Inner/Outer Circle Seminar

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl

  1. Read:Read the assigned text.
  2. Preparation: Write three upper level questions (see last page of packet) for discussion from the reading and any other information you have on the topic from class lectures, book readings, and on-line research.
  3. Prepare three questions
  4. On the front of the index card write your question
  5. On the back write a thesis (answer) statement of no more than 2 sentences
  6. Beneath the thesis list pieces of evidence from your resources to support your answer

***all students should have a total of (3) cards.

  1. Inner Circle:½ to 1/3 of the class will be chosen to form the inner circle and begin the discussion
  2. The teacher will choose a chairperson to facilitate the discussion
  3. The teacher will choose one of the prepared questions to begin the discussion
  4. Students in the inner circle are to discuss the question
  5. Students do not raise their hands
  6. Students speak one at a time
  7. No talking over another student
  8. No yelling
  9. Wait until someone has finished then present your ideas
  10. Keep eye contact with each other- look at who is speaking; do not look at the teacher
  11. Do not monopolize the conversation
  12. All students need to participate – answer a question or add to discussion with proof or if they challenge another students answer with their own evidence
  13. Using the text during this activity is required; being prepared with text, referencing text, and looking up specific text is essential
  14. 7 minutes will be the time limit on the discussion of any one question
  15. When discussion ends and no students propels discussion with a new question, the teacher will select a new question from the index cards or previously prepared questions.

Inner Circle Rubric/Expectations

Answers to Teacher Prepared Questions / 3 Index cards for each question
Higher order questions, answers, and text evidence / Responds
Answers at least three questions with correct answers and evidence / Asks/Probes
Asks questions of others in the groups and probes for deeper answers / Text/Evidence/Reference
Gives relevant evidence from sources to support statements / Etiquette
No talking over others
Waits turn
Respects others
No hogging the discussion
  1. Outer Circle:The outer circle takes notes on the information presented by the inner circle
  2. Outer circle members may only challenge the inner circle if they are giving incorrect information – but must take the hot seat to do so and provide evidence to support the ideas
  3. Outer Circle Response Activity:
  1. LISTEN to the inner circle discussion. You will lose points by showing that you weren’t paying attention to the discussion, doing other work, doodling, talking, etc.
  2. Highlight questions on your paper if it, or something similar, is asked. Summarize the answer given by the inner circle.
  3. Choose to answer one question from the discussion that you feel wasn’t answered well enough, referencing the discussion.
  4. Turn in at the end of the discussion:
  5. Write your favorite question of the discussion?
  6. What did you like about this question?
  7. Describe the answer you thought was the best balance between evidence and commentary?
  8. Why is it a good idea to balance evidence and commentary?
  9. Write an answer you would have liked to discuss had you been a part of the circle. Make sure you refer to the question and add evidence and commentary.
  10. YOUR NOTES ARE DUE TO ME AT THE END OF THE CLASS. They should be extensive and complete.

Outer Circle Rubric/Expecations

Highlighting and Summarizing
Engage in questions asked on your paper / Improve
Answers at least three questions with correct answers and evidence / Favorite Question
Answer one question that was not sufficiently answered / Evidence and Commentary
Answers the questions regarding the balance needed / Text/Evidence/Reference
Gives relevant evidence from sources to support statements / Etiquette
No talking
No whispering
No off task behavior / Total