2013 YVC-SHRM Board Meeting Agenda

Friday, April 5, 2013



1)Call to OrderDebbie Strever

2)College RelationsPat Reuss

  1. Scholarship Recommendation
  2. Internship opportunities

Scholarship recommendation was sent to Trisha Biggs. There are currently no HR students at Rocky or University of Mary. Announce internship opportunities at Tuesday meeting.

3)Program’sDee Dee Kane & Michele Younker

  1. March-Fred Miller-WorkSafeMt
  2. April-Jim Nys-Legislative update
  3. May-Virginia Lee Mermel – Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice
  4. June-Erin Lambert-Domestic Violence– how employers can identify victims and where to find resources to help employees
  5. July 18, 2013 – David Lusk, Shaping HR Public Policy

Nan Russell will be speaking to ASTD Friday Sept. 20th. Discussed joining this group. Discussion of bringing back Social Media speaker from a couple of years ago.

David Lusk presenting during July. Cost is 17.00. Will be held at Hilton Garden Inn and SHRM National is covering cost of bring him here. Has been submitted for Strategic credits.

4)Treasure’s ReportGeorgia Lukkes

Discussed March Budget . Net income of 704.46 for month.

5)FoundationDera Mitchell(Not Present)

Discussed Dera’s fundraising proposal. Drawing for 300.00 Visa gift card – After July Breakfast.

Drawing for 300.00 Chico getaway – After Nov meeting.

More clarification is needed and proceeds need to go to the foundation.

6)CertificationAlexis Urbaniak(Not Present)

Jeff updated that April, May and June have all been pre-approved by HRCI.

7)Workforce ReadinessSherry Daniels

Discussion of Workforce Development meeting that Debbie attended. Was heavily focused on developing the Vision statement. Took a big picture approach.

8)MarketingJennifer Kraft(Not Present)

9)Membership –Karen/Susan

Asked that the summary of eval’s from the monthly meetings be distributed. Michelle will begin this process. Discussed value of meal at Food Bank. Everyone thought the meal was good, but thought maybe an extra salad should be added. Also discussed adding gratuity to bill. Only 2 people showed up for last month’s coffee gathering. The gatherings should continue because it’s of no negative effect if others do not show up if you want to have coffee anyway. Will acknowledge new members at Tuesday’s meeting.

10)2013 MeetingsDebbie Strever

  1. State Conference – May 15-17 in Missoula
  2. YVCSHRM is asked to contribute toward grand prize – don’t know details yet.

We are donating basket to State SHRM conference. Dewey with the Great Falls chapter is coordinating. We will also contribute money.

11)ByLaws Review

  1. Voting privledges – do we need to amend?
  2. Anything else?

Agreed to change bylaws to include all positions serving on Board other than the previous President position. Everyone agreed. Discussion around how to change the bylaws to make this transition. Can update the Executive Board language or change other language to incorporate this change. Debbie indicated that this needed to be sent to National SHRM prior to becoming effective. Will vote on in future meeting.