Welcome to Bacon County Primary School
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
The faculty and staff of BaconCountyPrimary School would like to welcome you to the new school year. We look forward to getting to know you. We ask for your support of our efforts to give your child the best possible start in school that we can give.
To increase your child's educational success, it is very important that teachers, parents, and administrators communicate openly and frequently concerning the progress of students. We want the best for your child, but we are not enough. You, the parents, must play a key role in the education of the child. Your words of encouragement, your interest in your child's work, and/or presence at school are vital!
This handbook has been prepared so that you will have basic information about the operation of your child's school. Please read the handbook carefully and keep it so you can refer to it as the need arises during the year.
We are always available to answer questions concerning the progress of your child or questions concerning school policies. Please feel free to call the office to make an appointment with your child's teacher or to speak with an administrator.
Marcy Chancey, Principal
The mission of the Bacon County Primary is to provide every child with the opportunity to learn in a supportive and safe environment every day of the school year.
“Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day”
Bacon Primary School aims to be:
A school that offers an irresistible invitation to learning. A school where all learners make outstanding progress. A school that sets no limits on learning. A school where learning is a preparation for life.
Bacon County Primary School BELIEVES……
- Every child can learn
- Excellent teachers are the foundation of quality instruction
- Every child should be provided a safe and nurturing environment
- Parental involvement plays a vital role in students’ success
- Students should develop the understanding that school is a place to expand their academic knowledge and enhance their social skills
- Teachers and staff are accountable for the quality of work provided to students
- Every child should have an understanding and access to today’s technology
The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint the students and parents of BaconCountyPrimary School with the school's programs, services, and policies. By understanding the regulations that keep the school functioning efficiently and an awareness of the opportunities offered at our school for growth and development, a firm understanding will be established among the school administration, staff, parents, and students.
Marcy Chancey, Principal
Gladwin Harper, Assistant Principal
Erin Douglas
Stacie Graves
Carla Hardy
Kendra Lee
Julie Lee
Judy Moring
Megan Smith
Tonya Waters
Tonya Anderson
Anna Brooks
Janet Clements
Kelli Cothren
Rhonda Johnson
Addy Langford
Tiffany Loggins
Candy Sweat
Casey Taylor
Diane Waters
Kate Brigman
Julie Brown
Shelly Hurst
Tammy Miles
Julia Merritt
Angie Smith
Christy Taylor
Melanie Williams
Tara Griffin
Anna Smith
Nobalee Strickland
Maria Taylor
Myra Sellers
Pam Vonier
Lori Correll
Lisa Foster
Becky Grantham
Amy Holton
Holly Taylor
Nichole Wilson
Leisa Southerland
Melanie Taylor
Sonjia Blash
Rita Gritzke
Crawford Harris
Stephen Tyre
Matthew Wilson
Kristy Garner
Brenda Lee
BeatriceEsquivel/Erica Loredo
Renee Carter
Judy Allen
Lori Barber
Brenda Daniels
Angie Dyal
Cindy Erskine
Scheryl Hollingsworth
Cindy Jarrard
Crystal Lee
Kelly McGuire
Dawn Nobles
Tamela Pless
Nina Scott
Deanna Sears
Beth Taylor
Glenda Taylor
Lisa Thomas
Clara Towns
Linda Wilcox
Teri Land
Linda Wright
School Entrance Requirements
All students entering Bacon County Primary for the first time must provide the following upon registration:
- An official copy of the child's birth certificate
- A certificate from the Georgia Department of Health Resources stating that all immunizations are up to date
- A copy of the child's Social Security Card
- Proof of Bacon County residence
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards
Bacon County Primary School’s curriculum is aligned to Common Core Georgia’s Performance Standards (CCGPS). The following link will take you to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards.
Bacon County Schools’ Non-Resident Policy
Students residing outside the corporate limits of Bacon County may be allowed to attend the Bacon County School System by submitting an enrollment application. Upon application for enrollment which includes all required documents and school attendance, academic, and disciplinary records. The Superintendent may consider the following when making enrollment decisions:
1.availability of space in the classes or programs to which the student shall be assigned upon enrollment;
2.the student's attendance record;
3.the student's disciplinary record;
4.the student's academic record; and
5.other good and sufficient reasons.No student who is under suspension or expulsion from another school system will be accepted for enrollment in the Bacon County School System.
Non-resident students may be withdrawn from the Bacon County School System under any one of the following conditions:
•Out of School Suspension imposed due to discipline referrals.
