Advanced Placement Calculus BC
Course Expectations
Ms. Jennifer Carmody
Room 223
Welcome to BC Calculus!! A good deal of your mathematical education has been preparing you for this subject, and so you will be pleased, I hope, to see how it all comes together this year. Calculus is the mathematics describing change and as such is a key understanding in all the sciences, in economics, and in business.
We will very closely follow the curriculum prescribed by the College Board Advanced Placement Program and so you will be prepared for the AP exam on May 5, 2015..
The material is sophisticated and the pace, of necessity, is brisk. We will study the topics covered in the textbook (Calculus, Concepts and Applications) at the approximate rate of one section per day.
I hope this year will be both enjoyable and challenging for you. I am committed to doing all that I can to help you be successful.
Here is some other information.
Workload: I am often asked how much work this class requires. This will vary by student and time of year, but on average, expect to spend five hours per week. Written homework should take about 45 minutes per class. The rest of the time is for regular review and study. If you are spending significantly more time than that, please see me to strategize.
Rules Every student is expected to
· Be on time / · Be prepared / · Be responsible / · Be respectfulNHS school policies prohibiting cell phones, headphones, and food during class time will be enforced. These policies support a positive learning environment for everyone.
Required Materials: Covered textbook, class notebook with some way of organizing handouts, TI-83 or TI 84 graphing calculator or better. Some students enjoy having a TI 89 or TI inspire, but this is not necessary or desireable in the class. The AP exam is designed so a student with a “better” calculator is not at an advantage.
We have online access to our textbook, so you need not check out a book.
Absences It is important to attend this class every day; in math, each day builds upon the previous day’s work. If you are absent for school, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed, copy class notes, and make up work as soon as possible.
If you are absent on a test day, expect to make up the test either in class or after school the day you return. If you are absent the class before the test, you are still expected to take the test. (Exception: extended absences. See me.)
Tests and work missed because of class cuts will earn a zero and cannot be made up.
Grading: Your grade will be based on these categories:
· Tests and quizzes – 90%
· Projects/Investigations - There may be one or two per semester. These will be counted in the test and quiz average.
· Homework , class participation– 10%- Homework is nightly, and will be checked during class .
Final Grade: The first three quarters are each worth 30% of your final grade. The last quarter is worth 10%.
Makeup test policy: Once per term, you may choose to take a retake of a chapter test if you would like to try to raise your grade. You must tell me within 48 hours of getting the test back if you would like to do this – we will schedule it, along with extra help, for the next week
AP style tests: Starting in chapter 4, your tests will be “AP style.” I will tell you more about that later.
There will be both a midterm and a final exam.
Cheating (whether you give or get answers) will result in a zero and further disciplinary action according to the Academic Honesty Policy. All take-home tests and investigations must be your own work.
Web site: On my staff web page you will find class notes, handouts, and your assignments.
Power School: I do my best to keep grades updated quickly…but at least every two weeks.
Extra Help: In room 223. I am available before and after school as posted in room 223. Also, I am available periods 3 and 6 by appointment.
I welcome and encourage you to come for extra help or to speak with me for any reason. This class moves very quickly, so it is important not to get behind.
Have a great year!
Please print this out for your notebook. Sign the next page, ask a parent to sign, and return to me.
(last page only).
I have read these expectations for Ms. Carmody’s AP Calculus BC class.
Date:______Print student name ______
Student : ______
Best Parent contact (Name, email and/or phone number )
Dear Parent, The best way to contact me is by email . If you prefer to speak on the phone, email me a number and time and I will call you.
FOOD POLICY – Parent Please sign
In accordance with the School Committee Policy on Life-threatening food allergies, I am informing you that we will have a yearend celebration breakfast after the AP exam. This will consist of breakfast items (bagels, coffecake, juice, fruit, etc.) that students bring in.
In addition, we may have other celebrations or spirit-encouraging events that would involve cookies, cupcakes, bagels, or pizza and soda (probably not all together!) If your child has an allergy that would prevent him or her from participating, please make a note below. If your child is permitted to participate in these events, please indicate.
My child
______may ______may not
participate in the events described above.