Teacher Notes

D&T Champions

This year young people across the nation are becoming Champions of Change for BBC Children in Need.

Champions of Change is a unique initiative that encourages young people to play a more active role in BBC Children in Need than ever before. By working together to plan, promote and run fundraising activities across the school, they’ll develop valuable skills, have loads of fun and come away inspired and empowered.

Design and Technology, with its emphasis on creativity and making, offers fantastic opportunities for students to rise to the challenge and fundraise to change children’s lives for the better.

What can we do as a department?

Why not encourage your students to put their D&T skills to good use by giving them opportunities to take part in design-related fundraising?

Do you have a D&T Club or Craft Club that could take the lead? Or could you put together a fundraising group made up of your most enthusiastic designers?

The ‘Be a D&T Champion’ cards have been designed for you to pass straight on to your student fundraisers.

The activities suggested are flexible. We’ve flagged possible curriculum links and learning outcomes in case you are a key stage 3 teacher and want to incorporate them into lessons. Why not use a resource for a one-off lesson and then challenge the students to develop it further after school or at lunchtimes? Or you may decide that the fundraising activities are more suited to lunchtime clubs, form time or homework.

Whatever you choose to do, remember that every penny raised is precious. Just one lunchtime activity will make a difference, or if you want to raise more money than ever before why not do all three?!

Idea for a starter activity

Whether students are focusing on fundraising in lesson time, lunchtime or form time, it’s a good idea to begin by reminding them why they’re raising money.

A video introduction

Show the ‘Video 2: Introduction to BBC Children in Need’ https://youtu.be/rifa0GrANuI and ‘Video 3: Where will your fundraising go?’ https://youtu.be/3dvw9ZZ8Fzo

Warn students that they may find some of the children’s stories in the film upsetting and that you are available for them to talk to should they wish.

Had they remembered that BBC Children in Need supports projects across the UK?

Lead a class discussion using the following question prompts.

·  Why do we fundraise?

·  Is fundraising just about money?

·  Have you ever taken part in fundraising activities?

·  Should the government do anything to boost fundraising?

·  Do you think we all have a responsibility to fundraise?

·  How could you support someone else’s fundraising?

Fundraising activity one:

Ready, steady, bake!

Everyone loves a bake sale… Challenge your students to design baked products to raise money for BBC Children in Need. Talk with them about appropriate themes and how they might adapt recipes. Could they design and make products inspired by their favourite sporting champions? Heroes? Superheroes? Pudsey Bear? Or simply classic children’s favourites, such as butterfly cakes, mini-muffins or chocolate krispies? Encourage them to experiment with savoury options, like champion cheesy muffins or superhero savoury scones.

During BBC Children in Need Appeal week, give the students an opportunity to make their designs in lessons, at lunchtime or ask them to get baking at home.

Help them organise break time bake sales for hungry students and staff!

See the ‘Be a D&T Champion – Ready, steady, bake!’ student card near the end of this document for more information to inspire you and your students.

Going to deliver this in lesson time?

Learning outcomes


Possible curriculum links

Students will:
·  Design baked products inspired by a theme
·  Explore and develop a range of design ideas
·  Develop baking skills
·  Make products of a sufficiently high quality to sell / Students will:
·  Opportunities provided to explore issues related to:
Cultural Understanding; Ethical Awareness
·  Abide by health and safety rules when using tools, machines and equipment (Personal Health)
·  Respond to a personal design
challenge in relation to their own
lifestyle (Personal Understanding)

Fundraising activity two:

Make and sell

In lesson time or lunchtime clubs, give students the opportunity to make souvenir products inspired by BBC Children in Need, Champions of Change and the heroes theme. How about asking students to research projects funded by BBC Children in Need in your area and design products to celebrate this work? You could tie the project in with whatever the students are already working on, or could focus on designing and making specific products (e.g. badges, keyrings, bookmarks, LED torches).

During BBC Children in Need Appeal week, hold product sales at break time to showcase the students’ designs and raise money. Make sure you check the quality and safety of products before they go on sale.

See the ‘Be a D&T Champion – Make and sell’ student card near the end of this document for more information to inspire you and your students.

Going to deliver this in lesson time?

Learning outcomes


Possible curriculum links

Students will:
·  Design products inspired by a theme, using skills they have learnt in graphics and product design lessons
·  Explore and develop a range of design ideas
·  Develop making skills
·  Make products of a sufficiently high quality to sell / Students will:
·  Opportunities must also be provided to explore issues related to:
Cultural Understanding; Ethical Awareness
·  Opportunities provided to explore issues related to: Economic Awareness

Fundraising activity three:

Celebration bunting

Harness your students’ textile and graphics skills to create colourful bunting to decorate the school hall for the Celebration of Champions on BBC Children in Need Appeal day. For a small donation, give students a triangle of brightly coloured fabric to decorate using appliqué, fabric paints or embroidery. Ask them to design a picture or pattern inspired by BBC Children in Need or on the theme of champions or heroes.

Sew the bunting together and string it around the hall for the big day. Could you enlist the help of older students or the school’s Craft Club? Or how about selling smaller lengths of bunting on a lunchtime stall?

See the ‘Be a D&T Champion – Celebration bunting’ student card near the end of this document for more information to inspire you and your students.

