Geoscience StudentProfile Questionnaire
The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center includes profiles of students currently working toward degrees in the fields of computing, engineering, healthcare, mathematics, science, and technology. If you are a geoscience student, we would like you to consider contributing a profile. The student profiles are especially helpful to other students both at the high school and college levels who want to know what it is really like to pursue a degree in geoscience. We would appreciate if you could take the time to complete a few questions that will provide a snapshot of your university experience. This can help interested studentsdetermine if they might like to study geoscience. To get a feel for other geoscience profiles on SCCC site, just visit There are also profiles of engineering students at
Adding a "profile" is a relatively simple process. We need you to complete the survey below and return it along with a photo of yourself (.jpg or .gif) to . Then, we'll let you review a draft webpage of your profile. This will give you an opportunity to edit again, if you like. Please note that your personal contact information (phone/email) will not be provided on the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center site. If you have any questions, please email .
Profile Questionnaire
Prior Education: (schools, prior degrees if any)
Current Education: (your school, year of study, and degree you are working toward):
School URL:
Q: When did you know you wanted to become a Geoscientist?
Geoscience Student Profile Questionnaire Page 2
Q: What is your college experience like in terms of the amount of time you find you need to study each day?
Q: Are you incorporating any work experiences while you area student? (include both internships/co-ops and any other jobs you may be holding while in school)
Q: How did you prepare for your college experience?
Q: Did/do you have a mentor that has helped guide you thus far? (If so, describe the impact of this person on your education and career plans)
Q: Is there a specialty area you have focused on in Geoscience? If so, what is it, and how did you decide on this specialty? Also, at what point in your college experience did you decide on the specialty?
Geoscience Student Profile Questionnaire Page 3
Q: Is it hard to balance your Geoscience studies with other college activities (entertainment, travel, having fun)?
Q: Do you find yourself studying more in a team situation or alone? Do you have a preference?
Q: What's the hardest thing you have found about your college experience working toward a degree in Geoscience?
Q: What's the most rewarding aspect about working toward a degree in Geoscience?
Q: Do you think you'll continue studying Geoscience, or do you think you'll switch to another area? Why?
Q: Do you have any idea what sort of industry or work you'd like to do when you graduate? If so, how did you find out about this industry or field?
Geoscience Student Profile Questionnaire Page 4
Q: Do you think you'll want to pursue additional degrees after you complete the one you are working on? Why or why not?
Q: Did you think that school will prepare you for the way the work getsdone in the real world?
Q: How many schools offering Geoscience programs did you apply to? How many accepted you?
Q: How did you decide which college/university to go to?
Q: Whatshould high school students be doing to prepare themselves to take on the work that Geoscience undergraduate students do?
Q: What other advice do you have for high school students?