Hi from the Lutheran Media Team. Thanks for your support. Please use whatever information you like below in your bulletins and newsletters, or even on your PowerPoint information slides at the start or end of service.

Listen to Messages of Hopeand invite others to do the same. Download or listen online at ( for New Zealand audiences).

1st JulyThe Doctor(Pastor Richard Fox)

Do you like visiting the doctor? For some people the only way you’ll get them to go to the doctor is in the back of an ambulance! Listen in to Richard as he talks about the impact doctors have on our lives and how Jesus is like the best doctor we could ever have.

8th JulyLegless(Interview)

How would you cope if you suddenly lost both your legs? What changes would it bring to your life and relationships? This week on Messages of Hope, Dean talks about his near death encounter with the flesh eating infection Necrotizing Fasciitis.

15th JulyI Don’t Agree(Celia Fielke and Ali Hoopmann)

What do you do when someone has a different opinion than yours? Do you keep quiet, aggressively push back, or just avoid ‘those’ conversations? Join Celia and Ali as they chat about maintaining relationships with people with different values or core beliefs

22nd JulySharing Faith: Vijaya’s Story(Pastor Noel Due)

Where do you turn when you’re isolated, ostracised, grieving and rejected? This week Noel Due shares the story of Vijaya and the message that gave her the courage to go against all cultural beliefs and live a life of worth and love.

29th JulyTake Heart(Pastor Richard Fox)

How do you cope in times of grief and loss? Listen to Richard this week as he talks about where he found comfort in the lonely times of grief.

“Thank you for saving my son!”

Dee responded to your Messages of Hope requesting a booklet about Depression. The booklet helped save her son.

Together we can reach millions of people like Dee and her son with Jesus’ saving message of hope.

You can donate now at lutheranmedia.org.au or call 1800 353 350 to help reach our target of $150,000. Tax deductibility available.

You can read more about Dee in your Messages of Hope and Lutheran Media newsletter. Thank you!

Short Movie Competition

Do you like making short movies? Or know someone who does?

Enter the Lutheran Media Short Movie Competition with a movie under 4 minutes long that shares a story of Christian hope or your favourite bible story in your own style.

Enter as an individual or as a group. The best videos to be shown at the LCA Convention of Synod in October 2018 and shared through social media and the internet. Cash prizes for the best short movies and entries receive a Lutheran Media gift pack. Entries close on the 11th September 2018.

Go to for more information and entry details.

Check out the latest inspiring videos on our Messages of Hope Australia and New Zealand websites and . Have a look at what our ministry and mission is doing. You can download and play these before or after your services. The New Zealand ones are only 30 seconds long and the Australian ones are 60 seconds


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Follow us on Instagram @luthmedia, @messagesofhope1


Enjoy the Happyland website game at . Set up your own character, change them, and take them on an adventure.Stay tuned for the new happyland app that will be launched soon. Checkout the Easter calendar too.

Worship with the St Michael’s Lutheran Church, Hahndorf, SA or Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Toowoomba, Qld at
Can’t attend church?Order your FREE worship DVD/CD by contacting Lutheran Media. FREECALL 1800 353 350