HARVEY, LOUISIANA September 5, 2010

In today’s gospel, Jesus spells out the conditions of true discipleship. They have to do with the way we relate to parents, relatives, ourselves and our possessions. In regard to each, detachment and self-denial are required. The strong language Jesus uses is clearly intended to make us think. He is saying that nothing, including natural ties and affections, is to come between us and Him. As the revealer of God’s will, Jesus’ call comes with an authority that goes beyond any other demand which might be made of us. To say that we are to hate our own life means that we must be ready to abandon our own will, give up our own desires, be willing to face even death, if need be, in order to be loyal to Our Lord.

The first reading, part of a prayer for wisdom, suggests that we all need the gift of God’s Spirit and the gift of wisdom if we are to discern what is being asked of us.

More than anything else, the moral teaching of the gospel asks us to put Jesus and the values He embodied and proclaimed at the center of our lives and to make them the norm of our conduct. Let us think seriously about the cost of discipleship and about whether we are willing to pay that price. Can we call ourselves true Christians if we don’t.

Today’s Scriptures: Wisdom 9:13-18; Psalm 90; Philemon 9-10, 12-17;

Luke 14:25-33

BLESSED MOTHER’S LAMP will burn in memory of Giuseppe & Carmella Borzilliere.

SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of Rosalie & George Picarella.

ALTAR WINE is given in memory of Franz Scioneaux.

FLOWERS: Today’s Main Altar, Offertory and Blessed Mother arrangements are given in memory of Warren McEvers requested by Debbie DeVillier & family and Sarah Gibson & family.

SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Clara Montz, Felicia Usner, Sondra Hammer, Marion Cortez.




4:00p.m. Wayne LeBlanc

6:00p.m. Sidney Rotolo, Patsy Plaisance, Pete Ditta, Pete Sr., William

Jr. & Julian Taulli, Eola White, Doyce Hebert, Paul & Betty

Territo, Sylvia Hanks, Carmen Austin, Leland Melancon Sr.,

Floyd Belsome, Hilton Lirette, Connie Busby, Grayce



8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners

11:00a.m. Avie & Lorena Legendre, Enola Clement Braud, Chuckie

Schouest, Jeffries Blanchard Sr., & Jr., Odell Blanchard,

Phyllis Ware, Edward & Kevin Barrilleaux, Julie P. Ranatza,

For Favors Granted, Heloise Richoux, Rosie Guidry, Camille

Paul Bourg, Dudley LeBlanc, Levy Family Deceased


7:00a.m. Charles “Tee”, Tommy & Steve Blanchard


7:00a.m. Carlos Savona, Angelina & Billy Shrader, Edward Melancon

Sr., Howard Theriot


7:00a.m. John & Christine Bertucci

8:20a.m. Walter Treadaway


7:00a.m. Sam Sr., Beatrice & Sam Jr. Zappula & Baby Charles


7:00a.m. Ivy & Rosalie Landry

8:20a.m. Fr. Jon Parks S.D.B.


7:00a.m. Armbruster & Brown Families Deceased

4:00p.m. Dennis McDonald Jr.

6:00p.m. Jackie Keller, Rene & Delia Hidalgo, Mary Lynn Sannassardo,

Eloise Theron, Albert Bourg Sr., Foret, Griffin Families

Deceased, Dominick & Conchetta Bellipanni, Patsy Heiden,

Carmen Austin, Ethel Simoneaux, Gladys Savoie, Barry

Savoie Sr., Harold & Grayce Thiaville, Hilton Lirette, Jessie

Chauvin, Jeanne Hebert


8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners

11:00a.m. John Bourg, Robert Tochtrop, Elise Schouest, John D. Parks

Sr., Julie P. Ranatza, Marion Saladino, For Favors Granted,

Floyd Belsome, Camille Paul Bourg, Fr. Jon Parks sdb.,

Wesley Fabre, Heloise Richoux, Warren J. McEvers



4:00p.m. Dylan M., Scott V., Shelby P.

6:00p.m. Madison C., Macie C., Courtney D.


8:00a.m. Anthony S., Nick B.

11:00a.m. Daniel D., Paul D., Peter D.




4:00p.m. Ginger G. Marnie L. Tony V., Josie P.

6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Leslie B., Phil R.


8:00a.m. Murphy B. Mary L. Mary L., Janet C.

11:00a.m. Ann W. Raylyn S. Kathleen L., Ann W.,

Elaine L., Patti M.


May the Lord bless your sacrifice.

1. Fair Meeting: Tuesday, September 7, 2010 – Parish Center.

Members, new members and volunteers are invited to attend this


2. Labor Day Holiday: Monday, September 6th. St. Rosalie School,

S.Y.C. and the parish office will be closed. The entire St. Rosalie

community wishes everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday.

