SAWS Consortium IV JPA Meeting Minutes

August25, 2016

Location:C-IV Project – Sutter Room

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Members present via teleconference:

Region 1 - Susan von Zabern, Riverside County DPSS Directorand Vice Chairperson

Region 2 – Linda Haugan, San Bernardino County HSA Assistant Executive Officer

Region 3 – Dena Murphy, Kern County DHS Director

Region 4 – Kathy Harwell, Stanislaus County Community Services Agency Director

Region 6 – Mike Dent, Nevada County Dept. of Social ServicesDirector

Region 7 – Eric Nielson, Lassen County Community Social Services Director

Members present:

Region 5 – Scott Pettygrove, Merced County Human Services Agency Director and Chairperson


Tom Hartman, C-IV Project Director

Additional Attendees:

Karen Rapponotti, Kristine Dudley, Raychelle Menefee, Dan Dean, Liz Grisham, Lisa Salas, Nichole Nava, Jenny Rutheiser, Dan Kohn, Joe Mendoza, Martha Zepeda, Jennifer Hobbs, Danielle Benoit, Shenifer Malloy, Scot Bailey, Kim Lamb, Rosalie Ngo, Sean Swift and Jon Burkett.

Additional Attendees via teleconference:

Phebe Chu, Rich Wyde, Lori Harrah, Dena Abrahamian, Christiana Smith, Tabatha Albers, Raquel Givon and Dorothy Avila.

  1. Chairperson Scott Pettygrove convened the meeting at 10:01a.m.
  2. Public opportunity to speak on any Item NOT on the agenda
  3. None.

JPA Board Action Items

  1. Approve the Minutes of the July28, 2016, JPARegular Board Meeting and Update of Action Items

Summary: The Consortium is seeking Board approval of theJuly28, 2016 JPARegular Board Meeting Minutes. Prior to approval, Tom Hartman will review the status of any outstanding Action Items from the Minutes.

Action Items from previous meeting:

Action Item 1- as needed

Action Item 2- Complete

Action Item 3- Due Next Board Meeting

Action Item 4- Closed

Motion to Approve was made byMember Dena Murphy.

Motion was seconded by Member Kathy Harwell.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Change Order CO-015 – LRS, Revision 3 – pending funding approval

Summary: This Change Order encompasses the additional effort required to provide Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services for the C-IV Joint Collaboration of the Los Angeles Eligibility Automated Determination Evaluation and Reporting (“Leader”) Replacement System (“LRS”).

This Change Order Revises Change Order CO-15, Rev. 2 which was approved on May 24, 2016.

Revision 3. Adjustments are needed to the costs associated with the Services of the First Data QA Team due to extension of the support of LRS implementation through June 30, 2017. This Change Order includes an additional 5,757 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team and increases the Change Order costs by $433,224.

Total Change Order Cost:

All costs associated with this Change Order are accounted for in the SFY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved on July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Member Dena Murphy.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Fist Data Change Order CO-016 – CalHEERS, Revision 8 – pending funding approval

Summary: As mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (the “Affordable Care Act”), the California Health Benefit Exchange (the “Exchange”) must develop and implement a new web portal and eligibility and enrollment system to simplify and streamline the delivery of health coverage to individuals, families and employers in the state of California. The California Healthcare Eligibility, Enrollment and Retention System (“CalHEERS”) is the Exchange’s system for supporting the implementation and ongoing business of the Affordable Care Act.

One of the functional requirements for CalHEERS, as described in the CalHEERS-SAWS-MEDS Interface Business Services Definition, dated October 29, 2012, is that it must interface with each SAWS system to provide data for potential Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income (“MAGI”) Medi-Cal cases or applicants potentially eligible for other programs such as California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (“CalWORKs”) and CalFresh. As a result, enhancements to the C-IV System are required to support the enactment of Affordable Care Act via an interface to CalHEERS and enable the C-IV Counties to perform the related program activities.

This Change Order outlines the staffing requirements, costs, and timeline for First Data to perform Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services associated with the development, testing, and implementation of the changes associated with implementing an interface with the CalHEERS, as well as ongoing application maintenance during Maintenance and Operations (“M&O”).

This Change Order revises CO-016, Rev. 7 approved on August 27, 2015.

Revision 8. Extension of M&O Quality Assurance hours related to ongoing clarification of policy and continued development and implementation of additional changes for the CalHEERS Interface is needed. M&O QA Services to actively monitor the SIRs and SCRs related to the CalHEERS Interface are needed through December 31, 2019. Additionally, M&O QA Services related to development and implementation of 24-Month Roadmap changes are needed through the end of SFY 2016/17. This Change Order includes an additional 16,128 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team and increases the Change Order costs by $2,156,448.

Total Change Order Cost:

All costs associated with this Change Order are accounted for in the SFY 2016/17 C-IV Project Budget approved on July 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Linda Haugan.

Motion was seconded by Member Dena Murphy.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Contract Amendment No. Forty-Eight and Updates to Exhibit A

Summary: The following items are being requested to be amended into the First Data Agreement via Contract Amendment No. Forty-Eight:

•Change Order CO-015 – LRS, Revision 3 extends the QA Services to support LRS implementation through June 30, 2017 and increases the total contract value by $749,439.

•Change Order CO-016 - CalHEERS, Revision 8 extends QA Services to support 24-month roadmap and ongoing changes for the CalHEERS Interface. It increases the total contract value by $2,156,448.

Total Cost:

Amendment No. Forty-Eight increases the Total Contract Value by: $2,905,887

Motion to Approve was made by Member Kathy Harwell.

Motion was seconded by Member Linda Haugan.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Ratify Chairperson Scott Pettygrove’s delegation of authority to the Project Director, Thomas Hartman, to execute the Apple Developer Program Agreement and any related documents to implement the Apple Developer Program on behalf of C-IV, which were approved by thisBoard on April 28, 2016.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Linda Haugan.

Motion was seconded by Member Mike Dent.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Region 2 Project Steering Committee (PSC) Nomination

Summary: Bylaws, section VIII.A, which states: “… Should a vacancy occur during an unfinished term, the Region shall, within ninety (90) days, nominate a candidate to be approved by the Board of Directors to complete the term.”

•Approve Region 2 nomination of Gilbert Ramos as the PSC member, replacing retiring Director Nancy Swanson, for the term ending on June 30, 2017.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Linda Haugan.

Motion was seconded by Member Dena Murphy.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Region 2 Joint Powers of Authority (JPA) Board Nomination

Summary: Bylaws, section IV.A, which states: “… Should a vacancy occur during an unfinished term, the affected C-IV Region shall, within ninety (90) calendar days, nominate a Director candidate to be appointed by the Board of Directors to complete the term. If a Region fails to nominate a Director candidate in that time, that Region will be precluded from having representatives serve on any committee.”

•Appoint Casonya Thomas, Region 2 nominee, as the Director for Region 2, to replace retiring Director Linda Haugan, effective October 14, 2016, for the term ending on June 30, 2017.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Member Dena Murphy.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

Informational Items

  1. LRS/C-IV Migration Update

Summary:Kathy Harwell and Tom Hartmanprovidedan update regarding recent activities and discussions of:

LRS/C-IV Executive Leadership Committee

Progress is being made on developingthe Fiscal/Legal transition plan, which is currently considering several options between San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties.

  1. LRS Update

Summary: Karen Rapponotti provided an update regarding recent activities of:

LRS Implementation

Karen had no new update regarding LRS.

  1. Migration Planning Update

Summary: Karen Rapponotti provided an update regarding recent activities and discussions of:

Reviewed slide deck 12-1Migration Update JPA 8-16.pptx

Migration Planning Update

Karen had no update outside of what Tom talked about in the LRS/C-IV Migration Update with the leadership committee.

  1. M&O Application Update

Summary:Lisa Salas, Liz Grishamand Scot Bailey provided an update on recent M&O Project activities and the status.

Reviewed slide deck 13-1 JPA Policy Update082516.pptx

Discussed 7/19 outage and the need for improved communication on longer outages. Several ideas were discussed and encouraged.

