Taiwan 2004
TEDS2004 Questionnaire(A)
We already to start today’s interview. At any time during the interview, you feel something is not clear, please tell me immediately and I will read it again. Or, if you don’t want to answer a question, please tell me and I will skip that question.
A1. Could you please tell me to what extent you were interested in following this election campaign? H.InterestCam
01. No interest
02. Very little interest
03. Not very much interest
04. Somewhat interested
05.Very interested
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
A2. More generally, would you say that you are very, somewhat, not very or not at all interested in politics? H.Interest
01. No interest
02. Very little interest
03. Not very much interest
04. Somewhat interested
05.Very interested
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
We would like to know your feelings towards some political figures on a scale from 0-10. If you feel very favorable towards this person, you can give him the highest score of 10; if you feel hostile towards this person you can give him a 0 (zero); if you feel absolutely neutral towards this person, you can give him a 5. If you have not heard enough about this person to have an opinion, feel free to say so.
B1. What’s your feeling toward Wang Jin-pyng? C.ThermPyng
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B2. What’s your feeling toward Chu Li-lun? C.ThermLun
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B3. How about Lee Teng-hui? C.ThermHui
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B4. How about James Soong? C.ThermSoong
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B5. How about Annette Lu? C.ThermLu
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B6. How about Jason Hu? C.ThermHu
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B7. How about Ma Ying-jeou? CThermJeou
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B8. How about Chen Shui-bian? C.ThermBian
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B9. How about Lien Chan? C.ThermChan
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B10. How about Yu Shyi-kun? C.ThermKun
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B11. How about Frank Hsieh? C.ThermHsieh
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B12. How about Su Tseng-chang? C.ThermChang
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
B13. At the time of the election, what would you say were the most important problems facing the country at that time? [DO NOT READ OPTIONS. CODE FROM RESPONSES. ACCEPT UP TO THREE ANSWERS] (open ended question)
The most important problemA.problem1
The second most important problemA.problem2
The third most important problemA.problem3
95. refuse to answer
98. don’t know
C1. During the electoral campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through television? D.CamTV
01. Daily / Almost every day
02. 3-4 days a week
03. 1-2 days a week
04. Less frequently
05. Never [skip to D1]
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
C2a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which TV news did you watch most often? [only one response permitted] D.TV1
01. Taiwan Television
02. China Television
03. Chinese Television
04. Formosa Television
05. TVBS
06. Sanlih E-Television
07. Eastern Television
08. CTi Television
09. Era Television
10. Gala Television
11. Super Television
12. Da-Ai Television
13. Taiwan Public Television
14. Star Television
95. refuse to answer
98. don’t know
C2b. On average, how many days a week did you watch the (C2a) TV news? D.TV1Freq
01. 1 day a week
02. 2 days a week
03. 3 days a week
04. 4 days a week
05. 5 days a week
06. 6 days a week
07. every day
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
C2c. Do you think the (C2a) TV news favored a particular political party or candidate? D.TV1Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to C3a]
95. refuse to answer [skip to C3a]
96. cannot choose [skip to C3a]
97. no opinion [skip to C3a]
98. don’t know [skip to C3a]
C2d. Which political party? D.TV1Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
C3a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which TV news did you watch most often, in addition to the (C2a) TV news? D.TV2
01. Taiwan Television
02. China Television
03. Chinese Television
04. Formosa Television
05. TVBS
06. Sanlih E-Television
07. Eastern Television
08. CTi Television
09. Era Television
10. Gala Television
11. Super Television
12. Da-Ai Television
13. Taiwan Public Television
14. Star Television
92. none [skip to C4]
95. refuse to answer
98. don’t know
C3b. On average, how many days a week did you watch the (C3a) TV news? D.TV2Freq
01. 1 day a week
02. 2 days a week
03. 3 days a week
04. 4 days a week
05. 5 days a week
06. 6 days a week
07. every day
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
C3c. Do you think the (C3a) TV news favored a particular political party or candidate? D.TV2Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to C4]
95. refuse to answer [skip to C4]
96. cannot choose [skip to C4]
97. no opinion [skip to C4]
98. don’t know [skip to C4]
C3d. Which political party? D.TV2Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
C4. During last year’s legislative election campaign, when watching the election news on TV, did you pay very close attention, pay moderately close attention, not pay very close attention, or not pay attention at all? D.TVAtent
01. Very close attention
02. Moderately close attention
03. Not very close attention
04. No attention at all
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
D1. During the electoral campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through newspaper? D.CamPaper
01. Daily / Almost every day
02. 3-4 days a week
03. 1-2 days a week
04. Less frequently
05. Never [skip to D5]
89. illiterated [skip to E1]
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
D2a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which newspaper did you read most often? D.Paper1
01. China Times
02. United Daily News
03. Central Daily News
04. Commercial Times
