Recent Deaths: William (Willie) O’ Connell, Tullig, Castleisland, and formerly ofCordal.

Micheál Knightly, Cloghers, Ballyard, Tralee

Masses during the week:

Sat. Vigil 8.00pm - Clogher, Mamie and Patrick Scanlon, Maugha (Anniv.)

Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, William and Mary Sugrue, O’ Brennan (Anniv.)

11.30am - Clogher, Fr. Dan O’ Doherty (1st Anniv.)

Mon. 10.00am - Clogher, Madge Cronin (Crotta), Recently Deceased.

Tues 10.00am - Clogher, George Bastible, Nohoval (Anniv.)

Wed. 10.00am - Ballymac, Special Intention.

Thurs 10.00am - Clogher, Special Intention.

Friday 10.00am - Clogher, Special Intention + Adoration at 9.30am

Sat. 10.00am - Ballymac, Larry Hussey, Caherslee, Tralee, and formerly of O’

Brennan, Kielduff (Month’s Mind).

Sat. Vigil 8.00pm - Clogher, Jerry and Margaret Herlihy, Kielbawn (Anniv.)

Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, Donal Daly (19th Anniv.)and his son Danny, Clashatlea

11.30am - Clogher, John O’ Leary, Knockavinnane (1st Anniv.)


Rota in Clogher & Ballymac Churches for 16th /17th July.

Ministers of the Word : 8.00pm - Orla Keane / 11.30am Esther O’ Connor

Eucharistic Ministers; 8.00pm - Madeline, 11.30am – Anne

Ballymacelligott: 10.00am - Kay Canavan.

Altar Servers: Team D: 8.00pm - Oonagh O’ Keeffe, Roisín Dowling & Laura Daly.

Team E: 11.30am - Alusin Jah, Dara Lynch & Dylan Dunne Moriarty

Ballymacelligott : 10.00am - Rachel , Paul and Áine.

Offertory Collection : Weekend Total = €1, 082.20 of which Weekly Parish Envelopes

= € 766.90

Sick and Retired Priests : The Annual Collection for the Sick and Retired Priests will be

taken up at all Masses this weekend. This fund provides for the maintenance of priests of the Diocese who are now retired after many years of ministry or who become ill during their ministry. Your generous support of this collection is most appreciated by Bishop Murphy and the priests of the Diocese. Sincere thanks to all who contribute to this collection by standing order. Your generous support is very much appreciated.

If you wish to contribute by Standing Order, please contact Fr. Pat.

Safeguarding children in the Diocese of Kerry: Our Parish Representatives are Bobby

Fitzgerald, Kathleen Griffin, Anne Kenny and Ellen Lynch and they can be contacted at (087) 9955477 or (087) 6333885 or (066)7137276 or (066) 7137236. We are greatly appreciative of their serving our parish in this very important area and we ask the Lord to reward them for such.

Cemetery Masses :

Rath Cemetery, Tralee : Wednesday, 13th July 2011, at 7.30pm

Clogher Cemetery : Tuesday, 2nd August 2011, at 7.45p.m. The Rosary will be recitedbeforehand at 7.30p.m..

Nohoval Cemetery : Wednesday, 3rd August 2011, at 7.45p.m. The Rosary will be recited beforehand at 7.30pm.

Ballyseedy Cemetery : Monday, 29th August 2011, at 7.30pm preceded by the Rosary at 7.15pm.

Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession

Our 4th Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession took place last Sunday week, 26th June 2011, and, in the opinion of most, if not all, of those who participated in it, it was the best so far! Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch, P.P., would like to thank all those who helped to make it such a pleasant and prayerful experience for all who took part. He would like to thank in particular Bobby Fitzgerald and Tony Riordan who helped with the all-important stewarding and helped to take care of the First Communicants. It was lovely to see these children dressed up once again in their First Holy Communion dresses and outfits, and the girls did an excellent job in spreading the rose petals in front of the Blessed Sacrament prior to the Benediction down in Clogher Cemetery! Fr. Pat would also like to thank Noel Keane for helping with the sound and Tom Horan for providing the red carpet leading up to the altar in the cemetery.

Special thanks to Sr. Bernardine and the choir members who turned up, for they greatly enhanced the celebration with their singing and they also led us in the recitation of the Rosary . We are particularly grateful to the 5 altar servers who participated and whose help was invaluable : Claire Kenny, Aine Rice, Alusin Jah, Joseph and Eoin O’ Callaghan. Special thanks too to Tom and Mary McCarthy for putting up the colourful bunting and flags at the church and at the cemetery and for helping along with the Clogher Cemetery Committee to have the altar area looking so well! Fr. Pat would also like to compliment Madeline Woulfe and her household who put up a beautiful altar in order to welcome Jesus as He passed in front of their home. It was great too to have the canopy again this year for the Blessed Sacrament and thanks are extended to Patsy Scanlon, John O’ Connor, Tom McCarthy and John Rice who helped to carry it over the Blessed Sacrament, carried by Fr. Pat himself, from the church to the cemetery.

Finally, thanks are extended to everyone else who helped in any way and to all who participated in the procession, making it such a memorable occasion on a really lovely, sunny summer’s day, and, for that, we thank the Lord Himself!

