State Representative, District 38, Position 22-year term

Mike Sells

(Prefers Democratic Party)

Elected Experience: Member, Washington State House 2005 to present. Chair of the House Labor and Workforce Development Committee 2010 to present. Vice Chair, House Higher Ed Committee, 2005-2008.

Other Professional Experience: President, Everett Education Association, 1981 to 1999. Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Snohomish County Labor Council, 1976 to 2014. Classroom teacher, Everett School District, 1967 to 1981, part time, 1981 to 1999.

Education: BA in education from Central Washington University. 5th year teacher certification University of Washington

Community Service: Central Washington University Board of Trustees, 1995 to 2006 with two terms as Vice Chair. Everett Housing Authority Board , 1981 to 2006 with two terms as Chair.

Statement: As a former teacher, my priorities are education and job training. Education is the key to remaining competitive economically. As House Labor and Workforce Development Chair, I led in promoting access to more technical training and higher education degrees so our citizens could be better prepared for the jobs of the future. I am committed to working for greater support for K-12 and Higher Education, advocating for strong public safety programs, supporting clean and safe environmental legislation, pushing for greater transportation mobility, and policies that support the growth of family wage jobs. I am asking for your vote.

Contact: (425) 327-4561; ;

Elijah Olson

(Prefers Libertarian Party)

Elected Experience: No information submitted

Other Professional Experience: Manager for an Electrical distribution company

Education: No information submitted

Community Service: No information submitted

Statement: I am running to restore our forefathers’ belief that personal liberty, property rights and individual responsibility are the heart and soul of a free nation. More and more politicians are getting out of hand. I stand for something different. I pledge to you that I will not violate the Constitution. I will not exchange Liberty for security. I will not vote for a bill written by Lobbyists or Special Interests. I won’t claim to “know better” than my constituents. I am Elijah Olson and I stand by these promises. It’s time we have a representative that will represent us.

Contact: (425) 244-7504; ;