05. The Commons Daily
06. Min Sheng Daily
07. Economic Daily News
08. Youth Daily News
09. Taiwan Times
10. Liberty Times
11. United Evening News
12. China Times Express
13. The Great News
14. China Daily
15. Taiwan Daily
16. Taiwan News
17. Apple Daily
95. refuse to answer
98. don’t know
D2b. On average, how many days a week did you read the (D2a) newspaper? D.Pap1Freq
01. 1 day a week
02. 2 days a week
03. 3 days a week
04. 4 days a week
05. 5 days a week
06. 6 days a week
07. every day
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
D2c. Do you think the (D2a) newspaper favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Pap1Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to D3a]
95. refuse to answer [skip to D3a]
96. cannot choose [skip to D3a]
97. no opinion [skip to D3a]
98. don’t know [skip to D3a]
D2d. Which political party? D.Pap1Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
D3a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which newspaper did you read most often, in addition to the (D2a) newspaper? D.Paper2
01. China Times
02. United Daily News
03. Central Daily News
04. Commercial Times
05. The Commons Daily
06. Min Sheng Daily
07. Economic Daily News
08. Youth Daily News
09. Taiwan Times
10. Liberty Times
11. United Evening News
12. China Times Express
13. The Great News
14. China Daily
15. Taiwan Daily
16. Taiwan News
17. Apple Daily
92. none [skip to D4]
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
D3b. On average, how many days a week did you read the (D3a) newspaper? D.Pap2Freq
01. 1 day a week
02. 2 days a week
03. 3 days a week
04. 4 days a week
05. 5 days a week
06. 6 days a week
07. every day
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
D3c. Do you think the (D3a) TV news favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Pap2Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to D4]
95. refuse to answer [skip to D4]
96. cannot choose [skip to D4]
97. no opinion [skip to D4]
98. don’t know [skip to D4]
D3d. Which political party? D.Pap2Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
D4. During last year’s legislative election campaign, when reading the election news on newspaper, did you pay very close attention, pay moderately close attention, not pay very close attention, or not pay attention at all? D.PapAtent
01. Very close attention
02. Moderately close attention
03. Not very close attention
04. No attention at all
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
D5. During last year’s legislative election campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through news magazine? D.CamMag
01. Daily / Almost every day
02. 3-4 days a week
03. 1-2 days a week
04. Less frequently
05. Never
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
D6. How about political news through internet? D.CamInternet
01. Daily / Almost every day
02. 3-4 days a week
03. 1-2 days a week
04. Less frequently
05. Never
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
E1. During the electoral campaign, how frequently did you follow political news through radio? D.CamRadio
01. Daily / Almost every day
02. 3-4 days a week
03. 1-2 days a week
04. Less frequently
05. Never [skip to F1]
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
E2a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which radio station did you listen to most often? D.Radio1
01. Police Radio Station(PRS) "
02. The Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) "
03. UFO Radio"
04. ETFM"
05. GreenPeace Broadcasting Station"
06. Chengsheng Broadcasting Corp"
07. Voice of Han Broadcasting Network"
08. Radio Taiwan International"
09. Taipei Broadcasting Station"
10. Jia Yi Radio Station"
11. Zhong Taiwan Radio"
12. Gao Bing Radio"
13. Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station"
14. Women Life Radio"
95. refuse to answer
98. don’t know
E2b. On average, how many days a week did you listen to the (E2a) radio station? D.Rad1Freq
01. 1 day a week
02. 2 days a week
03. 3 days a week
04. 4 days a week
05. 5 days a week
06. 6 days a week
07. every day
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
E2c. Do you think the (E2a) radio station favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Rad1Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to E3a]
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
E2d. Which political party? D.Rad1Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
E3a. During last year’s legislative election campaign, which radio station did you listen to most often, in addition to the (E2a) radio station? D.Radio2
01. Police Radio Station(PRS) "
02. The Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) "
03. UFO Radio"
04. ETFM"
05. GreenPeace Broadcasting Station"
06. Chengsheng Broadcasting Corp"
07. Voice of Han Broadcasting Network"
08. Radio Taiwan International"
09. Taipei Broadcasting Station"
10. Jia Yi Radio Station"
11. Zhong Taiwan Radio"
12. Gao Bing Radio"
13. Fu Hsing Broadcasting Station"
14. Women Life Radio"
92. none
95. refuse to answer
98. don’t know
E3b. On average, how many days a week did you listen to the (E3a) radio? D.Rad2Freq
01. 1 day a week
02. 2 days a week
03. 3 days a week
04. 4 days a week
05. 5 days a week
06. 6 days a week
07. every day
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
E3c. Do you think the (D3a) ratio station favored a particular political party or candidate? D.Rad2Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to E4]
95. refuse to answer [skip to E4]
96. cannot choose [skip to E4]
97. no opinion [skip to E4]
98. don’t know [skip to E4]
E3d. Which political party? D.Rad2Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
E4. During last year’s legislative election campaign, when listening the election news on radio, did you pay very close attention, pay moderately close attention, not pay very close attention, or not pay attention at all? D.RadAtent
01. Very close attention
02. Moderately close attention
03. Not very close attention
04. No attention at all
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
