- Used to request major equipment replacement or additional major equipment items for SES Groups
- One equipment item request per form
Step 1Request Details
Request Date:Region: / Area:
SES Unit: / SES Group:
Step 2Equipment Description
Flood BoatBrand/Model: Savage 385 Jabiru Pro
Stacer 489 Barra Pro
Gemini 420 Rigid Hull Foam Collar
Gemini 505 Rigid Hull Foam Collar
Swift 525
Swift 595
Yamba Supply 599
If the above models have been identified to be unsuitable and Other has been selected, justification and details ofthe SES Groups requirement must be provided below:
Replacement Outboard Motor
Brand/Model: Horsepower:
Flood Boat Registration No.:Maximum Horsepower Rating of Hull:
Rescue Trailer
Type: Single Axle Tandem Axle
Canvas Canopy Pantec Canopy
Use(i.e. storm, traffic control, road crash rescue):
Vertical Rescue Kit (complete)
Hydraulic Road Crash Rescue Kit (complete)
Replacement Hydraulic Road Crash Rescue Equipment
Please specify the replacement Road Crash Rescue Equipment items required below:
Step 4Request Type (please complete the appropriate section)
Request is for Replacement Equipment Please specify the item to be replaced (please provide registration number/s for floodboats and trailers):
What is the reason for the item being replaced?
Equipment has exceeded serviceable life
Costs of on-going repairs is uneconomical
Unsuitable for current task
Damaged (attach report)
Lost/Stolen(attach report)
Does the Group have other equipment matching this request? Yes No Quantity:
Is the request time critical? Yes No
How will operational response be compromised if the request is not fulfilled promptly?
Who will be responsible for the disposal of the replaced item of equipment?
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) Local Government
Request is for New EquipmentThe Groupdoes not have the equipment and it is necessary for an operational response function?
/ Yes NoThe Group does have equipment and it requires additional equipment to effectively undertake the operational response function?
/ Yes NoPlease state the need if the request is for additional equipment:
Step 5Group Statistics
Does the Group have the operational response function(i.e.flood boat response)?
/ Yes NoHow many active volunteers are in the Group?
Does the Group have the appropriate training to operate the equipment?
/ Yes No Training NowHow many volunteers hold current accreditation to perform the function?
How many operational hours in the function has the Group completed in the previous three financial years?
A copy of the latest Equipment Audit should be attached to this request. Has a copy of the audit been attached?
/ Yes NoStep 6Equipment Allocation Year Preference
Please indicate your preference for the year of allocation of the equipment item:2014-15
No Preference
Step 7Consultation
Consultation has occurred with the SES Local Controller or delegate and a Local Government representative and they concur with the request for a (insert equipment description including type, brand and model i.e.Flood Boat Savage 385 Jabiru Pro)for SES Group.
SES Executive (or delegate):
Name: / Signature:
Position: / Date:
Local Government Representative:
Name: / Signature:
Position: / Date:
Step 8Area Controller Endorsement
Name: / Signature:Date:
Additional Comments:
Regional Review
- Used by the Regional Manager to review requests for replacement or additional major equipment items
- On completion this request is to be forwarded to SES Equipment (via email )
Step 9Regional Manager Endorsement
Is the equipment requested endorsed by the Regional Manager?
/ Endorsed Not EndorsedComplete if Not Endorsed
Specify reason why equipment has not been endorsed:
Region has notified the Area that the equipment request was not endorsed:
/ Yes No Copy of equipment request to be forwarded to SES Equipment for information:
/ Yes NoOR
Complete if EndorsedPriority for replacement, new and time critical equipment:
/ HighMediumLow Equipment request to be forwarded to SES Equipment for processing.
Name: / Signature:
Additional Comments:
/ Page 1 of 5 / Date: 05/09/2014 / FBMR 8.0.1 v2 /