Going to deliver this in lesson time?

Learning outcomes


Possible curriculum links

Students will:
·  Design a piece of bunting inspired by a theme
·  Explore and develop a range of design ideas
·  Use a range of textile skills, such as appliqué, embroidery and embellishment / Students will:
·  Opportunities must also be provided to explore issues related to:
Cultural Understanding
Ethical Awareness
·  Demonstrate creativity and initiative when developing ideas and following them through
·  Respond to a personal design challenge in relation to their own lifestyle (Personal Understanding)
·  Opportunities provided to explore issues related to mutual understanding

Ideas for a plenary

Choose from the following plenary activities to round off your design & technology fundraisers.

Evaluating your fundraising

Congratulate your students on the total they have raised and give them an opportunity to evaluate their fundraising activities.

·  What happened?

·  What went well?

·  What could have gone better?

·  What would you change if you were to run the event again?

·  How could you have raised more money?

How will the money we raised make a difference?

Share some facts and figures about how BBC Children in Need might use the money the students have raised through their design and technology-related fundraising. For example:

·  £1 helps an 11-year-old who has been bullied to make friends and grow in self-esteem at a local youth club

·  £10 pays for a music therapy session at a hospice where a six-year-old girl with a brain tumour can have some joy in the last weeks of her life

·  £15 helps support a five-year-old girl to feel safe, calm and unafraid as she testifies against her abuser

·  £20 pays for a therapy session for a young boy with alcoholic parents, helping him understand their illness and manage his anxieties

·  £40 helps support a 17-year-old girl who was dependent on drugs to turn her life around and find a job

How much would they like to raise next year?

For more ideas and inspiration, visit www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/championsofchange

Be a D&T Champion – Ready, steady, bake!

Dust off those rolling pins and dig out those aprons – BBC Children in Need bake sales are a great opportunity for creative cooking and fantastic fundraising!

Your baking brief

Design and make baked products inspired by BBC Children in Need and sell them to hungry students and staff at break-time bake sales.

Get creative!

Come up with a range of exciting design ideas then choose your favourite. You could research BBC Children in Need and pick up on the colours and patterns that it uses. Or how about getting design inspiration from the theme of heroes and champions? Look through cookery books to find ideas for recipes that you can adapt.


Here are just a few ideas to tantalise your taste buds and get your creative juices flowing!

Or how about a big pile of children’s favourites?

You’re in charge…

As well as designing and baking, you could take responsibility for organising the bake sales, putting up posters, working out how much to charge, selling the products, counting the money…

Raise more money than ever before!

Sell as many tasty treats as you can! As well as having a stall at break time, why not take a mobile stall round staffrooms, admin offices, departments and outside areas? You could ask for permission to take the sale around different classrooms at form time too. Or check the school calendar to see if there are any events for parents coming up where you might run a bake stall.

For more ideas and inspiration, visit www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/championsofchange

Be a D&T Champion – Make and sell!

Make products and make money! A lunchtime sale can be a great way to showcase your designing and making skills while fundraising for BBC Children in Need.

Your brief

Design and make products inspired by BBC Children in Need and the theme of heroes and champions. Your products will need to look great, as well as being useful for staff and students. You’ve got to make people want to buy them!

Research your design

Research BBC Children in Need for design inspiration. Visit bbc.co.uk/pudsey to find out about projects the charity supports in your area. Could you use these as the inspiration for your designs? How about the theme of heroes and champions?

Get creative!

Come up with a range of exciting design ideas then choose your favourite. What skills have you learnt in product design and graphics lessons that you could put into practice here? Could you use offcuts from other projects to recycle and keep costs down?


Here are just a few ideas – you’ll need to think about what your target audience will want. After all, the aim is to raise as much money as possible for a great cause!

You’re in charge…

As well as designing and making, you could take responsibility for organising the product sale, promoting the event, working out how much to charge, selling the products, counting the money…

Raise more money than ever before!

Sharpen your selling skills and your products are sure to fly off the shelf! Make sure your prices are right so that you make a profit. As well as having a stall at lunchtime, why not take a selection of your products around staffrooms, admin offices, departments and outside areas? Check the school calendar to see if there are any events for parents during BBC Children in Need week where you could sell more of your exclusive merchandise!

For more ideas and inspiration, visit www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/championsofchange

Be a D&T Champion – Celebration bunting!

Bright and brilliant bunting is a great way to create a party atmosphere for your Celebration of Champions on BBC Children in Need Appeal day. Why not turn it into an opportunity to practise your textile skills and raise money at the same time?

Fabric flags

Make a small donation to buy a triangle of brightly coloured fabric.

Get creative!

Decorate your triangle to celebrate whatever aspect of BBC Children in Need or the theme of heroes and champions captures your imagination! Try to use some of the textiles skills you’ve learnt in class, such as appliqué, fabric paints and pens, embroidery and embellishment with beads, buttons and bells!


Here are just a few ideas to get you started.

All sewn up!

Hand your triangle into the D&T department, ready for it to be sewn onto ribbon or tape and displayed in the hall for all to see during BBC Children in Need week!

When will all this happen?

You’ll need to decorate your triangle a couple of weeks before your Celebration of Champions, to leave time for sewing the bunting together.