Hidden Lake Annual Meeting
May 2, 2016
Salt Lake County Council Chambers
2001 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah
6:00 – 7:20 p.m.
Welcome/Introductions Dave McCammon
Thank you for coming. President for next 1 ½ hours
- Motion to approve the Annual Meeting 2015 Minutes
- Questions, errors?
- Jim moved to accept 2015 minutes
- Sue Pollard 2nd - all in favor I “I” - any not in favor? - NONE
- Introduce current Board members
- Introduce By Law Committee Stand and introduced – discussion later
- Nominations for Board Vacancies (3)
Garl – cannot run according to by laws / Bob and Ryan can run again if they wish
If you have more than one lot, have more than one green card
Open for people to be nominated -
Those nominated, share about themselves –
Rhonda Meeks –currently on by laws committee-owned cabin 5 years but been there 45 years. Lot 75
Lynn Horrocks – wife Joella – live year round 10 years. Been on board 6 years. Enjoy being on the board making it a better place.
Steve Pollard nominated but objection because two family members can’t serve on the board according to the by-laws.
Ryan Oviatt – My wife and family since the beginning. We bought our cabin 5 1 /2 years ago. Last 3 years served as treasurer and last 1 ½ board member. Want to make things better and enjoy the benefits of hidden lakes has to offer.
Troy Carr – I do the website. I have been there 45 years. . I have built a cabin. We have a culture there that is steep in tradition and want to share what we are about to those new ones coming in.
Clark Hill - Cabin lot 27 – Bought in 1991 / On board before 6 years, now on by laws committee - I want to stay active because I hear the voices from the community and work towards some equality for all. Work through miss understandings.
Bob Kooiman from Riverside. Only riverside person to run.
Ron Greenside – I was president years ago. I do believe in balance. Tradition in some older folks and changes need to happen but be slowed down.
Verl Moyer – Parents were original owners. Been on board before. I am the sheriff of Nottingham. We are all sheriffs. All responsible for each other and properties. My interest this time… Even in conserving our culture as a mountain community. Go into changes slowly and guide the duties of the board. Facilitate for bylaws rules and regulations for our membership that we serve.
Dean Carr Moved to close
Garl second
all in favor of closing - Clark asked Troy Carr again to accept nomination. This time he did.
Now are we closed? Yes
- Additional replacements (by Board) (to replace Dave M and Jim Robinson)
Board can replace 2 at the end of the meeting.
- Commence voting (Vote Committee: Lisa McCammon, Karen Cavin)
Treasurers ReportRyan Oviatt
- Overall status of HLA finances
- 5 pages included –
1st page summary of what we achieved this year. Each area will explain. Income was higher than planned due to fobs and property. We had lawyer fees so we are over budget. Over all, $11,000 under budget for the year. Water budget will be collected and possibly used for the bridge. (My recommendation to the board)
Page 2 – explained
Page 3 Next years suggested budget – My recommendations for the board
Verl – question - $11,000 carry over – Refund?? Should it be reduced - the value we need to finance for next year? - Ryan – says the board can make that decisions/Issues coming up that will show the issues of the bridge.
Dean Carr moved to approve - Sue Robinson (2nd)
All in favor – I - Not in favor? None
- Status on capital reserve
List all the assets of the associations - What would it cost to replace them. Estimate when each will need to be replaced. We cover at least 30 years. (We think more) State of Utah requires that. Every 3 years we refresh it, and every 6 years a deeper analysis. This is our first time doing this. On page 4 – funding a capital reserve. Board can decide the amount $$? The Board over the years has not set aside for this. This year is it 0 - Last year we put in $14000, two years $6,000. We have achieved it from rolling over what we have not spent.
We have a separate account at Mountain American and our other funds are at Zions. We comply with all the rules they require for us. Since this was our first, Wasatch Analysis is who we asked to do it with us. The complete report will be on the web page (60 pages). We have 25 common interests. Bridge, security gates, park, water structure. (Pumps, wells, water lines)
Clark – asked about the water lines should be in there?
Ryan - Right now, they are in there. We needed to estimate for all replacements.
Just over 1 million to replace all 25 but our balance is $135,000.00. The overall process the state is requiring is so we don’t go bankrupt. Reasonable recommendation - 1) maintain a lot of money 2) have enough to meet each years retired
3) Suggested 400,000.00 – recommendation from the analysis group. $22,000 each year in order to meet. Means $160 assessment to each owner.
We do not have a plan, new board continues to decide what they want to do.
Verl comment – As a board member - you are the advocate of our organization - You need to talk to the board members so they have reasons to go to the meetings with your interests in mind.
We are in a great position. Thanks to those that have helped in the past to bring us to this point.
