School Chemical Safety Checklist

Building: ______Inspected by: ______

School/Discipline: ______Signature: ______

Location: ______Date: ______

Item √ X Comment

Chemical management system / 1
-does one exist? / 2
-are hazards, safer alternatives, and disposal procedures investigated prior to acquisition of chemicals? / 3
-how are acquisitions entered in the system? / 4
-how are disposals / use recorded? / 5
-how do purchases occur / who orders & receives? / 6
-stock reviewed / stocktakes annually? / 7
Register of hazardous materials & dangerous goods / 8
-central location / 9
-up to date (who is responsible) / 10
-accessible/conspicuous / 11
-widely known of / 12
-includes risk assessments and MSDS / 13
MSDS for all hazardous materials and dangerous goods / 14
-< 5 years old / 15
-WorkSafe Australia format / 16
Chemical Weapons convention / 17
-are substances from the schedules to the convention used? / 18
-who is responsible? / 19
-is the appropriate accounting occurring? / 20
After hours contacts register? / 21
Information package for emergency services personnel / 22
-location of major hazards (chemical stores, toxic gases, etc) / 23
-map / 24
-contacts / 25
-location of fire services, stormwater drains, gas isolation valves / 26
-updated frequently (who is responsible) / 27
Doors labelled to identify major hazards/precautions and responsible contact / 28
Enclosed footwear / 29
Eye protection / 30
Lab coats / 31
Routine disposal of chemicals (monthly/quarterly) / 32
Annual cleanup of work areas / 33
Cleanout procedure at end of work for all students / personnel / 34
Written guidelines/policies/procedures / 35
-do they exist, particularly for more hazardous processes, techniques, substances? / 36
-up to date/regularly reviewed? / 37
-accessible/widely disseminated/conspicuous in workplace? / 38
-followed? / 39
-how are problems identified and addressed, and policies / procedures reviewed? / 40
PPE / 41
-policy / 42
-available/provided / 43
-suitable / 44
-in good repair / 45
-clean / 46
-conspicuously located/placarded / 47
-training provided / 48
Visitors / 49
-does a policy exist? / 50
-is the policy known? / 51
-is the policy followed? / 52
-PPE provided/who is responsible for supply/acquisition? / 53
Inspections / 54
-who conducts them? / 55
-conducted regularly? / 56
-results documented and passed to person responsible for area / 57
-follow up undertaken to ensure action on outcomes / 58
Poisons licence / 59
-is there one? / 60
-who is responsible? / 61
-does it cover all substances used? (esp. CN and HF) / 62
Carcinogens / 63
-any used from schedule 5.4/5.5 of WA OHS Regs 1996? / 64
-permission obtained from commissioner of WorkSafe WA / 65
-policy and procedures in place/disseminated / 66
Health Monitoring / 67
-are substances used which make monitoring necessary? / 68
-who is responsible for monitoring? / 69
-records kept for required period of time / 70
Waste disposal / 71
-water authority permit (is there one, who is responsible) / 72
-what can’t go down the drain? / 73
-solid waste (what goes in the bin) / 74
-biohazardous waste / electrophoresis gels / 75
-chemical waste / 76
-empty containers / contaminated glassware / 77
-solvent waste / 78
-procedures and protocols for labelling, collection, packaging, / 79
-sharps / 80
-specific wastes (ethidium bromide, etc) / 81
Chemical spills / 82
-procedure / 83
-spill kits (special for HF- including Calcium Gluconate) / 84
Fire and safety equipment / 85
-checked regularly (wardens) / 86
-appropriate location and type / 87
-conspicuous/signposted / 88
-accessible / unobstructed / 89
-tested as appropriate / 90
-training provided to all personnel / 91
Fume cupboards tested annually & passed / 92
Training / 93
-requirements identified / 94
-who conducts it? / 95
-what records are kept? / 96
-is refresher training required and provided? / 97
-inductions performed / 98
-who is responsible? / 99
Incidents / accidents / 100
-what has occurred in the past in this area? / 101
-how was it investigated / addressed? / 102
-what was the outcome? / 103
-were improvements / modifications made? / 104
-were personnel informed of the outcome ? / 105
-are improvements / modifications still complied with? / 106
-report forms available for accident / near miss / injury / hazard / 107
Central storage areas / 108
-are gas cylinders individually secured? / 109
-deliveries (arrangements, responsibilities) / 110
-are sufficient quantities of DG held to require a licence from DOME? / 111
-is a there a DG licence from DOME? / 112
-do current holdings and facilities comply with the DOME licence? / 113
-who is responsible for large holdings? / 114
-secure /restricted access / 115
-placarded / 116
-cryogens (LN2,LHe,dry ice) / 117
-policies and procedures for use / 118
-training and documentation of training / 119
-PPE for decanting and use/adequate ventilation / 120
Emergencies / 121
-are procedures in place to deal with emergencies? / 122
-are responses tested, documented and reviewed? / 123
-do all personnel know response procedures and responsibilities? / 124
-are all personnel appropriately trained? / 125
-who has overall responsibility in an emergency? / 126
Transport / 127
-are chemicals/samples transported? / 128
-are policies and procedures in place, disseminated and followed? / 129
-who is the contact for relevant info, have they been trained? / 130
-who is responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance? / 131
-no private vehicles used / 132
-appropriate documentation provided / 133
-vehicle meets requirements and contractors are licensed / 134
First Aid
-is appropriate equipment/kits available, accessible, conspicuous, functional and placarded? / 135
-are first aid personnel available, and their identity and contact numbers known? / 136
-specific antidotes/equipment/protocols and training available for particular hazards (CN, HF) / 137
-ample calcium gluconate available, readily accessible and clearly placarded (if reqd - HF) / 138
-is equipment regularly checked and checks documented? / 139
The University of Western Australia / School Chemical Safety Checklist / Page 2 of 5
Created: January 2009 / Last Review: /
Next Review:

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