Wednesday, March 5, 2014
9:30 a.m...... Coffee & Pastries
(ComplimentsofSchneider Electric)
10:00 a.m...... Regional Advisory Committee Meeting
Hickory, Laurel & Magnolia Rooms
1314 Hines Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78208-1899
Regional advisory EXECUTIVE committee for 2013-2014
Dr. Brian Gottardy, Chairman
Dr. Willis Mackey, Vice-Chairman
Mr. Richard Grill, Class A Representative
Dr. Gail Siller, Class AA Representative
Ms. Michelle Carroll Smith, Class AAA Representative
Dr. Jose A. Cervantes, Class AAAA Representative
Dr. Brian Woods, Class AAAAA Representative
Dr. Greg Gibson, At-Large Representative
Dr. Guillermo Mancha, At-Large Representative
Mr. Arturo Suarez, Charter Representative
Mrs. Linda McAnelly, Commissioner’s Cabinet Representative
Item No. / Subject / Supporting DataApprove Minutes of Meeting / Copy of Minutes
Introduction of Superintendents New to the Region
--Mr. Michael Moretta, Superintendent, City Center Health Careers
--Ms. Jessica Rae Sanchez, Superintendent, Henry Ford Academy San Antonio
--Mr. Rolando Posada, Executive Director, IDEA Carver Charter School
--Ms. Berta Martinez, Director, Premier High School of San Antonio
--Mr. Abelardo Saavedra, Interim Superintendent, South San Antonio ISD
Legal Update
--Ms. Katie Payne
Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Green and Trevino, P.C.
Social Media and the Educators’ Code of Ethics
--Dr. David Thompson, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy, UTSA
Community Engagement Tool
--Mr. Lance Johnson, Superintendent, Randolph Field ISD
Superintendent Briefing Handout (Hot Topics of Interest)
--ESC-20 Staff
Committee Reports and Opportunities for Input
Commissioner’s TASA Cabinet of Superintendents
--Mrs. Linda McAnelly, Superintendent, Devine ISD
TASA Executive Committee
--Dr. Kevin Brown, Superintendent, Alamo Heights ISD
Fast-Growth School Coalition
--Dr. Greg Gibson, Superintendent, Schertz, Cibolo, UC ISD
ESC-20 Updates
--Dr. Ronny Beard, Executive Director, ESC-20
Items of Concern to Superintendents
After RAC Sessions
Lunch - Compliments of Gravely & Pearson, L.L.P
Mentoring and Induction Support for New Teachers
--Dr. Carolyn Castillo, Component Director, ESC-20
--Ms. Jayme Presley, Educational Specialist, ESC-20 / Hickory, Laurel, Magnolia Room
Communities in Schools – Range of Services, Program Outcomes and Return on Investment
--Mr. Rufus Samkin, CEO
Communities in Schools / Pine Room
1314 Hines Avenue
San Antonio, Texas
January 8, 2014
The Regional Advisory Committee of Education Service Center, Region 20 convened in regular session at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 in the ESC-20 Conference Center. Dr. Brian Gottardy, Chairman, presided and the following members were in attendance:
Mr. David Stelmazewski, Boerne ISD
Mr. Cody Newcomb, Center Point ISD
Mr. Mario Sotelo, Charlotte ISD
Dr. Jack R. Seals, Jr., Cotulla ISD
Mr. Scott Higgins, D’Hanis ISD
Mrs. Linda McAnelly, Devine ISD
Mr. Gilberto Gonzalez, Eagle Pass ISD
Dr. Jose A. Cervantes, Edgewood ISD
Mr. Tylor Chaplin, Falls City ISD
Dr. Sherri Bays, Floresville ISD
Dr. Gail Siller, Fort Sam Houston ISD
Mr. Rey Madrigal, Harlandale ISD
Dr. A’Lann Truelock, Hondo ISD
Dr. Crystal Dockery, Hunt ISD
Dr. Bobby Templeton, Ingram ISD
Dr. Willis Mackey, Judson ISD
Mr. Jeff Cottrill, Knippa ISD
Ms. Linda Bettin, La Vernia ISD
Ms. Michelle Carroll Smith, Lytle ISD
