MIT University - Kresge Auditorium

Dear Friend of GLSEN,

GLSEN Boston, in collaboration with Boston Public Schools, JRI Health, Project 10 East, MAP for Health, Health Care for Southeastern MA and our sponsors the Multicultural AIDS Coalition and the Grass Roots Gay Rights Fund are excited to announce GLSEN Boston’s 14th Annual Conference - Beyond Boundaries. The conference will be held on Saturday, April 3, 2004, at MIT (Kresge Auditorium).

We are hoping that you will present a workshop at this year's conference to strengthen our communities. The conference is an opportunity for more than 600 teachers, students, parent’s school and other community members to spend a day building community and sharing resources to create safer, more affirming schools and communities for GLBT LGBTQ youth, adults, and allies. This year’s conference is more important than ever in light of the State’s funding cuts to the Safe Schools Program and renewed organizing against the LGBTQ community.

The Conference goals are:

  • To build skills within school and community settings to assure respect for all;
  • To bring together diverse voices;
  • To create linkages across school and community settings;
  • To broaden understanding of injustice(s);
  • To problem solve and action plan.

The Conference opens with a keynote; participants then attend three workshop sessions. In past years, workshops have ranged from addressing race and homophobia to reducing heterosexism in athletics to understanding bisexuality to creating safe classrooms for all. Following the workshops and lunch, there will be a performance and closing remarks.

Additional information about the workshop format appears on the enclosed application. Please note that the applications are due on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 2004. Presenters will be notified in early March. If you have any questions, would like to talk over your workshop ideas, or know of someone else we should ask to offer a workshop, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you again for your interest in presenting a workshop at our conference.


Adam Glick

GLSEN Workshop Coordinator

Phone: 617-536-9669

**Please see workshop proposal form attached**


The 14th Annual GLSEN Boston Conference

Beyond Boundaries

Saturday April 3, 2004

MIT University, Cambridge, MA - Kresge Auditorium

Please submit a separate sheet for each workshop.

Name of Presenter(s) (Please include title):


Phone (h)(w)


Workshop Title:

Age group workshop is geared to: Adults ____ Young People ____ Both___

Length of workshop: 65 min. ____ 90 min.____

Would you be willing to offer this workshop more than once if needed? Yes __ No __

Do you have any special audio/visual needs?

Please attach:

1. A brief description of workshop for the program (35 words or less).

2. An outline of the workshop including objectives for the workshop and skills participants will have gained.

3. A brief statement connecting your workshop to the conference objectives.

As always, it is possible that there may be a few individuals in attendance at the conference who are not supportive of GLSEN nor the work to make schools safe for all students, staff and families. Although we do not expect workshops to be disrupted during their presentation, it is important for presenters to know that all information that they present may be heard by unsympathetic individuals and used in a manner other than that intended by you as a presenter. In order to respect the wishes of our hosts, MIT University, we also request that no workshop contain or distribute any sexually explicit materials.

Please forward all proposals via fax, mail or e-mail by February 24, 2004 to:

Adam Glick,

GLSEN Workshop Coordinator

GLSEN Boston

29 Stanhope Street, Boston, MA 02116

Phone: 617-536-9669

Fax: 617-236-0334

E-mail: or