- 2015 budgets and spending
- 2016 budgets
HLA Articles of IncorporationSue Pollard/Garl Fink
We put it out for a vote, received information that we needed changes. That will be a vote next year. We need 67%
FYI - Rhonda, Mike, Sue, Verl, Clark - met 10 times 2, 3, 4 hours each time for a total of 168 hours. The desire of the articles is to condense them. A lot of the articles carried over into the by-laws. They reduced it from 10 pages to 4.
- Review key points, revisions, next steps
- Discussion
By Laws CommitteeSue Pollard/Garl Fink
- Status
Will now be called covenants. Will be given to the board in the next month or two.
1) How to bill in the future
Bylaws say you need to only be once. But will assess every lot. Sue got a variance to combine the lots. We met with Pat from Summit County. We can take it all to him at once and combine the lots, can’t be older than a month. Once you combined you might not be able to break up the lots again. Still figuring out. If none compliant, you can split them back up.
Questions was asked what if we combined lots? We only pay for one membership? Correct- One membership per owner.
The association will then lose money? About $12.50 per member.
If we leave them as 2 lots, we would only pay 1 membership? Yes
But if there is a general assessment for everyone, you will pay for both.
Question - If you join, you will pay a larger amount for taxes? No answer given as we don’t know all.
This has not gone to the board for discussion or general vote.
Royce McKay - Let’s not be in a hurry to combined lots if we are not voting until next year. We can do that after the vote.
Some frustration was voiced in getting the right answer from Summit County about a green belt property – When they called, I got 5 answers.
Nothing will be changed until next year so you don’t need to hurry.
Janice Banks Lot #13 - confused – had a cabin for 33 years - water rights to vote?? Property without water rights
Water members paid for everything. 11-12 people using all but not paying. That’s when we became a general members / water members.
Only water pays for water.
General members pay for common areas (roads, gate, general maintenance, maintain lake etc.
Sue – we are not trying to make new rules. Just trying to make it easier to read and understand.
Public SafetyDarren Backman
My job - The gate: More access we get, the less secure there is. I know that others are requesting codes… It needs to be extreme.
Under budget this year $2,519 - Doing a great job and here to help – let me know.
I have fobs keys - $25 Catch me here or on the mountain.
We did not have a failure that I know of all winter. - We had some power outages that they couldn’t get in to fix. There is no fob in the red box or a code to help work out that problem.
- Limited signage to be added
I am interested in signs – research since last October’s incident. BLM color signs. We will be very limited
Clark Hill - When you see someone doing something and there is not a sign, give them the information they need that they are doing wrong. Communication is the key. Inform them. Educate them. We have documents that tell us, but they don’t read them and need to hear it.
What type of signs? Speed limit / No shooting /
Dennis - First thing everyone sees is on the gate. That is what they see instead of posting. Post it on the gate. They have to see it.
Dave - Inform people then, don’t expect the board members to fix it.
Kevin Taylor - What laws do you plan on enforcing?
Speeding / Hunting /Shooting / Public intoxication / Dogs (call county not me)
ATV speed limit - The same – Our bigger problem
Verl - We have a limit not to exceed 15 mph. Nothing wrong with 5 and enjoy the scenery. No dust in the cabin.
Dean - Board has always investigated every incident, so tell the board
Roads and Snow Removal Jim Cavin
Had a group up to groom the roads. Doing well. We need to remove the berms earlier in the year as it melts off.
All roads but Pine Way and to the lake are open
We put in the new water lines last year. It needs to dry out
Member - If space in the main parking lot / turnaround is not plowed to turn around. There was an incident last year that made for a problem as they got stuck trying to turn around. Consider plowing for turn around.
Pilot Mountainside Snow Removal
Members volunteer time and money for pilot program. Steve / Troy / Clark / Lynn / Mike / Rob
More and more year round use. Traffic / Parking
4 families living year round and 4-8 that wanted year access.
The board represents us and elected to define plowing.
Mountain side - through the parking lot to help with turn around.
Riverside through the Y
How they approached the water lines, left 4 inches for snow mobile and orange, red and blue to help mark paths, water lines, roads.
Benefits - A lot of traffic out of the parking lot. – Example given of a long weekend.
Overall went well. What we want to do for next year?
Subcommittee to volunteer with equipment for plowing or $$$ donation.
Clark Hill addressing trailer issue about not being able to turn around. With more and more people coming up, we are not providing a turn around. Brad Georges had an idea of leaving an open slot to the A frame and back up trailers. We didn’t anticipate a block buster year for snow which brought more people up. I believe next year, we need to provide that. If we get people to their places, more parking for others and trailers.
We saw less run off as well. Those that we did plow kept that run off.
Jim shared how the snow removal worked last year– Our road budgets – snow removal on Fridays 3 inches and more. I don’t have in my budget for more 2 / 3 times a week.
Next year – the snow removal is one thing to volunteer for but a lot of responsibilities on all of us. - Still Pilot program
Royce voice a concern about water lines and signs so people couldn’t get up the roads. Are the snow mobiles and ATV endangering our water lines? I don’t want to pay for new water lines. Are the ATV ruining the roads? No, the roads worked better.
Clark Hill - I have tracks on my machine and it’s heavier than my jeep. - Royce – says leave it in the parking lot.
Lynn - Others are using the pipes everyday - now which will help preventing water problems.
Plow the roads - When you pass over the road on snow mobiles, you are on private properties. Be aware of personal properties.
Steve – BRIDGE Project[EM1] Garl / Dwayne / contact the state
Water is hitting the east side of the wall. They built up the bank up by our parking lot and that looks good. They put the boulders – not sufficient - undercutting the bank and hitting the East side of the bridge. Trying to fix the bank up above. Department of Wild Life Resources wants to help us. They want to pull out our bridge. Move up the road?? Still working through plans. We knew this was a problem so part of carryover can be used 5,000. To 10,000 more. Permit good for 2 years.
WaterBob Kooyman/Garl Fink
Bob -Overall good year and no leaks – Riverside
Garl – Great snow year – Still hesitant on plowing. Most mains have been down deeper. Years ago - I drove the frost down and froze up my line. Can happen. Be careful where lines are shallow.
Next year - Run a line from the intersection at the lake. A 4 inch down to Belnap’s to give us two lane feed. That will help that situation and plowing.
Middle tank to first valve is still steel and if we have money, we will try to replace.
Had a coliform and posted it on the door (of those 6-7 cabins) to not drink the water. Will let you know when that changes.
Does this effect the water this year? Are you saying we cannot use it this summer? No, we will treat it and it should be a quick fix. At the cabins ok but the source is still a problem. We believe it is the spring runoff. Tests were taken from the fire hydrants not the cabins.
Verl – If the state limits, it is so conservative about water and levels of contaminations. Error on the side of conservative. Best thing to do is get other water for drinking and use the water for showers, cooking, etc.
General Maintenance TBD
- Work day plans no lunch
Special Projects Dwayne Westenskow
- Lake treatment before
- Stocking of lake
Fire Mitigation turn in work credit formsBret Christiansen
Social and Recreation Report Bryan Christensen/Designee
Thank you for your willingness that is willing to serve on board!
Good we can come together for HLH.
Reviewed events of last year.
Budget - cut off picnic in June work day and social in August
August is 2nd week 13th of August. 1:00 - Social is a nice
Picnic after work party, canceled
Social plans / What day is our work day?
Next board meeting will decide. (Decided June 25th, 2016)
Hunting Committee Bryan Christensen
Always problems during rifle season - More and more people want to hunt in our association.
You can’t shoot within 600 feet of dwelling
Lake – people want to fish at the lake but hunters could walk over. We as owners of the lake need to post signs. Within 600 feet - No trespassing / Survey problem to make it exact. Federal maps state it is public land.
4 signs posted. No shooting in HLA
1- At gate
2- At sunny side trail
3- Two roads headed up to the lake
Sept – October. The problem is our guests that come. Protecting us and others.
What constitutes shooting? Definition of shooting? DWR any weapon discharging of a weapon. It states any weapon in our HL rules -
Ways and Means Ryan Oviatt
Announcement of election Dave McCammon
Ryan Oviatt
Clark Hill
Troy Carr
Adjourn Dave McCammon
Questions -
Work Day? Will be June 25th
Joella Horrocks- where do we put trees? Burn day? –
This year they will chip off our lots and chip it
Meeting is over – Move to adjourn by Jim – Garl second - All in favor. “I”
May 1, 2016 - Board meeting minutes (after annual meeting)
Committee appoints 2 new members. Bob Kooyman and Verl Moyar - Brian proposes, Jim Seconds, all in favor.
Committee member new assignments
President – Jim Cavin
Vice President / Website admin - Troy Carr
Public Safety - Darren Backman
Water Master – Clark Hill
Water Master - Bret Christiansen
Roads - Sue Pollard
General Maintenance – Verl Moyar
Special Projects / Lake Management - Dwayne Westenskow
Fire – Bob Kooyman
Social – Bryan Christensen – Help with work day
Ways and Means – Ryan Oviatt
Treasure - Aimee Oviatt
Secretary - Edie Morgan
The park is affiliated with social – not maintenance
Next meeting May 28th at Jim’s cabin at 10:00 a.m.
June 25th work day 8:00 a.m. sign ups Jim and Clark and Troy will help.