Fall 2009 Math 106 – Technical Mathematics
CRN 10329 Tuesdays and Thursdays — 8:30 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.
Room 7520
Course Description
This is the core course containing the mathematics common to several technical programs. Topics include: basic algebraic operations, solving equations, ratio and proportion, graphs of linear equations, plane geometry, angular measure, area of polygons and circles, volume of common three-dimensional figures, and trigonometric functions with right and oblique triangles.
Math 092 (Basic Technical Mathematics) or its equivalent with a grade of at least 2.0; OR an appropriate ASSET Math Test 1 score or COMPASS Pre Algebra Test score.
Materials Needed
§ Textbook: Technical Mathematics, (5th edition) by Smith and Peterson
§ Scientific or graphing calculator (anything in the TI-30, TI-83 or TI-84 families)
§ 3-ring binder, pencils with good erasers, notebook and graph paper, protractor
§ Attend each class session, arriving on time, ready to learn! If you must miss class, please contact me in advance, if possible. You will be held responsible for any materials missed or any announcements made when absent.
§ Bring your text, calculator, paper, pencils and all course work to each class session.
§ Turn off cell phones and pagers so you do not disrupt the learning of your fellow classmates. If you must have your phone on, please silence the ringer!
§ Please do not bring food to class. Closed containers of beverage will be allowed. Water is encouraged!!
§ Have completed assignments ready to discuss and turn in at the beginning of the class session.
§ Participate in discussions and class activities.
§ Respect your classmates and teacher. Common courtesy is expected at all times!
§ Do your own work unless told otherwise. The KVCC Academic Dishonesty policy will be enforced.
§ Be sure to ask for help when you need it. It is in your best interest to stay current!
§ Remember that no one can teach you mathematics; I can only help you learn it through disciplined practice and authentic participation, so schedule “math time” into your day.
§ Visit the Learning Center (room 2220) for free extra help. Hours are as follows:
9:00 am – 7:00 pm (Monday – Thursday)
9:00 am – 3:00 pm (Friday)
10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Saturday)
(Remember the tutors' job is not to teach the material, but to help you understand it after having attended class. They are not allowed to help you with worksheets or test papers, so please do not ask them to break the rules of the Learning Center.)
§ Homework: (best 20 assignments @ 10 points each= 200 points total)
° Assignments will be given daily. A tentative list of dates with textbook sections to be covered is attached to this handout. A specific list of assigned problems will be given out each day in class. Homework will be discussed at the beginning of class and turned in then. No late homework will be accepted. It is up to you to find out about any assignment given in your absence.
§ Review Sheets: (5 @ 50 points each = 250 points total)
° Before each unit test, you will complete a review sheet that will contain problems similar to those you'll find on the test.
° You will work on review sheets in class on the day they are assigned, complete them and turn them in before leaving class. You must be present to complete this task. No early work or make-ups will be allowed.
° If you are absent on the day of the review sheet, you will not be allowed to make-up the missed sheet for credit. Instead, ½ of the points you earned on the subsequent test will replace the missing points.
§ Tests: (5 tests @ 100 points each = 500 points total)
° As a rule, I do not give make-up tests. However, if you miss a test due to extended illness or any other valid, documented reason, please contact me by phone or email on the test day (or earlier if possible). Provided that your effort has been consistent, private arrangements for a make-up test may be made. If a voicemail or e-mail is not received by the end of the test day, you will not be allowed to make up the test. Any make-ups allowed must be completed before our next class meeting.
§ Final Exam:
° A comprehensive (cumulative) final exam worth 100 points will be given at the end of the semester.
° If you have earned at least a 92% test average AND a 92% overall average for the course, you will be excused from taking the Final Exam and receive a grade of 4.0 for the semester. (Congratulations on your academic achievement! J)
° If you have not met the above criteria, you must make take the Final Exam. You may use this exam grade to replace your lowest test grade (thus, your Final Exam would count twice). If your Final Exam grade is lower than any other test grade, then it will only count once and no other grade will be replaced.
Grading Scale
[90, 100+] / → 4.0 / [70, 75) / → 2.0
[85, 90) / → 3.5 / [65, 70) / → 1.5
[80, 85) / → 3.0 / [60, 65) / → 1.0
[75, 80) / → 2.5 / [ 0, 60) / → 0.0
§ If you are unable to complete this class, please officially withdraw. Otherwise, I am obligated to give you a grade of 0.0, which becomes part of your permanent record, including your G.P.A. The final day for withdrawing from this course is Friday, December 4, 2009 by 5:00 p.m. You can withdraw in the Records and Registration Office at the Texas Township Campus or online.
§ An “incomplete” will not be given in this course if you fail to come to class, fail to complete the work, or have a cumulative average below 60%. By college policy, in order to receive an incomplete, you must have completed at least 2/3 of the course work with a grade of at least 1.0, and the reason for not completing the course is beyond your control, such as an extended illness.
