Alliance for Wisconsin Youth
Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2005
Staff: Sue Allen, Stephanie Legro, Jaime McCarville, Debra McGough, Melinda Pollen , Gabrielle Ratte Smith
Members: Kathy Ames Sherry, Christine Danielson, Mark Flottum, Sarah Grogan, Greg Hutchins, Betty Kleemeier, Kathy Kocs, Ronda Kopelke, Meg McCullough (for Tim Belleau), Rick Peterson
- Jamie McCarville will let Gabrielle know if the Promise Grants no longer have to go through the CARS system as of July 1, 2005.
- Gabrielle will make the following changes on the Charter document: location needs to be changed from “Crown Plaza” to “Madison” and the bottom contact information needs to be changed (it still has Claude’s information)
- The subcommittee will develop creative and efficient methods in order to discuss the parameters of strategic planning.
- Gabrielle will email the Council to get a day of the week that works best for quarterly meetings.
Updates and Briefings:
Four new members joined: Steve Fernan with the Department of Public Instruction (absent), Kathy Ames Sherry with Coulee Cap of LaCrosse, Tim Belleau with CESA 5, and Miriam Willmann with the Department of Public Instruction WI WINS program (absent). Note: David Knutson, Vice President for Government Relations with the Greater Milwaukee Boys and Girls Club has also agreed to join the Council.
Overview of Second Quarter Activities
- Gabrielle distributed and reviewed the quarterly progress report for substance abuse prevention programs. See report for details.
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) Annual Forum Conference
- Ronda, Rick and Mark gave a brief CADCA conference update and highlighted the main points of focus of the conference:
- Coalition infrastructure and systems analysis-the state of Nebraska was highlighted as an example to follow-contact Ronda if interested in items regarding Nebraska.
- The three drugs of focus are methamphetamines, inhalants and prescription drug abuse.
- CADCA is promoting the Got Outcomes! evaluation protocol
- CADCA is strengthening their Coalition Institute, offering graduate and coalition certificates.
- The Coalition Institute is compiling a National Registry of coalitions (not just CADCA members).
- CADCA wants to find a way to serve as a larger resource to local coalitions rather than focusing on state organizations.
- Strengthening Families was recognized for one of the best model programs for parenting.
- Northeast Counter Training Center (NCTC) and CADCA are partnering and have created a “coalition boot camp”. They are creating a national board to oversee the course curriculum. NCTC is slated in the Bush budget to have its funding cut.
Staffing Transition at Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach
- The transition between Melinda Pollen and Stephanie Legro was announced. Stephanie is now the Coordinator for the Alliance at 50% FTE and Melinda is the Statewide Youth Leadership Council Coordinator at 20% FTE.
DHFS Grantees Quarterly Progress Report Format and Requirements
- Reports are simple to complete.
- The Secretary of the Department is now personally reviewing some quarterly reports so it is very important to include the most pertinent information.
- The first two quarterly reports can be included on one report since DHFS was late getting them out, but the third and fourth quarterly reports need to be completed as required.
- Smaller print materials are allowed as attachments in the reports.
- Jaime is available to answer questions from grantees.
Partnership for Drug-Free America (PDFA) Affiliate Proposal and Wisconsin Anti-Drug Media Campaign
- PDFA would like the Alliance to become an affiliate, which will cost $20,000 per year.
- PDFA informational folders, included cost and benefits of affiliation, were given to each member and the Council reviewed all contents.
- The Council members voiced concern over the effectiveness of the PSAs in Wisconsin, questioned if the Alliance is the proper home for PDFA, questioned if it met the Alliance’s priorities and if PDFA has shown success in Wisconsin for the number of years it has been operating in the state.
- Consider the role Wisconsin plays as part of a national campaign, contributing to a larger goal beyond the state. Group felt this was not enough to warrant the investment and allocation of funds given the Alliance’s current priorities.
- After carefully weighing the pros and cons of becoming a full-paying affiliate, the Council made the recommendation to not become an affiliate and that the funds can be used in a better manner. Cons included: not enough PSA exposure in WI and lack of evaluation of effectiveness – no tracking accountability in WI.
- Point brought up that there are other local, regional and statewide media initiatives in WI, such as Youth Press, that could use funding.
Statewide Youth Leadership Council
- Retreat was successful: 16 youth and 8 adults.
- It was a productive meeting. The youth decided the member responsibilities, teleconference, meeting and retreat dates and frequency.
- Teambuilding was incorporated throughout the day. They also reviewed the facts and myths surrounding alcohol and brainstormed a list of environmental strategies they could incorporate in their communities to reduce youth access to alcohol.
- The next SYLC meeting is March 19, 2005.
- Target age group for SYLC members is yet to be determined.
