Criteria review timing decisions in hospital-based early childhood services
ERO decides the timing of the next review based on the outcome of its Education Review of a hospital-based service. Subsequent changes in circumstances may lead to a review taking place earlier than indicated. There are four options for the timing of the next ERO Education Review. The options and associated criteria are detailed below.
The next ERO review in four years
Very well placed to contribute to children’s learning and promote their wellbeing.
ERO will next review the service in four years when it finds that the service is consistently effective in contributing to children’s learning and promoting their wellbeing. High quality performancein relation to ERO’s evaluation indicators for NgāPou Herewill be evident.
The service will have:
• systems that promote stability in staffing, leadership and management
• internal evaluation that demonstrates the service is likely to sustain high quality performance.
It is likely that the service will have a positive ERO reporting history (of at least two consecutive ERO reports.)
In addition there will be evidence of all of the following:
• the curriculum responds very effectively to the interests, strengths, abilities and circumstances of each child
• the curriculum is highly responsive to children’s cultures, languages and identities
• a bicultural curriculum is in place and bicultural practice is highly evident
• there are well-established partnerships with parents and families/whānau that contribute to children’s
learning and wellbeing
• leadership is highly effective in building the quality of hospital play specialists’ practice
• management implements highly effective planning, systems, policies and procedures
• a shared vision focused on high quality provision for children’s learning and wellbeing in a hospital-based
setting is evident in practice
• internalevauation results in continuous improvement
The next ERO review in three years
Well placed to contribute to children’s learning and promote their wellbeing
ERO will next review the service in three years when it finds that the service is largely effective in contributing to children’s learning and promoting their wellbeing. Good performance in relation to NgāPou Here will be evident.
There will be sound evidence of the following:
• the curriculum responds to the interests, strengths, abilities and circumstances of each child
• the curriculum is responsive to children’s cultures, languages and identities
• bicultural practice is evident
• partnerships with parents/whānau are established
• leadership helps build the quality of hospital play specialists’ practice
• management implements planning, systems, policies and procedures
• a shared vision for the service is in place
• internal evaluation is becoming established and results in improvement
ERO will have confidence that the service has the capacity to address the areas where limited evidence or effectiveness is identified.
The next ERO review within two years
The service requires further development to contribute to children’s learning and promote their wellbeing.
This option is used when many of the factors that contribute to children’s learning and promote their wellbeing are not evident or require significant development. ERO will have some confidence that the service can improve with support.
ERO will review the service within two years when it has material concerns about aspects of the following:
• provision for children’s learning and wellbeing
• responsiveness to children’s cultures, languages and identities
• the quality of teaching
• the effectiveness of leadership
• the effectiveness of management
• the effectiveness of governance
• the quality of internal evaluation
ERO will identify areas where the service does not comply with regulations.
If ERO has concerns about children’s health and safety it will decide whether to return early within the two year period or to determine the next review in consultation with the Ministry of Education.
The next ERO review in consultation with the Ministry of Education
Not well placed to contribute to children’s learning and promote their wellbeing
This option will be used when a service is not performing adequately, is not meeting legal requirements and does not have the capacity to make improvements without support or Ministry involvement. ERO will not review the service again until the Ministry of Education is satisfied that the service meets licensing requirements.
There will be significant non-compliance with regulations. ERO will have material concerns about most of the following:
• the provision of a safe environment
• provision for children’s wellbeing
• provision for children’s learning
• the appropriateness of the curriculum
• the quality of teaching
• the effectiveness of leadership
• the effectiveness of management
• the effectiveness of governance
• the quality of internal evaluation
The service’s ERO reporting history will be considered in guiding this decision.
This return time option will automatically be used where there is a high level of concern about children’s safety and wellbeing.
Hospital-based services – June 2017