Ballymacelligott Community Alert Group: The group is currently operating a “warning Text”system. If you are on the system, all you need do to send a text is, begin it with “BALLYMAC” in capital letters, and send it to 50123. You need to be registered on the systemto receive or send texts. If you wish to join the system contact Fionnán Fitzgerald, Rathanny or Pat Dowling, Maglass.

Ballymac St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society: They wish to thank everybody who went on the Annual Pilgrimage to Knock. We hope it was a spiritual and enjoyable experience.

Irish Blood Transfusion Service : This will be in the Brandon Hotel, Tralee, Monday 11th July 2011 5pm – 8.30pm.Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 2pm – 5 pm & 7pm – 9pm. 12th – 14th July 2011, so come along and give blood.

Medjugorje Irish Centre Grand Prize : Every month for a year Medjugorje Irish Centre is giving away one weeks free apartment accommodation for up to 4 people. Text the word pilgrim followed by your name and country to 53030 or phone 048 82241888 and you will be entered into the draw for free. Special Introductory offer €260 package.


Society of St. Vincent De Paul : S.V.P. shop at Friary Lane, Tralee would be very grateful for any donations of clothes or unwanted gifts. They are dependant on peoples generosity so please support their shop which is now open on Saturdays from 12 to 4pm.Tel 7122706. For assistance, don’t hesitate to contact them at 0877848825.

North Kerry Padre Pio Pilrimage to Italy: This will take place from 3rd October 2011 until10th October 2011. It will include 2 nights in Rome, 3 nights in San Giovanni Rotondo and 2 nights in Assisi. Spiritual Director :Fr. Pat Crean –Lynch. To book a place or get more information contact the Group Leader Bernadette Hanrahan at 087-6019474.

Youth 2000 Summer Festival, Clonmacnois, Co. Offaly, Thursday 4th – Sunday 7th August 2011. For young people age 16 – 35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet many new friends. Donations only. Free buses available from around the country. For more information, contact 085 8289231 or 01 6753690, or book online:

Kerry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Bishop Bill Murphy, September 2 – 7th . Some seats still available. Contact Janice 064 7758219 Mobile 086 6030197

E-mail :

Tuscany, Italy: September 19th – 26th fully escorted tour with highlights of Florence, Pisa, Assisi, Viareggio & Rome. Spiritual Director : Mgr. Dan O’ Riordan. Coach from Kerry to and from Cork Airport. Contact Mary O’ Carroll on 7125898 or Premier Travel on 021- 4277700.

Tralee Pilgrimage to Lourdes :October 2nd – 7th. Direct flight from Kerry Airport. Spiritual Directors: Fr. Kieran O’ Brien and Fr. Brendan Walsh. Contact Sol Travel, Tralee on 066 7185940.

The New Missal : The new translation of the Roman Missal, will be introduced in parishes from the First Sunday of Advent, November 27th 2011. Among other things, the revised Missal will include updated translations of existing prayers, including some of the well-known responses and acclamations of the people and will also include prayers for the observance of recently canonised saints e.g. St. Pio of Pietrelcina, and the National Proper of Ireland.

The implementation of the new translation will be a challenge. From September 11th , the new translation will be available in your parish newsletter and parishioners will have an opportunity to become familiar with the new phrases of our prayer. The changes for the congregation are not too many, but nonetheless, it will take time to become familiar with them. Copies of the changes for people are now available in your parish church.

Our period of intense preparation from September - November 2011 will allow us all to begin to know and use the new translation, as well as deepen our understanding of our celebration of the Eucharist. During the months of September and October, there will be meetings in each of the 12 pastoral areas of the diocese, offering people support and guidance for the successful introduction of the Missal at local level.

A workshop for choirsand musicians will be held on September 29th and will provide new settings for the parts of the Mass, as well as new music for Advent and Christmas. For more information and background to the new translation of the Missal, check out

MA in Christian Leadership in Education: Mary Immaculate College is offering an exciting and timely new professional qualification programme entitled MA in Christian Leadership in Education. Sponsorship of up to €2000 available to suitable applicants.

For further information and full list of entry requirements see

Kerry Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference: Copies of the Irish Bishops’ pastoral “TowardsHealing and Renewal” can be found in both Churches. Please feel free to take home a copy!

Permanent Diaconate :

The Diocese of Kerry is continuing to invite applicants for the Permanent Diaconate. At present three applicants are in the preparatory programme. Deacons serve in their local parishes by assisting the Priest in the celebration of the Eucharist, preaching the Word of God, celebrating Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals and in the Ministry of Charity in various forms. If you are a single man, age 25- 55, or a married man, age 35 - 55 and are interested please contact Fr. Eoin Mangan, The Presbytery, Knocknagoshel, Co. Kerry. 087-2401201. Email :

Parish Newsletter: Our Parish Newsletter is now available on the Diocesan Website.

Visit and go to “Find your Parish” looking for Ballymacelligott.

Altar Servers:.

Team D : Oonagh O’ Keeffe, Roisín Dowling & Laura Daly.

Team E: Alusin Jah, Dara Lynch & Dylan Dunne Moriarty

TeamA: Amy Wharton,Máireád, Marie, & Gerri.

Team B:Thérese Keane, Claire Kenny, Ciara Curran.

Team C: James and Tommy Brosnan and Dáire Keane