Monthly Consumer Caseload Report

Regional Center Caseloads by Consumer Status

Through June 2005

Regional Center Diagnosis & At-Risk Infants Active Statuses Prevention Developmental

Evaluation <36 Mos Only* Clients 0,1 and 2 Clients Centers

(status 0) (status 1) (status 2) Combined (status 3) (status 8)

Alta California (364) 506 1,229 11,959 13,694 7 154

Central Valley (367) 456 1,340 11,691 13,487 90 255

East Bay (380) 330 1,160 11,053 12,543 9 327

Eastern LA (373) 254 843 6,239 7,336 0 118

Far Northern (363) 135 482 4,991 5,608 5 46

Golden Gate (361) 205 879 5,740 6,824 312 301

Harbor (375) 407 1,010 7,834 9,251 0 145

Inland (369) 1,228 1,712 17,860 20,800 170 155

Kern (372) 244 581 4,895 5,720 2 164

Lanterman (360) 198 735 5,672 6,605 0 118

North Bay (371) 293 564 5,284 6,141 6 177

North LA (378) 599 1,396 11,388 13,383 8 153

Orange County (368) 552 2,328 11,619 14,499 60 195

Redwood Coast (370) 119 228 2,440 2,787 77 18

San Andreas (365) 435 1,233 8,741 10,409 18 221

San Diego (362) 289 1,924 13,376 15,589 24 190

San Gab Pomona (379) 278 863 8,588 9,729 0 125

South Central (374) 254 934 7,876 9,064 7 104

Tri-Counties (366) 364 1,222 7,595 9,181 3 74

Valley Mountain (377) 459 1,022 7,577 9,058 18 43

Westside (376) 279 710 5,504 6,493 7 80

Totals: 7,884 22,395 177,922 208,201 823 3,163

Total number of diagnosis & evaluation consumers (status 0) not yet 36 months old: 3,652

Total number of active clients (status 2) who are not yet 36 months old: 1,399

* 1,297 At-risk-infants (status 1) over 36 months are not presented

Source: Client Master File of Friday, July 1, 2005 Department of Developmental Services

Data set: DS.SYS.NEWCMF.SAS.G0209V00 Report run date: Friday, July 1, 2005

Monthly Consumer Caseload Report

Regional Center Caseloads by Consumer Status

Consumers Under 36 Months of Age and Other At-Risk Consumers

Through June 2005

Regional Center Diagnosis and At-Risk Active Statuses At-Risk At-Risk

Evaluation Infants Clients 0,1 and 2 36 to <39 Mos 39+ Mos

(status 0) (status 1) (status 2) Combined (status 1) (status 1)

Alta California (364) 251 1,229 99 1,579 78 7

Central Valley (367) 126 1,340 129 1,595 59 2

East Bay (380) 196 1,160 84 1,440 50 1

Eastern LA (373) 58 843 17 918 7 16

Far Northern (363) 26 482 29 537 6 0

Golden Gate (361) 110 879 91 1,080 15 3

Harbor (375) 170 1,010 67 1,247 36 0

Inland (369) 461 1,712 46 2,219 7 2

Kern (372) 110 581 4 695 62 49

Lanterman (360) 58 735 81 874 63 39

North Bay (371) 205 564 16 785 66 9

North LA (378) 320 1,396 138 1,854 121 12

Orange County (368) 427 2,328 207 2,962 78 3

Redwood Coast (370) 37 228 6 271 12 1

San Andreas (365) 235 1,233 67 1,535 52 7

San Diego (362) 3 1,924 50 1,977 85 0

San Gab Pomona (379) 165 863 122 1,150 69 8

South Central (374) 90 934 34 1,058 42 3

Tri-Counties (366) 229 1,222 20 1,471 71 15

Valley Mountain (377) 204 1,022 18 1,244 31 7

Westside (376) 171 710 74 955 76 27

Totals: 3,652 22,395 1,399 27,446 1,086 211

Source: Client Master File of Friday, July 1, 2005 Department of Developmental Services

Data set: DS.SYS.NEWCMF.SAS.G0209V00 Report run date: Friday, July 1, 2005