Career Grade Progression for Planning Control Officer Post
Criteria Based Upon Qualifications and Relevant Experience
The post holder will be appointed between Salary Band 5 and Band 6. The initial appointment and subsequent progression through the grading scheme will be dependant on a combination of the following qualifications and experience, together with a satisfactory assessment of competencies and responsibilities.
Relevant Experience / Qualifications / Competencies & Responsibilities / Applicable SalaryLess than 1 year / First degree in a planning related subject /
- Undertake the validation of planning applications and associated fees
- Undertake the administrative, technical and monitoring work relating to:-
- The control of development and enforcement and associated committee administration.
- Planning appeals and their documentation
- The designation of Tree Preservation Orders and their implementations
- Other special controls
- Undertake the processing of development proposals (with support from experienced officers)
- Collect evidence in relation to breaches of planning control (with guidance from more experienced officers)
- Inspect and visit sites to ensure compliance with planning legislation
- When required, ensure enforcement action is undertaken in an efficient, effective and lawful manner (with support from experienced officers)
- Liaise with developers and other applicants in pursuit of quality development applications (with guidance from more experienced officers)
- Prepare recommendations and present reports for committee (with guidance from more experienced officers)
- Advise Local Councillors, Officers, members of the public and professionals on planning related matters in person, by telephone and in writing
- Contribute towards the advancement of the planning service
- Assist in the preparation of appeal statements for hearings, inquiries and Court (with support from experienced officers)
SCP 22 - 25
More than 1 year / Either first degree in Town Planning, or a PG Dip / Masters degree in Town Planning / In addition to the above:
- Undertake the processing of development proposals, including those of a more contentious nature (with support from experienced officers)
- Collect evidence in relation to breaches of planning control (with limited guidance from more experienced officers)
- When required, ensure enforcement action is undertaken in an efficient, effective and lawful manner (with limited support from experienced officers)
- Liaise with developers and other applicants in pursuit of quality development applications (with limited guidance from more experienced officers)
- Prepare recommendations and present reports for committee
- Assist in the preparation of appeal statements for hearings, inquiries and Court (with limited support from experienced officers)
SCP 26 - 29