Wisconsin Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals
Annual Membership Meeting
Holiday Inn - Stevens Point, WI
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
1:30-3:30 PM
Call to Order:President Chris Viau
Parliamentarian for the day:Frank Ginther and Bob Matysik
Introduction of New Members:Alissa Grenawalt – New members include Jennifer Russell and Neil Klemme.
Roll Call of Members:by district – 54members present, quorum established (refer to separate attendance sheet)
Additional Agenda Items and Approval of Agenda– None
Secretary’s Report:Secretary, Monica Lobenstein – 2011 Annual Meeting minutes are online. The 2011 minutes were placed on file.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer, Heather Schmitz
a. 2011-2012 Financial Report – A financial summary was shared for July 1, 2011-March 19, 2012. The ending checkbook balance is $5683.70, CD balance of $69,360.90, and 4-H Foundation Endowment (Market Value) of $82,854.70 for total financial assets of $157,899.30. Wimme motion, Winkler second, approved.
Standing Committee Reports
a. Awards and Recognition: Amber Rehberg –Many awards applications were submitted and many awards will be given out at the banquet tonight. Everyone is invited to attend. 6 Tennie Awards will be given out tonight. Thank you to committee members. Awards Committee is considering a Colleague of the Year Award for future years so members can nominate other colleagues. Nomination forms were shared and feedback is requested.
b. Communications: Monica Lobenstein – The Communications Committee has published 3 newsletters and maintained the Association blog site since the last JCEP conference. The group feels privileged to share Association news throughout the year. The winner of the Funniest Word Contest is Paula Huff.
c. Membership: Alissa Grenawalt – Thank you to District Representatives. 111 State members, 30 Life (State) members, 107 National members, 28 Life (National) members. With the numbers we have, we are able to continue to award more service awards.
d. Professional Concerns: Pam Hobson/Donna Duerst – Thank you to the Committee members. The group is drafting a position paper to deal with the amount of work being asked of colleagues. The responsibility chart and position paper have been posted online for review and the Committee plans to move the effort forward. The co-chairs ask that colleagues consider taking on leadership of this project, with support of the committee members.
e. 2012 NAE4HA Conference: Alissa Grenawalt and Deb Ivey – Great conference in Omaha, Nebraska. The upcoming conference is scheduled for October 22-25, 2012 in Orlando FL at the Hilton in Walt Disney World. Plan ahead for the 2014 conference which will be held in Minnesota. The Video Welcome for the 2012 National Conference was played.
Special Presentation from NAE4-HA – Tracy Behnken (NE), North Central Regional Sr. Director – Ms. Behnken presented about opportunities to get actively involved in NAE4-HA on a national and/or regional level. Professional development is also available virtually now. Members are encouraged to update their membership information on the web page using the login information that was e-mailed out.
Winkler motion to approve Standing Committee reports, Moellendorf second, approved.
Other Association Reports
a. JCEP-WI Board: Colleen Pulvermacher/Jill Jorgensen/Dawn Kuelz –Thank you for attending JCEP and welcome. WAE4-HYDP is hosting this year. Feedback is welcomed regarding the 2-day format. A leadership position is available to fill the position that Colleen Pulvermacher will be vacating.
b. Wisconsin 4-H Foundation: Judy Kennedy – A report is posted to the Annual Meeting web page. Kristi Thering-Tuschen, the new Director of the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, was introduced and shared about the activities and changes to the Foundation. The goal is to raise $460,000 to support programs and scholarships. Dates to keep in mind: Northern Golf Outing – June 11, WI 4-H Foundation Golf Classic – July 16, WI State Fair Meat Products Auction – August 7.
c. PILD Conference 2011: Heather Schmitz and Lori Laberee – A report is posted to the Annual Meeting web page. PILD is highly recommended to develop a relationship with legislators and build leadership skills.WI is the only state that brings youth delegates. Currently, President and President-elect have first opportunity to attend. If they are not able to attend, the opportunity is offered to board members, then extended to the general membership.
d. Leadership Forum: Dawn Kuelz – Written report is posted to the web page. Three Wislines were held. Discussions included managed staffing plan, the leadership circle related to changes on the National level, and review of nominations for National 4-H Hall of Fame candidates. This year’s nomination is Jim Bartell.
e. JCEP National Leadership Conference: Alissa Grenawalt and Chris Viau – The conference was held in San Antonio, TX and they had the opportunity to learn about leadership roles, available support resources, and issues arising on a national level. Networking was also an important part of the conference.
VanTreeck moved to approve the other Association reports, Barker second, approved.
Ad-hoc Committee Reports
a. Nomination Committee: Dawn Kuelz/Jean Berger/Barb Barker – Report is published on the web page.52 members voted. Dean Slark will be President-Elect. Sara Gronski will be the next Treasurer. Jackie Johnson and Christa VanTreeck will be the upcoming year’s new District Directors. Still needed: State Staff Director and JCEP WI Board position. Sara Donnerbauer self-nominated for the JCEP WI Board position. Kennedy moved to approve the report (including self-nomination by Donnerbauer), Ginther second, approved.
b. Professional Development Funds: Jim Winkler – 4 members received funds to support professional development. May 1 is the next deadline for funding support requests. Thanks to the Committee members. Johnson moved to approve the report, Gronski second, approved.
Old Business – no old business
New Business
- Discussion and action on 2012–2013 Budget – Heather Schmitz –CD will come due next year. The recommendation is to remove a small portion to support the budget and break the remainder up into smaller CDs that will come due at different times. Some increases were built into the budget expenses to cover things like postage rates and travel costs for expected plans.
- Amendments –
- Increase DSA amount to 3 ($900)
- Pay for the guest of non-members; increase honoree meals ($200); clarify honoree meals in the glossary
- Increase President to National Conference ($1200)
- Grimm moved to approve these amendments, Strother second, approved.
- Laberee moved to approve the amended budget, Creighton second, approved.
b. Appoint Audit Committee: WAE4HYDP Audit Guidelines –Committee of three individuals to conduct an audit of the Association finances – Penny Tank, Lori Laberee, Amanda Kostman. Heather will work with the committee to conduct the audit.
c. Bylaws and Handbook Amendments – Changes proposed to align the Association’s bylaws and handbook with Robert’s Rules of Order and current practice. Tarjeson moves to approve the changes as presented, Kostman seconded. Article 5, Section 4 – Treasurer is spelled wrong. Article 5, Section 2 – Number of representatives on special committees should be 10% of membership. Motion approved with noted changes.
d. Regional Realignment and Board of Directors – Table Discussions – Proposals were provided on the table. Vote will occur this fall (date to be determined) to approve the final structure for the regional realignment. Membership discussed at tables and provided feedback on the handouts or notecards collected at the end of the meeting.
Passing of the Gavel:Chris Viau – Viau shared the story of the history of the gavel. He presented Grenawalt with the official gavel of the Association.
Installation of New Officers and Directors:Dawn Kuelz – Kuelz conducted the installation of new officers and directors and presented Viau with a plaque thanking him for his service as President.
The Year Ahead Alissa Grenawalt, 2012–2013 WAE4-HYDP President – Grenawalt gave his first official address and shared a vision for the year ahead. She presented a gift to Viau to thank him for his service as President.
Adjourn – Winkler moved to adjourn, Moellendorf second, approved.