- Clarification: SYLC is still focused on service of youth to community and youth engagement
2005 Membership Events and Funding Opportunities
2005-6 Alliance Promise Grant Program RFP
- Gabrielle proposed a different concept for the 2005-2006 Promise Grant program-rather than focus on America’s Promise it would focus on engaging youth and developing youth leaders. (See attached proposal for details).
- 7 communities would be funded for $10,000 each.
- Questions were raised concerning the Center for Community Outreach language within the proposal and it was made very clear that this is not an attempt to replicate Project Forward. The Center for Community Outreach staff would be available to provide technical assistance and share the core concepts and infrastructure of the Project Forward program-it’s a way to assist in bringing all programs together as resources.
- The RFP will be made available to local Alliances by March 4, at the very latest.
- Suggestions for the RFP were:
- Clear definitions of key terms, especially “youth engagement”.
- Target age group needs to be defined
- Provide websites explaining youth development strategies to assist the applicants.
- Beginning July 1, Promise Grants will not go through CARS. Instead, money orders will be processed so the funds go directly to the communities. (Jamie McCarville questioned if this was approved and will let Gabrielle know). Correction: Gabrielle checked with DHFS, and these funds will continue to go through CARS.
Conference and Training Scholarship Mini Grants
- Alliance’s must update their webpage on the Alliance website in order to apply and be considered for scholarships and grants.
- Four FACTS and/or LNL are in the process of being hosted from the first round of funding.
- Due to extra funding, the Alliance was able to provide another opportunity for Alliance’s to host a FACTS or LNL. Nine applications were received. The low number of applicants is a result of the short timeframe for implementation-Alliance’s have between January 1 – June 30, 2005 to host an event.
- Gabrielle, Melinda and Stephanie reviewed all applications and recommended funding for the following communities: Waushara (FACTS), Dunn (FACTS), Oneida (LNL), Rusk (FACTS), Green Bay (FACTS), Grant (FACTS), Waukesha (FACTS), Marquette (FACTS)-a total of 8.
- Melinda will notify Alliances of their award and inform them that Stephanie will be contacting them for follow-up.
- A total of 26 FACTS and/or LNL events will be hosted for the year.
Youth Engagement Program
- Gabrielle proposed that left over Alliance funds be used to fund Project Forward’s Youth Engagement Program.
Wisconsin Prevention Conference
- The conference will be held at the Mead Hotel in Wisconsin Rapids from August 9 – 12, 2005
- They have asked the Alliance to sponsor $8,000 to $10,000 for the conference. Note: The Alliance has committed to provide $10,000 to support the conference.
- Kathy Wolf has requested a MOU for funding to clarify details.
- A youth track will not take place at the conference this year.
- The Wisconsin Clearinghouse (WCH) may invite CADCA to present with focus on meth and inhalants (Kathi also noted suggestion to add prescription drugs).
- WCH is still accepting workshop topic suggestions.
Drug-Free Community Support Grant
- The website has a useful PowerPoint explaining the requirements for the RFP.
- The Office of National Drug Control Policy is the funder and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention is the administrating agency.
- Only 20% of award can be used for direct services.
- 100 new awards will be distributed, across the nation. It will be a very tough competition.
- The RFP focuses on the Strategic Prevention Framework model and requires a logic model.
- The grants will be for a 5-year period and an organization can only receive 2 in a lifetime. During year 7, the grantee will have to submit a sustainability plan.
- Prefer a focus on more than one drug.
- Require MOU’s from nearby coalitions or coalitions within the applicants’ that either hold a DFCSP grant or are applying for one.
- The reviewing committee is expecting a lot of “ties” when scoring the RFP’s, therefore, they’ve determined 4 variables to serve as tiebreakers:
- Poverty
- Rural
- Risk/Need
- Native American
- It was suggested that the Alliance Advisory Council have a DFCSP representative. Note: several Council members are DFCSP grantees – Rick Peterson, Kathy Ames-Sherry, Tim Belleau and David Knutson
Strategic Planning for 2005-2008
- Gabrielle will make the following changes on the Charter document: location needs to be changed from “Crown Plaza” to “Madison” and the bottom contact information needs to be changed (it still has Claude’s information)
- It was clarified that the purpose of the Alliance Council is to advise, not direct.
- It was proposed that all Alliance members will be invited to the May quarterly meeting as a way to network, hold focus groups, roundtables, etc. and also suggested that an “open” meeting for all members be held annually.
- It was suggested that it would be critical for Greg to set parameters for the Council prior to proceeding with any future planning.
- A subcommittee was developed to plan the May meeting and will consist of the following: Sue Allen, Christine Danielson, Kathy Kocs and Stephanie Legro. Stephanie will head the committee.
- The subcommittee will develop creative and efficient methods in order to discuss the parameters of strategic planning.
- Gabrielle will email the Council to get a day of the week that works best for quarterly meetings.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Legro and Gabrielle Ratte Smith
March 3, 2005