Alerter Level
Mental Capacity Actand Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Programme
Part 3: Putting in into Practice
Please complete this workbook after attendingthe face to face part of the course.
Signature of person when completedDate
Signature of line manager/colleague when discussed and completed
NB: This workbook can count as part of your continuing professional development for re-registration, if applicable.
“The ultimate test of effective training is whether it benefits service users”
(Horwath and Morrison 1999 p 292)
By now you should have completed half of the alerter level Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Programme: the ‘Getting Ready to Learn’ workbook and the three hour face to face course. This ‘Putting it into Practice’ workbook is designed to give you the opportunity to put into practice some of the material you covered on the face to face courseand to reflect on and enhance your learning. You should discuss it with a colleague or manager when you have completed and keep it as evidence of your application of learning. The final part of the programme is the impact analysis. We will email you and your manger three months after the face to face course with some questions about the impact of the training programme you have attended on your service users.
‘Reflect on your learning’
When you completed the ‘On the day’ evaluation questionnaire at the end of the face to face course, you were asked to state 2 areas that you would seek to improve your practice. What were these?Explain what you have done to implement this learning and what impact this has had on your service users.
Describe any barriers there were to you implementing this learning.
Discuss with your manager/colleague how these can be overcome.
Which, if any, areas you are still unsure of?
Discuss with your manager/colleague how you might address these. Look at the next steps section of this workbook at the end of this workbook.
‘Enhance your Learning: Understanding Lawful Restraint
SCIE has produced a guide on Managing Risk and Minimising Restraint. It outlines what might be described as restraint and explains the situations when it is acceptable to use restraint. You can view this information by clicking on the link below:
Now answer the following questions
1. Describe an example of lawful restraint you use or an organisation that you may work with uses.
2. Describe how it is necessary to prevent harm to the person concerned and proportionate to the likelihood of the seriousness of that harm.
3. Describe the impact it has on the person.
4. Can you think of any less restrictive alternatives that would keep the person safe from harm but would enable them to undertake the activity in question.
The SCIE guide lays out a five step framework for making informed decisions where restraint is being considered: observe, do some detective work, consider the options, implement the plan, monitor and review the plan. Choose one of the people you support who may put themselves at risk of harm if you do not intervene. Use this checklist to consider how your service could respond.Discuss this with your manager.
‘Next Steps’
You have now completed the alerter level safeguarding adults programme. We will be contacting you and your manager 3 months after the face to face course to ask you some questions about the impact of the course on your service users.
If you have identified further learning needs whilst completing this workbook, please discuss how you can address these with your manager or workforce development team. Some suggestions are listed below.
Social Care Institute for Excellence:
- E-Learning – MCA, Personalisation, Dementia, Risk & restraint, Communication, the Law, mental health, Inter-agency working….
- Social Care TV – challenging behaviour and LD, dementia, end of life care, MCA, restraint, nutrition, personalisation, prevention, safeguarding, telecare, autism, carers
- Good Practice examples – share your good practice ideas and learn from others
- Online Portal – easy search facility - get access to social care reports, journal extracts, book reviews, research briefings, websites
- Management Tools – resources on recruitment, leadership and management, health and safety, risk assessment, wellbeing at work, involving people who use services
- Research database – access to information about current and completed research
- Ethics Committee – will look at proposals to undertake research
Social Care Information and Learning Services:
Devon County Council has subscribed to this service and you can use it for free once you have registered. The registration number is 255DEVN – you can then choose your own username and password, which you will need every time you use the site.
- Learning Materials – search by keyword or by Award & Unit being studied
- Qualifications – guide to content of many health and social care related courses
- Personal Development Planner – online record of learning
- Newsdesk – regular updates
- Discussion boards –variety of topics
- Q & A page
- Links to Useful Websites
- Common Induction Standards – resources and evidence booklets
Devon County Council:
- MCA Practice Guidance – FAQs
- Toolkit – resources on MCA
- Safeguarding Training website
- Course bookings-
The Learning Gallery- E-mail: Telephone: 01392-381655
- Variety of mediums - Books, DVDs, videos, CD-roms, journals, training packs
- Variety of subjects – dementia, abuse, ageing, diabetes, law, race, religion, management, person centred planning, anxiety, depression, community care, nutrition, training, deafness, sociology, carers, BSL, health and safety, moving and handling, resources for people with a learning disability and many more…..
Department of Health
- Leaflets, booklets, posters, reports, legislation, statistics - variety of health and social care related topics
- Codes of practice - MCA and DLS
- Training packs
- Films available at:
Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Films – 4 safeguarding films available to watch online, download or order on DVD
- Training Toolkit
- Other safeguarding resources
The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards team are available for individual case advice on 01392-381676
We constantly strive to improve our training to better protect the people of Devon. We would love to hear your feedback. Please email us at: