UBS NEWS LETTER April 15, 2008
Issue No. 1
The Universal Booking Sheet (UBS) was brought on line April 29, 2003. The following Law Enforcement Agencies started using UBS:
- Lee County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO),
- Fort Myers Police Department (FMPD),
- Cape Coral Police Department (CCPD),
- Sanibel Police Department (SPD),
- Florida Gulf Coast University Police (FGCU),
- Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Port Authority Police Department (Airport),
- Florida Hwy Patrol (FHP) did not use the UBS, they are using the Florida wide Smart Cop booking system.
The Jail, Clerk of Courts, State Attorney’s Office, AOC Probation, AOC Pre-Trial, AOC Domestic Violence and Public Defender’s Office also have access to the system.
Since that time, the following other agencies have begun using UBS:
- Florida Fish & Wildlife
- Dept. of Environmental Protection
- Florida Marine Patrol
- Div. Of Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco
- Florida Dept. of Transportation
- U. S. Marshall
- Dept. of Fraud
- Florida Dept. Law Enforcement
UBS Help Desk Phone Line – 533-9110
We would like to thank Paul Ackerman and Craig McLean ofthe Administrative Offices of the Courts in manning the UBS Help Desk Phone line for 3+ years. On April 17, 2008, the Help Desk will be transitioned to the CJIS Department. The following people will be answering the phones:
Suzanne Kendall – formerly with FMPD helpdesk, working with UBS
Kris Brooks – has been with UBS since the beginning of time
Stephen Childs – CJIS Programmer, currently in training learning UBS
We will be working on an informative web site and a help page for the officers.
UBS NEWSLETTERApril 15, 2008, Issue No. 1
Fixes and Enhancements
The following fixes will be implemented in the next few weeks:
- The Probable Cause ?’s has been solved and the fix will be implemented shortly
- When there was supervisory approval, the Citation check box mark did not display
- When entering a Clerk of Courts Case number, if there is a defendant letter in the 11thposition, that will now be accepted.
YY = Two digit year
999999= 6 digit case number including leading zeros
XXX = case type including the 11th field for the Defendant letter.
New Change
The Arraignment Date, Time and Location will be auto-calculated on the Notice and Bond Page. This will only be implemented for New Case/New Charges. This will not be applicable for VOP/FTA or Out of County warrants. If you have a different date/time, etc, please have the officer cross off the date/time and we will catch it on the daily review.
Bug Report
Charges Tab
After doing a Copy Report, to edit the charges a user must do the following:
To edit the Charges Tab
Go to View, Press Edit, the screen then goes back to the charges screen, you must do View again and Press Edit to actually edit the charges record.
Also Copy the State field on The Administrative Tab from the Offense Section.
The numeric ten keypad cannot be used to enter the Clerk of Courts Case Number.
These have been reported to the Vendor…..
Future Enhancements
There has been a request for the following:
- When doing a copy booking, also copy the Troop field from the Administrative Tab
- When doing a copy booking, give a prompt to keep the existing case number
- Be able to scan supporting document(s) and attach to the booking sheet.
VOPs/FTAs Bookings
There has been a lot of confusion regarding these bookings.
The Jail personnel are being trained to look at bookings for a Clerk of Courts Case Number on the above arrests. The warrant is attached to the booking and the Clerk of Courts Case Number can easily be obtained from that document(s). Please see the document labeled “Universal Booking Sheet Warrants” which is being sent along with this news letter.
The Jail will send the officer back to a workstation to correct the booking.
To accomplish this:
- Search for the booking that was just created. The officer can search by defendant last name and first name (easiest search).
- Highlight the booking or press Batch print on the right hand side.
- Click the tab “Copy Report”. A pop-up window will display stating “Are you sure you want to copy this record”.
- click ‘Yes’.
The following tabs will need to be completed:
- Administrative tab – verify information on screen / enter any missing information
- Click ‘Done’ when verification is completed
- Defendant tab
- Re-enter Defendant Last name and First name
- Click ‘Search’ to retrieve the correct defendant information
- Click ‘Done’ when completed
- Charges tab – modify the record to add the Clerk of Courts Case number
- Click the ‘View’ link next to the charge to be edited
- Click the ‘edit’ button
- Enter the Clerk of Courts case number in the ‘Clerk Case Number’ field
- Click ‘Done’ when completed
- Probable Cause tab – verify the narrative is correct
- Click ‘Done’
- Supervisory tab
- Select ‘Approved’
- Click ‘Done’
Please note: If you have new charges as well, the Clerk of Courts Case Number needs to be added to those statutes as well. If you do not do that, it will assign a new case number (future enhancement will display a pop-up window).
Out of County Warrants
The statute to use is 901.04. This is the statute that the Jail will accept. Statute 2 is NOT A VALID STATUTE and will be deleted on May 1, 2008. Statute 901.04 will get a case number of “TBA”. That is valid for this statute. Please do not enter a case number for this Statute.
Tips & Tricks
“I can’t find the statutes search screen.”
Chances are, it was double clicked, instead of single clicked and the screen is BEHIND the Booking Sheet Screen. Minimize the Booking Sheet Screen . These buttons can be found in the upper right hand corner. Press the ‘-‘ button to minimize and the middle button to maximize the screen.
“I can’t find a Statute”.
Please contact your Supervisor. All FDLE Arresting Statutes are pre-loaded in the statute table. You can either search by Statute or by a partial description. Please remember when you are search by a partial description, less words are better, it must make a match on the search criteria.
“My report has a status of ERROR”.
Not a problem. That means that it had trouble going to another computer system.
“I just lost my booking report.”
There may have been an interruption in network connectivity or the program. Log back onto UBS. Search for your booking report and pull it up. The page that you were on will not have saved the data. We recommend to periodically save (press Done) on the Probable Cause (Narrative) Page, especially if you are taking time to write the page or are interrupted.
“I approved a booking by mistake”.
Please do not call with these issues. You can either send an email to or call the Help Desk Line in the morning to have us delete it out of the computer systems. Further, if the officers have questions or suggestions, please let tell them to email
If any agency would like training of new officers or a refresher training course, we will be happy to provide that service. Please email the UBS help desk at or call 533-9110 (during normal working hours).