F1. And with regard to talk shows that may discuss political issues, how frequently during the election campaigns did you listen to radio talk shows? D.RadTalkFreq
01. Daily / Almost every day
02. 3-4 days a week
03. 1-2 days a week
04. Less frequently
05. Never [skip to G1]
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
F2a. What program do you listen to most frequently? (open ended question)D.RadioTalk1
995. refuse to answer
998. don’t know
F2b. How often do you listen to that show? D.RadTalk1Freq
01. Every Time Its Broadcast
02. Often
03. Just Sometimes
04. Rarely
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
F2c. Do you think the (F2a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? D.RadTalk1Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to F2e]
95. refuse to answer [skip to F2e]
96. cannot choose [skip to F2e]
97. no opinion [skip to F2e]
98. don’t know [skip to F2e]
F2d. Which political party? D.RadTalk1Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
F2e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? D.RadTalk1Calls
01. pan-blue
02. pan-green
03. mixed
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
F3a. Did you listen to any other talk show frequently? (open ended question)D.RadioTalk2
992. no [skip to G1]
995. refuse to answer
998. don’t know
F3b. How often do you listen to that show? D.RadTalk2Freq
01. Every Time Its Broadcast
02. Often
03. Just Sometimes
04. Rarely
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
F3c. Do you think the (F3a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? D.RadTalk2Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to F3e]
95. refuse to answer [skip to F2e]
96. cannot choose [skip to F2e]
97. no opinion [skip to F2e]
98. don’t know [skip to F2e]
F3d. Which political party? D.RadTalk2Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
F3e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? D.RadTalk2Calls
01. pan-blue
02. pan-green
03. mixed
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
G1. And with regard to talk shows that may discuss political issues, how frequently during the election campaigns did you watch television talk shows? D.TVTalkFreq
01. Daily / Almost every day
02. 3-4 days a week
03. 1-2 days a week
04. Less frequently
05. Never [skip to H1a]
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
G2a. What program do you watch most frequently? (open ended question)D.TVTalk1
90. omit
95. refuse to answer
96.cannot choose
98. don’t know
G2b. How often do you watch that show? D.TVTalk1Freq
01. Every Time Its Broadcast
02. Often
03. Just Sometimes
04. Rarely
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
G2c. Do you think the (G2a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? D.TVTalk1Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to G2e]
95. refuse to answer [skip to G2e]
96. cannot choose [skip to G2e]
97. no opinion [skip to G2e]
98. don’t know [skip to G2e]
G2d. Which political party? D.TVTalk1Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
G2e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? D.TVTalk1Calls
01. pan-blue
02. pan-green
03. mixed
95. refuse to answer
96.cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
G3a. Did you watch any other talk show frequently? (open ended question)D.TVTalk2
92. NO [skip to H1a]
95. refuse to answer
98. don’t know
G3b. How often do you watch that show? D.TVTalk2Freq
01. Every Time Its Broadcast
02. Often
03. Just Sometimes
04. Rarely
95. refuse to answer
96.cannot choose
98. don’t know
G3c. Do you think the (G3a) talk show favored a particular political party or candidate? D.TVTalk2Bias
01. Yes
02. No [skip to G3e]
95. refuse to answer [skip to G3e]
96.cannot choose [skip to G3e]
97. no opinion [skip to G3e]
98. don’t know [skip to G3e]
G3d. Which political party? D.TVTalk2Part
01. KMT
02. DPP
03. NP
04. PFP
05. TAIP
06. TSU
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
G3e. And with regard to the general discussion on that show, are the callers mostly pan-blue, mostly pan-green or mixed in their political views? D.TVTalk2Calls
01. pan-blue
02. pan-green
03. mixed
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
97. no opinion
98. don’t know
Now let us turn to the types of discussion you had with other people during the election campaign:
H1a. How frequently did you talk about the candidates, parties or issues with your family? E.FamTalk
01. Often
02. Sometimes
03. Rarely
04. Never [skip to H2a]
89.not suitable [skip to H2a]
95. refuse to answer
H1b. Do you think that your family members supported the same party as you, supported another party, or is their support divided among several different parties, or don’t you know enough about their views to say? E.FamTalkPart
01. Supported the same party as you
02. Supported another party
03. Support is divided amongst different parties
04. Do not support any party
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
H2a. How frequently did you talk about the candidates, parties or issues with your friends? E.FriendTalk
01. Often
02. Sometimes
03. Rarely
04. Never [skip to H3a]
89.not suitable [skip to H3a]
95. refuse to answer
H2b. Do you think that your friends supported the same party as you, supported another party, or is their support divided among several different parties, or don’t you know enough about their views to say? E.FriendTalkPart
01. Supported the same party as you
02. Supported another party
03. Support is divided amongst different parties
04. Do not support any party
95. refuse to answer
96. cannot choose
98. don’t know
H3a. How frequently did you talk about the candidates, parties or issues with your neighbors? E.NeighTalk
01. Often
02. Sometimes
03. Rarely
04. Never [skip to H4a]
89.not suitable [skip to H4a]
95. refuse to answer
H3b. Do you think that your neighbors supported the same party as you, supported another party, or is their support divided among several different parties, or don’t you know enough about their views to say? E.NeighTalkPart
01. Supported the same party as you
02. Supported another party
03. Support is divided amongst different parties
04. Do not support any party