April 2006
What is a Real Christian?
Author: Luis Palau
Internationally respected evangelist, Luis Palau, is as well placed as any to comment that many people continue to consider themselves Christians, especially in countries that enjoy a rich Christian heritage. Yet he is sure that if an informal opinion poll were conducted that asked ten people to explain what it means to make someone a real Christian, you would receive ten different opinions.
In What is a Real Christian? Luis Palau compelingly presents the basics of the Gospel. He begins by outlining a series of myths, explaining what a Christian isn’t, such as, ‘Living a good life makes you a Christian’, ‘Going to Church makes you a Christian’ and ‘Praying makes you a Christian’. Luis then goes on to clearly and engagingly consider what it is that does make someone a Christian and the steps that need to be taken to secure a living relationship with Christ.
This appealing and very readable booklet then suggests a prayer that readers might like to pray if they feel ready to take that momentous decision. This is followed by some wise and sensible ideas as to what to do next, including advice on how to start reading the Bible and the benefits of joining a local church.
Very many churches in the UK are familiar with Luis Palau and have confidence in his ministry. This booklet offers them a fresh resource to give to enquirers and contacts as the gospel is being shared, whether at large events or between friends.
Product Features:
v Evangelistic tract that can be given to individuals
v Available in Packs of 6 or individual copies
v Ideal for Church Use
v Trusted author
v Up-to-date and easy to read
ISBN: 1 85345 078 2
Price: £4.99 pack of 6 or £0.99 each
For further details contact: Steve King Tel: 07776 064810, email:
Or: Carol Monk Tel: 01252 784787, email: