Instuctional Activity 3_CD9-Gr6-Unit1-Lesson2.doc Page 1 of 5
Unit 1 Title: Evaluating One’s Personal, Ethical, Academic, and Work HabitsLesson Title: How Does Who I Am Relate to Employability? (Part 2)Lesson: 2 of 2
Grade Level: 6
Length of Lesson: 50 minutes
Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Big Idea:
CD.9:Applying Skills for College and Career Readiness and Success
Grade Level Expectation (GLE):
CD.9.B.06:Develop a resume of work experiences for home and school.
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Mindsets and Behaviors:
Career Development
Materials (include activity sheets and/ or supporting resources)
Activity Sheet: It’s All About Me!OPTIONAL: If students have access to a computer lab, students could complete actual resumes using the It’s All About Me Activity Sheet. Most computer word processing software contains a resume template.
Show Me Standards: Performance Goals (check one or more that apply)
X / Goal 1: gather, analyze and apply information and ideas10.Apply acquired information, ideas and skills to different contexts as students, workers, citizens and consumers.
X / Goal 2: communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom
1.Plan and make written, oral and visual presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Goal 3: recognize and solve problems
X / Goal 4: make decisions and act as responsible members of society
1.Explain reasoning and identify information used to support decisions.
2.Recognize and practice honesty and integrity in academic work and in the workplace.
8.Explore, prepare for and seek educational and job opportunities.
This lesson supports the development of skills in the following academic content areas.
Academic Content Area(s)Specific Skill(s)
X / Communication Arts / Reading and writingMathematics
X / Social Studies / Use of tools of social inquiry and relationships of the individual to the group
Health/Physical Education
Fine Arts
Enduring Life Skill(s)
X / Perseverance / X / Integrity / X / Problem SolvingX / Courage / Compassion / X / Tolerance
X / Respect / X / Goal Setting
Lesson Measurable Learning Objectives:
The student will assess and analyze five work habits, which contribute to success in the workplace.The student will complete a personal resume of work experiences for home and school.
Lesson Formative Assessment (acceptable evidence):
Assessment should relate to the performance outcome for goals, objectives and GLE. Assessment can be question answer, performance activity, etc.Students will participate in question and answer sessions.
Students will develop a skill-based resume. Students will be able to explain resume-writing situations in which an ethical dilemma may present itself. Students will be able to project the personal consequences and the ethics involved in presenting oneself in a positive, yet truthful, light. Self-evaluation tools will be used.
Lesson Preparation
Essential Questions: What is a resume and what is its purpose? Why are personal, ethical, and work habits important to career decision making? How do these components relate to job-seeking skills?Engagement (Hook): How will employers know who you are and what your capabilities may be before they have seen you? What is a resume? What skills and experiences have you had that would be valuable to employers and to employability in general?
Instructor Procedures/Instructional Strategies:- Students will review prior the prior guidance lesson pointing out the importance of Personal Characteristics and Work Habits in the job seeking, getting and keeping process.
- Continue with, “A resume is a short story of our life experiences, interests, and abilities. Today, we will start that process. Today, you will be completing an Activity Sheet that will give you a chance to ‘talk in writing’ about yourself. You will be reviewing and reflecting what you have said about yourself from the point of view of an employer.” Provide students with “It’s All about Me” Activity Sheet.
- Once the students have completed the Activity Sheet, ask students to take the role of a prospective employer. Does the information on the It’s All About Me activity sheet reflect who the student is and his or her capabilities? How is the information presented? Based on what’s presented, how will the individual’s academic skills and abilities be viewed? What about personal skills and work habits?
- OPTIONAL: The counselor may allow time for students to work with a computer software program to complete a resume, based on information from the Activity Sheet.
- Students will identify personal characteristics and work habits and relate them to ethical decision-making at school as well as on the job.
- Students will complete Activity Sheet.
- Students will engage in a critical self-evaluation of their responses on the “It’s All About Me” Activity Sheet. The final question—“Will I be called for an interview with the employer?”
- OPTIONAL: Students will complete their resumes using computer software.
Teacher Follow-Up Activities
The teacher will give students an opportunity to update the resume information.Counselor reflection notes (completed after the lesson)
Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Programs: Linking School Success to Life Success
To ensure that the work of educators participating in this project will be available for the use of schools, the Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education grants permission for the use of this material for non-commercial purposes only.
Instuctional Activity 3_CD9-Gr6-Unit1-Lesson2.doc Page 1 of 5
Activity Sheet: It’s All About Me!
Your life experiences can lead to opportunities in the future. When you are applying for a job, a resume is a way to introduce yourself and to tell about your experiences.
Name: ______
Street Address: ______
City/State/Zip Code ______
Telephone Number: __(Area Code_____)______
Wellness and Self-Care: You must be healthy and fit to be your most successful self. How do you maintain your mental and physical wellness? (handling stress, personal hygiene, getting rest, eating healthy foods )
How would others rate your care for yourself?GreatGoodPoor
How do you rate yourself in the area of wellness?GreatGoodPoor
At Home: How do you help at home? (help with laundry, cooking, cleaning, taking care of animals, mowing, raking leaves, etc.)
How would your parents/guardians rate your work? GreatGoodPoor
Do you finish your jobs? AlwaysSometimes Once in a While
At School: How do you help at school? (tutoring others, classroom jobs, etc.)
How would school people rate your work? GreatGoodPoor
Do you finish your jobs?Always SometimesOnce in a While
Social Responsibility—Service to Others: How do you help in the community? (helping a neighbor or participating in a community project—such as a food drive)
How would people in the community rate your work? GreatGood Poor
Do you finish your jobs?AlwaysSometimesOnce in a While
Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Programs: Linking School Success to Life Success
To ensure that the work of educators participating in this project will be available for the use of schools, the Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education grants permission for the use of this material for non-commercial purposes only.