§ Every time you are absent from class, you miss as much as half a chapter's worth of instruction. It is not fair to your classmates to expect me to re-teach the material to you when you return to class. If you are having difficulties understanding the material you missed, and you can show me that you have tried to learn the material on your own, I will be willing to offer extra assistance during office hours or in a scheduled appointment. Also note that sometimes I provide alternate solution methods that you will not find in the book, so if you miss class, you will miss out on the strategies. Bottom line: It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of attending all class sessions, on time. I do understand that situations arise beyond your control and that you may have to miss an occasional class. Just remember that it is your job to keep up to date with the material so that you do not fall behind. Find a reliable classmate you can contact for updates in your absence.
Academic Dishonesty
Cheating is a serious offense. Any use of unauthorized aids of any form, or obtaining any help from another individual during tests, is considered cheating. To knowingly provide help to another student in this situation is also considered cheating. I encourage you to work together on homework questions. However, copying another student's homework problems is considered cheating. The first time cheating is observed, a grade of 0 will be given to the student(s) for that task. If a second incident takes place, the student(s) will be given a 0.0 for the course and a letter describing the action will be sent to the Vice President for Student and Instructional Support Services for inclusion I the permanent file(s) of the participant(s).
Academic dishonesty also includes academic misconduct, plagiarism and fabrication. These and other issues are outlined in the Kalamazoo Valley Community College Student Handbook. To find the handbook, go to KVCC’s web page (www.kvcc.edu) and use the College Resources link to read the actual handbook language and educate yourself about this important topic.
Tentative Assignment Schedule
Please note that this schedule is tentative and may change at any time. It is your responsibility to be in class to find out what material is covered and which problems are assigned! If you miss class, ask a classmate for the information! Note that the numbers in parentheses are the section numbers that will be covered from the listed unit.
Date / Tuesday / Date / ThursdaySept. 8 / Introduction & Pre-course review / Sept. 10 / Unit 13 (1-5)
Sept. 15 / Unit 13 (6, 8-11)
Unit 14 (1-6) / Sept. 17 / Unit 14 (7-10)
Unit 15 (1-4)
Sept. 22 / Review Sheet (13-15)
Unit 4 (1-2) / Sept. 24 / Unit 4 (3-4)
Test Units 13-15
Sept. 29 / Unit 4 (5)
Unit 16 (1-4) / Oct. 1 / Unit 16 (5-7)
Unit 17 (1-4, 7)
Oct. 6 / Review Sheet 4, 16 & 17 / Oct. 8 / Unit 19 (1-3)
Test Units 4, 16 &17
Oct. 13 / Unit 20 (1-7) / Oct. 15 / Unit 21 (1-4)
Oct. 20 / Unit 22 (1-7) / Oct. 22 / Review Sheet 19-22
Oct. 27 / Unit 25 (1-3)
Unit 27 (1-3) / Oct. 29 / Test Units 19-22
Nov. 3 / Unit 24 (1-3)
Unit 26 (1-2) / Nov. 5 / Unit 26 (3-5)
Unit 28 (1-5)
Nov. 10 / Unit 29 (1-4) / Nov. 12 / Unit 30 (1-3)
Section 13-7 #31-33
Nov. 17 / Review Sheet 24-30
Unit 33 (1-5) / Nov. 19 / Test Units 24-30
Nov. 24 / Unit 34 (3-4)
Unit 35 (1) / Nov. 26 / Thanksgiving
Dec. 1 / Unit 36 (6-9) / Dec. 3 / Unit 36 (10-14)
Dec. 8 / Review Sheet 33-36 / Dec. 10 / Test Units 31-34
Dec. 15 / Review for Final Exam / Dec. 17 / Final Exam / Grades will be available online
MATH 106 Fall 2009
CRN 10329 Record Sheet
Homework (best 20 @ 10 points each)HW 1 / HW 9 / HW 17
HW 2 / HW 10 / HW 18
HW 3 / HW 11 / HW 19
HW 4 / HW 12 / HW 20
HW 5 / HW 13 / HW 21
HW 6 / HW 14 / HW 22
HW 7 / HW 15 / HW 23
HW 8 / HW 16 / HW 24
Homework total = ______/ 200
Review sheets (5 @ 50 points each) / Tests (5 @ 100 points each)
Review 13-15 / Test 13-15
Review 4, 16-17 / Test 4, 16-17
Review 19-22 / Test 19-22
Review 24-30 / Test 24-30
Review 33-36 / Test 33-36
Review sheet totals= ______/ 250 / Test totals = ______/ 500
Total points earned before Final Exam = ______/ 950
Math/Hollar106/Math 106 final CAS fall 09.doc 4 6/5/2009