3. P.R.E.P.: Classes this year (2010-11) for the St. Rosalie Parish

Religious Education Program (PREP) in grades Kindergarten through

8th will be held twice monthly. PREP classes will begin on Saturday,

Sept. 11th from 2:00-4:00p.m., followed by Mass at 4:00p.m. If you

have not yet registered or have any questions, please call the Parish

Center (340-1962) for more information.

4. Confirmation: To be announced.

5. Seminarian of the Week: In the kindness of your prayers please pray

for Deacon Matthew DeGance, who is in his fourth year and is

studying in Jerusalem.

6. Relic of St. John Bosco: Please refer to the Pastor’s column. Fr.

John will continue to upgrade us on the status of the relic.

7. Pastoral Council Annual Election: The Pastoral Council election

will take place next weekend, September 11th and 12th. Registered

parishioners, eighteen years and older, will have the opportunity to

vote for two of the following three nominees.

Ronnie Hemenway: A member of St. Rosalie Parish for 30 years. He

serves as Usher for the 8:00a.m. Mass for the past 22 years. A charter,

active member of the Men’s Club, prepares the lighting for the annual

fair, and serves as an elected member of the Pastoral Council since

2008. Married to Julie for 17 years, together they have 3 children and

7 grandchildren, works in sales for I. C. Electric Company since 1971.

Toni Savona: A lifelong member of St. Rosalie Parish, former

member of the Teens for Christ (CYO), graduate of St. Rosalie School

and Immaculata High School. Elected member to the Pastoral Council

for 7 terms. Former officer of St. Rosalie Home/School Assn.,

member of Sanctuary Cleaning Committee, Fair Chairperson of the Ice

Cream Booth and (past Chairman Hot Dog/Hamburger Booth), St.

Rosalie Census Taker, member of St. Vincent DePaul Society.

Employed by the Clerk of Court of Jefferson in Second Parish Court

for 36 years, member of committee for ‘I Can Help’, non-profit drug

court program of Jefferson Parish.

Todd Tassin: A lifelong resident of the West Bank. A graduate of St.

Rosalie School, Archbishop Shaw High School and the University of

New Orleans earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.

He is employed in the Human Resources field for 21 years with

experience in health care and hospitality industries. He has started his

own consulting business specializing in basic Human Resources

services. He serves St. Rosalie Parish as an Usher, Eucharistic

Minister and Fair worker.

8. Coffee and Donuts Social: This social resumes on Sunday,

September 5th. The Men’s Club invites you to the Parish Center for

coffee and donuts after the 8:00a.m. Mass on Sunday, September 5th,

and every first Sunday of the month thereafter.

9. Weekly Fair Donations: This weekend, Sept. 4th-5th: two/three hours

of your time. Fill in the insert from last week’s bulletin; drop in the

collection basket or bring to the Parish Center. Weekend of Sept. 11th-

12th: Wal Mart Gift Cards to be used where needed. Sept. 18th-19th:

Plants and/or garden accessories.

10. Bus Social: Monday, September 19th. Call Laura 341-3143

11. Friendly Church: Smile at people. It takes 72 muscles to frown and

only 14 to smile. Your smile is one of the finest assets.

Dear Parishioners;

Let me first wish everyone a Happy Labor Day. Traditionally, with this weekend comes the end of the summer. This summer has been a difficult one for all of us. Pray God that things will be better in the coming months.

In the month of September, we here at St. Rosalie, will be quite busy. Besides our annual fair, the Don Bosco Relic Pilgrimage will arrive in Harvey. In this column during the next weeks I will be explaining this great event.


Unlike most pilgrimages which usually involve an individual going to a sanctuary to venerate a saint, the Pilgrimage of Don Bosco’s Relic is actually bringing the relic of Don Bosco to the people! The relic of Don Bosco will be transported to the United States to grant individuals an opportunity to honor and respect St. John Bosco. Adults and children will be given a chance to pray before the casket and ask St. John Bosco to intercede for them.

The relics of St. John Bosco are being carried into the towns and villages, where the Gospel is announced among the young and the poor today. The pilgrimage of Don Bosco’s casket is a special occasion which provides individuals with an opportunity to study the life and mission of Don Bosco. Learning Don Bosco’s way will provide individuals with information necessary to imitate his faith and love of the Lord as well as his passion for all people, especially the young and the poor.

The pilgrimage of the Relic of Don Bosco is a renewed call to the Salesian Family to form that community of faith called by Christ to holiness, a family that desires to follow the way of the Gospel traced out by Jesus after the example of Don Bosco.

In great honor of this pilgrimage, Pope Benedict XVI has agreed, at the request of Father Pascual Chavez Villanueva, to grant plenary indulgences to those who make a pilgrimage to see and pray before the casket around the world.

I would like to extend my best wishes to everyone as we celebrate Labor Day. Enjoy the Day.

God Bless,

Fr. John