•Upon the seventh unexcused absence.
•Not on track for High School graduation.
The Bacon County School System reserves the right to withdraw and rescind its permission for a nonresident student to be enrolled in and to attend the Bacon County Schools. Such a withdrawal and rescinsion may be done without cause or reason. Written notice will be given to the student and/or parent or legal guardian or other custodian of the student, whichever is applicable, prior to the effective date of withdrawal and rescinsion of permission to continue enrollment in the Bacon County School System.
Student Arrival
The building will open for students at 7:20. Students may enter their classrooms at 7:40 a.m. each morning. Students may sit outside their classroom door until the teacher arrives. Students will be marked tardy after 8:00 a.m.
If a student plans to eat breakfast, he must go directly to the lunchroom which opens at 7:20 a.m. and serves breakfast at 7:20 a.m. Disciplinary actions may be taken if a child does not follow this procedure upon the arrival. No adults are on duty to supervise children before 7:20 a.m. and children cannot wander around campus unsupervised. Children will not be permitted to be left at school before 7:20am.
Student Dismissal
Students are dismissed when the buses arrive. Non-bus students need to leave the buildings as quickly as possible and are not to linger on campus after school. Parents are asked to wait for their children outside the building when picking up students after school. Parents are responsible for picking up students promptly. Parents are strongly encouraged to allow school personnel to load students into cars. No parking is allowed in the pick-up lane. Parents are strongly discouraged to check students out through the office after 2:00 p.m.
Children transported by the school are assigned to a particular bus. If a parent needs a child to ride a different bus, a note must be brought from home that day. Bus drivers have been instructed not to allow riders on their buses without a written request. If a note is not received, the student will go to the regularly assigned place.
Students arriving after the 8:00 a.m. bell are considered tardy. If a child arrives at school before 11:30 a.m. then he/she will be counted present for the day. Late bus students are not considered tardy. Being tardy is a disruption to the classroom. If tardiness becomesexcessive, a letter will be mailed to parents requesting students to arrive at school on time and possible referral to Bacon Co. Attendance Task Force.
Early Dismissal/Check-Out
A student may be dismissed before the school day officially ends only when a parent or guardian comes to the office and signs the child out. The name of the person checking the child out must appear on the child's information card. Parents are asked to refrain from going directly to the classroom and disturbing the learning process. Your child will meet you at the office.
When you leave your car to come in the building please park in a designated parking area. This is necessary so that other people are notobstructed when they need to leave.Parents must furnish the school with legal custody papers if they wish their child to have a restricted pickup.
Students shall not leave the school grounds after coming on campus without permission from the office. Students who check out after 11:30 a.m. are counted present for the day.
All visitors/parents coming to our school must see the secretaries to secure a visitor pass. Anyone in the building without a visitor's pass will be asked to return to the office to get a pass. All persons (including parents) visiting the school must report to the office. Visitors will receive a pass to be worn while on campus. Forgotten books, lunches, etc. may be left at the office for delivery. This is not to discourage class visitation, but is a safety measure for your child. Parents are encouraged to visit, but as a courtesy to the teacher, we suggest a prior appointment be made.
Hospital Homebound
In the absence of a system-level HH coordinator, each school will designate a teacher who will serve HH students in his/her school as the need arises. The teacher may serve a student during her planning time or after school. The school secretary or guidance counselor may be contacted for the appropriate forms.
Before over-the-counter drugs (Tylenol, aspirin, Pepto-Bismol, etc.) are dispensed, parents will be called to obtain permission. If parents cannot be reached, our nurse will make the best decision possible according to medical information we have in the clinic. The medication must be in the prescribed container with directions for administering. Children are not to have medication in their possession during the school day.
School Clinic
Students will be supervised at school; however, in the event of an accident, students will be brought to the clinic for first aid. Parents will be notified immediately for anything requiring medical attention. Every effort will be made to encourage students to remain at school when they complain of minor pains and discomfort. You will need to come for your child if he/she is found to have a fever, becomes nauseated, or has other more serious illnesses. When your child is ill, please do not send them to school and risk infecting others.
