é Seneca’s reactions to the Pirates’ quest for the playoffs
é Teacher Spotlights
é Get several musicians together for an improvised jam session
é Create an instructional video: how to play the drums; it could be anything—how to cook eggplant parmesan; how to run without getting tired; how to do a backflip; how to make blueberry pancakes; how to draw a picture, how to play the tuba, etc.
é Interview new IHS principal, Mr. Delp about his new job
é Exciting summer travel stories
é First day of school stories / apprehensions
é Summer movie reviews (movies seen over summer)
é Background on Mrs. Klein and the strings program
é Feature students with interesting talents
é The SV Performing Arts Dance Program—a feature on the program and its director
é Create a PSA on the dangers of texting while driving or talking on the phone while driving.
é A documentary on chemistry lab experiments and chemical reactions / explosions
é Create a PSA in which the roles of teachers & students are reversed to prove some kind of a point.
é Social Studies Current Events—have an outgoing history teacher quickly discuss news each week.
é Series based on new technology coming out
é Music album reviews
é Behind the scenes of marching band
é Movie reviews and student reactions
é Promotional videos for student organizations
é Seneca’s new teachers
é Students’ biggest new school year fears
é weekly or bi-weekly feature on international news
é PSA about studying tips
é Informational video about tips on applying to college
é Behind the scenes of cheerleading / dancing
é Art class spotlight of specific artists or pieces
é Provide information on local charities and how students can get involved
é Ceramics and how a piece is made
é Science-themed video with experiments, etc.
é Ask random people to do their best impersonations of famous people
é Make a very fast-paced cooking show series
é Ask people for summer travel pictures and show them in a montage with music and titles
é Try to get hundreds of students on video, even for a few frames, as a long-term video project.
é Highlight the school’s diversity. Have students speak other languages.
é PSA about embracing diversity
é Seneca’s best pets
é Best dressed teacher of the week
é Extreme sports athletes in our district
é Random historical people of the week; make it funny and informational
é Interview parents about their kids in school and what has changed since their high school days.
é A historical movie about what the local area was like 100 years ago, 1,000 years ago, etc.
é Have students or parents act as restaurant critics, visiting local establishments.
é Interview young kids—little brothers / sisters—and ask them funny questions about high school, etc.
é Gym class documentary following a group of students participating in various activities.
é Ask teachers questions about their school days
é Restaurant review show
é Interview the secretaries about their jobs
é Guidance Counselors’ Corner—guidance counselors discuss important upcoming events.
é District events RECAP—what is going on in Evans City, Cranberry, Harmony, etc?