MP 1 Project
Cell Information Sheet
100 points
In order to relate what we are learning about cells to actual cells in your body, you will be creating an information sheet on one type of human body cell. You will need to research your cell using multiple internet sites to gather your information. Use the rubric to guide you in the creation of your information sheet. Additionally, you will need to find an article related to your cell type and summarize it.
The following parts must be included on your sheet:
1. Copy the data table below into a Word document and complete it using information found during your research. You can turn the paper horizontally if you’d like. Include 3 citations under data table showing where you got your information.
Type of Cell / Location in Body (specific tissue and organ) / Size (µm) / Main functions(what do they do for the body?) / Do they produce any compounds?
(hormones, enzymes, etc.) / Relate structural adaptations ( #/type of organelles) / Lifespan of cell (how often do they reproduce?)
2. Find a detailed picture of your cell. Copy it and paste it onto your Word document. Be sure to cite where picture was found.
3. Draw and label a diagram of your cell on your sheet showing types and numbers of organelles. Show correct shape of cell in your diagram. Use the information from your structural adaptations research to guide your diagram. Labeled organelles should include, but are not limited to cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum.
4. Find a recent article related to your cell type. It can be a recent discovery, research or news event. Read the article and summarize it in one paragraph typed on your information sheet. Don’t forget to cite it.
5. Print out a hard copy to hand in and email an electronic copy to
your instructor with your name in the subject area.
Example of possible layout of information sheet
Requirement / Possible Points / Points EarnedLocation of cells:
Specific tissue and specific organ / 10
Size of cells: Measured in micrometers (µm) / 10
Structural adaptations: Multiple organelles; comparative amounts / 10
Main functions: Described in your own words / 10
Production of products: All important products listed / 10
Replacement rate: Correct lifespan listed / 10
Picture: Correct, detailed picture included / 10
Diagram: Correct in type and amount of organelles and shape. Labeled correctly. / 10
Works cited: All citations correct using MLA format. 3 for data table, one each for picture and article / 5
Summary Paragraph: Relevant article summarized thoroughly / 10
Format: Followed instructions in creating information sheet / 5
Total Score / 100