Sample Performance Assessments

Presentational writing: Daily Routine-German I: Novice-mid
Learner Targets:
·  I can write about my daily routine
·  I can write about my school
·  I can compare my school to a German school
You are taking part in a writing contest and have been asked to contribute to a German blog on school and student life around the world. The task is to describe your typical school day and schedule, supplies needed for different classes, a description of your grades, classes you like and dislike, and which classes are your favorites.
You will want to be sure to include:
·  Information about your daily schedule and classes
·  What supplies are needed for various classes
·  Your grades in different classes
·  Your opinion of your classes (likes, dislikes, and favorites)
Be sure to include any other information about your school day and activities at school to provide a glimpse into your day and school in our culture. / Presentational Writing: Visual Arts: Spanish III: Novice-high approaching Intermediate-low
Learner Targets:
·  I can write an art critique.
·  I can compare and contrast artwork.
·  I can describe artwork.
·  I can give opinions about artwork.
A new museum recently opened near where you live to display famous artwork from different Spanish-speaking artists from different time periods. You have been asked to write an art critique of your favorite work of art that is displayed in the museum. Your art critique will be published in the local newspaper as a way to advertise for the museum so more people visit it. Include the following information in your critique:
You will want to be sure to include:
·  the name of the work of art and the artist who created it
·  a detailed description of the work of art
·  what the artwork reflects or the “meaning” of the piece
·  what you like and don’t like about the work of art
·  compare it to any other works of art you know well
Feel free to include any other information that would add to the others understand Spanish art.
Interpersonal Writing: Giving directions-French II-Novice-mid
Learner Targets
·  I can explain and describe a holiday or an event.
·  I can give directions.
The visiting French student at your school has been invited to the same Halloween party as you. Since you know French s/he posted a request on Facebook for your help. But s/he is not clear about what the party is like, what do bring and how to dress. Also s/he asked if you could also write down the directions to the party from the school.
In writing your response to her/his post remember to include:
·  What is a Halloween party like?
·  Include the day, time and place.
·  How one would dress for this event.
·  Include some possible foods or drinks this person could bring.
·  Clear directions with possible landmarks so s/he can find the house.
Please sure to add any other information that would benefit this visiting French student, including better understanding the cultural aspects of this event. / Presentational Speaking-Environment-Spanish III-Novice-high
Learner Targets:
·  I can discuss environmental issues
·  I can inform others about the environment
·  I can compare
·  I can persuade others
As chairperson of the Earth Day committee, your Spanish club advisor has just informed you that during the month of April there will be 15 exchange students from Mexico visiting the school. Your school is traditionally very supportive of Earth Day participating in a strong campaign to clean up the environment. Since the exchange students will be visiting during this time, you decide to focus on the Earth Day campaign related to cleaning up the school. You decide to make a short PSA for the school T.V. station...of course in Spanish!
You will want to be sure to include:
1.  Current environmental problems in your area
2.  Environmental challenges in Mexico in order to compare
3.  Variety of solutions in countries around the world
Interpersonal Speaking-The Outdoors-Spanish III-Novice-high approaching Intermediate-low
Learning Targets:
·  I can understand when people talk about camping experiences.
·  I can share camping experiences.
·  I can resolve a problem or conflict in the outdoors.
You finally have a chance to talk to your pen pal in Chile via FaceTime. Since you both recently went on camping trips you talk about your experiences and exchange information about your camping adventures. Be sure to include the following information:
·  ask questions about each other’s camping experiences
·  answer questions and describe your camping experiences in detail
·  tell about a problem that happened during your camping trip
·  tell how you resolved the problem that occurred
Feel free to include any other information in Spanish that you can. / Interpersonal Writing: Family life-German II Novice-mid
Learner Targets:
·  I can talk about the chores I do.
·  I can express when or how often I do certain chores.
·  I can express which gifts I will get people and why.
You are getting ready for a summer exchange to Germany, where you will trade families with a German teen for a month. You received an e-mail from your exchange partner asking about life in your home. He/she wants to know what chores you and your family members do around the house. He/she also asked about your family members’ interests and some gift ideas. Respond to your exchange partner and ask some questions about life in his/her home so you know what to expect when you get there. Also ask about his/her family and what gifts they might like.
You will want to be sure and include:
·  Chores that you and other family members do and how often you do them.
·  Family members interests and gift suggestions
·  Questions about chores in your exchange partner’s home.
·  Questions about family members’ interests and gift ideas.
Be sure to include any other information that will help your exchange partner
Presentational speaking: Elementary Spanish Grade 2
Learner Targets:
·  I can identify the parts of my plant.
·  I can describe the parts of my plant.
·  I can say what my plant needs.
Describe your plant. In your presentation, use your drawing of a plant and present following:
·  The parts of your plant
·  The height of your plant
·  The colors on the plant
·  The number of leaves or petals on your plant
·  The size of parts of your plant
·  What your plant needs to grow
Feel free to include any other information in Spanish that you can. / Interpersonal speaking: Who I am-French I-Novice-mid
Learner Targets:
·  I can greet and say goodbye.
·  I can introduce myself and ask someone his/her name.
·  I can ask and answer questions about age and well-being.
·  I can ask and answer questions about personal information such as family, schools, pets.
·  I can ask for clarification if I do not understand.
Prompt :Your family has decided to host a foreign exchange student from Belgium, and the exchange student can only speaks French. Upon arrival to your home, everyone is excited to find out some more personal information about her/him. The exchange student also wants to learn more about you and your family, too. Since you are the one who speaks French, you have a conversation with him or her and exchange information.
Be sure to include the following information:
·  Greet each other
·  Names-Introduce
·  How you are both doing
·  Age
·  Where you’re both from
·  Share information about family & pets
·  Share information about school and classes
·  Share information about sports and other activities you do or watch
·  At the end say goodbye to each other
Be sure to include any other information that you think might add to the conversation.