Dr. Jack Cockrill, Medina ISD
Dr. Guillermo Mancha, Jr., Natalia ISD
Dr. Esthela R. Allison, Pearsall ISD
Mr. Scott Caloss, Poth ISD
Mr. Lance Johnson, Randolph Field ISD
Mr. Richard Grill, Sabinal ISD
Dr. Greg Gibson, Schertz, Cibolo, UC ISD
Dr. Kenneth Matthews, School of Excellence
Mr. Saul Hinojosa, Somerset ISD
Mr. Ricardo R. Vela, Southside ISD
Dr. Lloyd Verstuyft, Southwest ISD
Mr. Paul Darilek, Stockdale ISD
Also present were:
Ms. Akenese Iosefo, Academy of Careers & Technologies
Dr. Dana Brashara, Alamo Heights ISD
Mr. Orlando D. Montan, ARAMARK
Ms. Catherine Thorne, ARAMARK
Ms. Nora Mozingo, Brooks Academy
Ms. Belinda Granados, Brooks Academy
Mr. Eddie Ramirez, Edgewood ISD
Ms. Lilia Nanez, Edgewood ISD
Mr. Paul Holzhaus, Medina Valley ISD
Mr. Ernest Moreno, New Frontiers Charter
Ms. Allana Hemenway, Randolph Field ISD
Dr. Charles Breithaupt, UIL
Dr. Jamey Harrison, UIL
Dr. Toni Barrett-Druilhex, University of Phoenix
Dr. Sharon Michael-Chadwell, University of Phoenix
Dr. Sara Bixler, University of Phoenix
Dr. Steve Dane, University of Phoenix
Dr. David Thompson, UTSA
Ms. Paula Renken, ESC-20
Ms. Dee Ann Drummond-Estlack, ESC-20
Ms. Tori Austin, ESC-20
Mr. Larry Stavinoha, ESC-20
Dr. Jeff Goldhorn, ESC-20
Ms. Beverly Meyer, ESC-20
Ms. Sherry Marsh, ESC-20
Ms. Janna Poth, ESC-20
Ms. Yvette Gomez, ESC-20
Dr. Carolyn Castillo, ESC-20
Item 1 / OPENING REMARKS / Dr. Brian Gottardy, ChairmanItem 2 / APPROVE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 2013 MEETING / Dr. Gottardy called for additions or corrections to the Regional Advisory Committee minutes of December 4, 2013 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dr. Willis Mackey. After a second was made, the minutes were unanimously approved.
Item 3 / INTRODUCTIONS OF SUPERINTENDENTS NEW TO THE REGION / Mr. Mario Sotelo, Superintendent, Charlotte ISD and Dr. Jack Cockrill, Interim Superintendent, Medina ISD were introduced.
Item 4 / UIL PRESENTATION / Dr. Charles Breithaupt, UIL Executive Director and Dr. Jamey Harrison provided information on travel issues and ask for suggestions regarding grouping. They also addressed questions.
Item 5 / DEMOGRAPHICS PRESENTATION / Mr. Bob Templeton, Templeton Demographics, provided a PowerPoint presentation, Region 20 Past-Present-Future – Are You Ready? The PowerPoint may be found on this link:
Item 6 / SUPERINTENDENT BRIEFING HANDOUT / Ms. Yvette Gomez reviewed the January 2014 Superintendent Briefing document pointing out the highlights.
Item 7 / COMMITTEE REPORTS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR INPUT / Commissioner’s TASA Cabinet of Superintendents – Mrs. McAnelly reported that the meeting was scheduled the next day. She asked Superintendents to contact her with concerns to take to the Cabinet.
TASA Executive Committee – Dr. Dana Brashara spoke on behalf of Dr. Brown regarding the TASA Executive Committee.
Fast-Growth School Coalition - Dr. Greg Gibson, Vice-Chair spoke briefly on the Fast-Growth School Coalition.
ESC-20 Updates – Dr. Beard spoke about the Commissioner’s Rules and CSCOPE Issues. He also reminded everyone to register with TASA for the Alan November series and stressed the importance of primary election voting.
Item 8 / OTHER / Thanks to ARAMARK for providing breakfast.
Item 9 / ADJOURNMENT / The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Chairman or Member of the Executive Committee