PROJECT UTOPIA - Create a new Village
Why are you building a village? Hopefully, by the time you finish your settlement, you will have a much better idea as to what it takes to establish a community. In addition, you will understand some of the hardships the people had to endure. Finally, you will learn that gaining knowledge and having fun can cause you to create unique and successful projects. This assignment will allow you to choose the grade you wish to strive toward. There are different levels of work involved to achieve an A, B, or C. In other words, the more effort and creativity you bring to this project, the higher your level of achievement will be! You will be assigned a partner to work with on this project. Your first part of the assignment is to divide the requirements equally for each of you to complete. Remember: expect the best from yourself and your partner!
A. Create a mapand key for your town
which includes:
- name of town or colony
- directionals
- milage and directions from 2 large cities
and ocean, rivers
- landmarks (4) (3) (2)
- street names (5) (4) (3)
- landscaping (trees, park, etc.)
Make your project 3 Dimensional in some way .
(Optional for c)
B. Create the front page of the town’s newspaper
which includes:
- headline
- major news story
- weather forecast
- “Dear Abby” column (Optional for C)
- Cartoon (Optional for B, C)
C. Set up the government for your
village including:
- leader of the village
- judicial system (Optional for C)
- law enforcement
- 4 laws (3) (2)
Each group will present their village through a 10 to 20 minute oral report to the class. You are encouraged to dress and speak as the members of the community would.
Activity cited:
Project Utopia Grading Rubric Checklist
- Create a Map and Key for town – (50 points)
____ 1.Original name of town or colony
____ 2. Directionals (N, S, E, W)
____ 3. Milage and directions from 2 large cities and ocean, rivers
____ 4. Landmarks (4) (3) (2)
____ 5. Street names (5) (4) (2)
____ 6. Landscaping (trees, parks, etc.)
____ 7. 3 Dimensional (optional for C)A B C
- Design the Front page of the town’s newspaper – include on PowerPoint or print out and display on document camera (20 points)
____1. Headline
____ 2. Major news story
____ 3. Weather forecast
____ 4. “Dear Abby” column (optional for C)
____ 5. Cartoon (optional for B)A B C
- Government with thorough description (20 points)
____ 1. Leader of the village
____ 2. Law Enforcement
____ 3. 4 Laws (3) (2)
____ 4. Judicial System (optional for C)A B C
______Title page and Table of Contents–(5 points)
______Wiki created for your group –(20 points)
______Choosing a leader – write a one page biography for your
leader (20 pts)
______PowerPoint Presentation –(5 points)
______Neat/Legible/Typed – (5 points)
______Oral report to class – 5 points (speak to the class, don’t just
read to us)
______Utopia defined completely – (5 points)
______Compare/Contrast two to three already established “utopias”
that your group researched (20 points)
______Aspects of your Society (25 points)