Head Lice
The National Pediculosis Association, recommends the No Nit Policy as the public health standard intended to keep children lice free, nit free, and in school. Random checks by our nurse will occur in all classrooms during the year. Individual children will be checked as suspected problems occur. If Nits or Live Bugs are found, the parent will be called to pick up the child and take him/her home for treatment. All students who have been sent home for treatment will be checked the following day by our nurse before entering school. If the nurse determines the Nits or Live Bugs are still present or that the head has not been treated, the child may not remain at school. If the parentscannot be reached when live bugs are found, the student will be isolated form their class until they are picked up. For more information visit:
If your child is found to have headlice, they must be re-examined by the school nurse before returning to their class. You must come to school with your child while this is done. Once evidence of satisfactory treatment and re-examination verified that the treatment was effective, they will be admitted back to school. Thank you in helping us ensure that each child receives a quality education with minimal interruptions.
Bus Messages
Please refrain from calling and asking the school to relay transportation changes to students. Make sure that your child brings a note to his/her teacher if there is a transportation change. The school cannot accept the responsibility for changes made over the phone. If you wish to bring a written message by the school, we will be happy to deliver it to your child. We cannot make transportation changes by phone after 2:00 p.m.
Change of Address or Phone
For emergency purposes we must have updated information on each student. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school in the event an address or phone number changes.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
It is necessary for teachers to devote full time to pupil instruction; therefore, conferences must be held after school or during the teacher's planning period. We ask that you call the school office or communicate with the teacher through your child in arranging conferences.
Physical Education
The State Department of Education requires students to have a certain number of physical education hours each year. If a child is physically or medically unable to take P.E. or if he/she must refrain from taking P.E. for more than three days, parents need to furnish the school with a written doctor's excuse. If a pattern of recurring absences occurs, parents will have to provide a medical excuse from a doctor. Otherwise, students will be required to take P.E. Please make sure that your child wears shoes that are suitable for P.E.
Birthday Party Invitations
We discourage parents from sending birthday party invitations to school for the teachers to pass out. We want to avoid hurt feelings of students who may not get invited to the birthday party. Therefore, we encourage parents to mail invitations or pass out invitations some place other than school.
School Parties
It is the intent of the Bacon County Primary School to promote a healthy school environment for all students. We would like to ask parents to consider healthy options when volunteering to provide snacks for students. We believe healthy children will have greater academic success and lifelong health.
Most assembly programs involve visitors. Visitors formulate their opinion of our school based on the behavior, attention, and respect displayed by the students. Students must behave, be attentive, and show due respect at all times during the assembly program.
Field Trips
Field trips are part of the regular school curriculum and students should behave as they do in any class. There will be one adult for each ten children on a trip. These chaperones will be contacted/assigned by the school and will assist the teacher. All students will be transported to the trip by the school bus. No other children may go on the trip as this will distract from the learning process.
Dress Code
Students should always observe the rules governing body cleanliness, neatness, appearance, and good grooming. When in the opinion of the administration, a pupil is inappropriately dressed for school, he/she may be sent home to change into proper clothing. Though pupils have the right to choose individual dress, the school has the responsibility to see that the attire is not immodest or offensive to anyone.
- Cleats
- T-Shirts with improper suggestions or advertising
- Wave caps, visors, baseball caps, bandanas, scarves, hats
- Please leave all type caps at home.
- Sweater caps may be worn in cold winter.
- Baggy pants or "low riders"
- Short tops or halter tops that show stomach or back
- Inappropriate shoes for participating in physical education
**** Shorts are required to be worn under skirts
Please write your child's name inside coats. Many coats are lost each year and go unclaimed because they cannot be identified by the owner.
Please send only necessary money to school with your child. Put it in an envelope and label it. Children often forget what it was sent for. Other money, athletic equipment, toys, electronic games, tape players, etc. should not be brought to school. If the items are causing a disruption in the classroom, the teacher may take the item and hold it until the parent picks it up.
Electronic Pagers/ Cell Phones
No pupil shall carry a pocket pager or electronic communication device in school except for health or other unusual reasons approved by the BOE. If a student brings such a device to school it will be confiscated, the parent will be contacted and required to pick the device up in the front office.
Students are not allowed to sell, swap, or buy anything from other students while at school without permission from the office. Students are not to give away or take money from other students.
Snacks/Lunches from Home
Snacks may be brought to school and eaten at appropriate times and in designated areas (set by the teacher). Students may not bring glass bottles to school. Lunches must be brought in lunch boxes/containers.
Personal Deliveries to Students
Commercial and personal deliveries of gifts to students (flowers, balloons, food, toys, etc.) will not be accepted at school. All deliveries of items of a personal nature (gym clothes, keys, lunch money, books, etc.) are to be coordinated through the Main Office.