger Syndrome. This handbook offers an overview of current understandings of these disorders from a behavioural, biological and psychological perspective. This book is relevant to those interested in development psychology as well as to those who seek a greater understanding of Autism.
223B-C Meeting the Needs of Children with Autistic Spectrum DisordersRita Jordan & Glenys Jones
This book is an ideal companion for students in teacher training, newly qualified teachers or for anyone teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder for the first time in a mainstream setting.
226B-C Sleep BetterV. Mark Durand
This book offers professionals and parents step by step, ”how to” instructions for addressing a variety of problems and implementing widely tested, largely drug free techniques that have already helped hundreds of children with special needs. For resolving bedtime tantrums, night walking, bedwetting, insomnia and other sleep problems, the author makes a number of suggestions.