Interpretive Reading Task

Adapted from: Ó2013 Implementing Integrated Performance Assessment-ACTFL

At a glance-Interpretive reading template:

1.  Task 1: Key works recognition: Find the words in the article that best expresses the meaning of each of the following English words:

2.  Task 2: Main Idea: Using information from the article, provide the main ideas of the article in English for novice levels and in the target language for the intermediate levels.

3.  Task 3: Supporting ideas: First, circle the letter of the ideas mentioned in the article. Then, write the letter of that idea next to where it appears in the text. Or you could do true, false, not mentioned and justify the ones that are true with statements from the text.

4.  Task 4: Meaning from context: Based on this passage write what the following three words/expressions probably mean in English.

5.  Task 5: Organizational Features. How is this text organized?

6.  Task 6: Inferences. “Read/listen/view between the lines to answer the following questions, using information from the text.

7.  Task 7: Author’s perspective. Select the perspective or point of view you think the author adopted as s/he created this text and justify your answer with information from the text.

8.  Task 8: Comparing cultural perspectives.

9.  Task 9: Personal reaction to the text. Using specific information from the text, describe your personal reaction to the article, using the target language. Be sure to provide reasons that support your reaction.

Interpretive reading template with details

I. Key word Recognition. Find in the article the word/phrase in the target language that best expresses the meaning of each of the following English words/phrases.

(Note to instructor: Select “content” words/phrases that convey meaning related to the text as opposed to words/phrases such as prepositions and conjunctions. Alternative format: Ask students to provide 8-10 words that relate to a specific topic or content area addressed in the text, such as nutrition.)

II. Main Idea(s). Using information from the article, provide the main idea(s) of the article in English. Be specific such as in two sentences or 25-30 words. Give guidance.

III. Supporting details.

1.  Circle the letter of each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included!).

2.  Write the letter of the detail next to where it appears in the article.

3.  Write the information that is given in the article in the space provided next to the detail below.

(Note to instructor: Provide 5 correct details that support the main idea(s) and 3 distracters.)

Here are some different ways to do this section:

a.  First, circle the letter of the ideas mentioned in the article. Then, write the letter of that idea next to where it appears in the text.

b.  Circle the letter of each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included!).

c.  Write the letter of the detail next to where it appears in the text.

d.  Write the information that is given in the article in the space provided next to the detail below.

[Note to instructor: Provide 5 correct details that support the main idea(s) and 3 distracters.] You also could do True, False, Not mentioned in the text and for all the “true “ answers; students must find a justification from the text.

IV. Organizational Features. How is this text organized? Choose all that apply and explain briefly why you selected each organizational feature—what were the clues in the text? Possible options may include: Chronological, pros and cons, cause/effect, compare/contrast, biography/autobiography, storytelling, descriptions, problem and solution.)

V. Guessing Meaning from Context. Based on this passage write what the following 3 words/expressions probably mean in English. (Note to instructor: Provide three words that the students may not be likely to know but should be able to understand from the context. Provide the entire phrase in which the word/expression appears as well as a way to find it in the text such as the number/line of the paragraph in which it appeared.)

VI. Inferences. “Read/listen/view between the lines to answer the following questions, using information from the text.

a.  Make sure to note that for novice learners it’s appropriate to give a choice of possible inferences and have the students choose which one is supported by the text and provide justification.

b.  For Novice-level learners, you might give them a statement and ask them to list any evidence from the text that would help them to determine whether it is true or false, drawing on inference skills.

c.  Note that some adaptations to this task may be necessary for lower-level learners, who may need more guidance in using inference skills

d.  For Intermediate learners, create questions that require students to infer meaning by reading/ listening/viewing between the lines. Write two open-ended questions such as: “Why do you think that...?”; “Why does the author say that...?”; “Why is it important that..?; What might be the effect of....?”, which require inference on the part of the student. Questions may be in the target language.