  • Notify PPOCs in outage communication
  • Create a process were C-IV triggers a conference call with PPOCs if system Is down more than 2 hours during core business hours.The tech team has not had a chance to test that, as the system has not been down for more than two hours during core business hours since this outage.
  • Create a trigger to have a director level communication sent by the project director if we anticipate the system will be down more than 4 hours during a business day. Outage on 7/19 was longest outage. That brought up if the policy in place was enough or more communication needed to be made. The conversation started at RPM, then PSC, then JPA.

Policy Changes - Implementation

CalWORKs MAP Increase –The memorandum went out with the meeting invite for August 30th to go over the process. September 10th will be a System down day to run that batch process, which includes about 800,000 cases. Notices will be held for two days and they will be released as is the normal process.

CalFresh COLA- The numbers for the CalFresh COLAand CalWORKs MAP have already been input into the system last week and are available for users to run EDBC for the October benefit month.

CalFresh Able Bodied Adults without Dependents(ABAWDS) – There was a meeting with CDSS workgroup last week to go over the timeline and action items to address the concerns that the SAWS had as well as the counties and advocates. C-IV is also working with LRS on this policy.

WtW 25 –CDSS is looking at what priorities they have and how this fits into the priorities. In addition to automation concerns, they are looking at the workload impacts of trying to track the additional data that countiesdon’t currently track.

WtW 24 Month Time Clock - No Updates

OCAT – C-IV had a call last week with LA County, OSI and CDSS around the options for OCAT. There are a couple of options still being discussed and we are awaiting follow-upinformation. Everyone has been informed in detail of the estimates and walked through. Susan stated that she is concerned that this should be a collective conversation across consortiums not just with C-IV and LA. Conversation commenced regarding this topic.

AB 403–Consortia met with CalWIN last week to discuss changing how foster care rates are structured (age, group type/foster care home). Susan asked for clarification on who will be impacted due to this policy. Any rate today that is below the LLOC will be brought up to the new rates. KinGap will have new cases using these rates. C-IV is waiting to get that final policy in order to move forward toward a 1/1/2017 implementation date. ARC and Foster Care Group Homes will need to have EDBC re-ran. FFA’s are excluded and will maintain complete unchanged.

Elimination of MFG – The mass informing notice is scheduled to go out in 16.09 priority release and the change to the system is scheduled for the November release. C-IV has yet to receive final policy and has given the state a deadline of September 15th in order to be timely for implementation.

ARC Phase II- Another meeting is scheduled for September 23rd with CDSS, CWDA and consortia tofollow-up on the recent policy changes in order to develop the state letter.We hope this meeting is about more explanation regarding policy changes for payments in arrears and/or EBT.

Policy Changes – Legislative Watch

Slide deck 13-2 JPA Legislative Watch_20160825.xlsxis for your review.

  1. 2016 Conference – Planning

Summary: Tom Hartman is asking for any topics that the C-IV Counties would like discussed at the 2016 Conference.

Reviewed document 14-1 JPA Conference Topics 2016.docx

For your information 14-2 FINAL JPA-PSC Conference Registration Form 2016.pdf

Tom announced the registration is open and to register early because rooms are going fast. C-IV has invited CalWIN project director and board of chair. A preliminary set of topics has been distributed. Susan asked to carve out some time to talk about joint strategic planning with LA and possible CalWIN.

Open Agenda Items:


  1. Adjourn Meeting

•Chairperson Scott Pettygroveadjourned the meeting at 11:01p.m.

Action Items from previous meeting / Assigned to / Due Date / Status
  1. Provide as needed summary updates on critical policy efforts that are in different states of development at C-IV to ensure that County Executive Management is aware of the upcoming changes and if necessary allow them to exercise their influence with the Project and/or with oversight partners.
/ Tom Hartman / As needed
  1. Share WTW 25 Report Query results with countiesto get a sense of the numbers C-IV is currently seeing
/ Lisa Salas / 08/25/2016 / Completed
  1. Work with Region 6 to see what their proposal as an alternate would be and bring that answer back to the JPA for discussion
/ Tom Hartman / 11/02/2016 / Open
  1. Add to August Board Agenda on what improvements will be made to the communication system.
/ Scot Bailey / 08/25/2016 / Closed
Action Items from this meeting / Assigned to / Due Date / Status
  1. None

Next Meeting

JPA Regular Board Meeting

September 22, 2016

C-IV Project

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, Ca 95670