

Thursday, January 18th, 2007

TIME SENSITIVE: For use between January 18th, 2007 and February 28th, 2007!


UK Cooperative Extension HEEL Program

Doug Burnham, Extension Specialist for Health

859-257-4785 or

Has This Property Been Used as a Meth Lab?

The U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, has developed a register that lists the addresses of locations where law enforcement agencies have reported finding chemicals or other items that indicate the property is (or has been) used as a meth lab or dumpsite. The site can be viewed at

The DEA cautions the user of this site that the listing is not complete nor have they verified that the information is accurate. They only list what is reported to them by local and state law enforcement. Therefore questions about a listed property should be directed to local law enforcement.

This register can be of some use to potential purchasers and renters. Farmers who lease land may also find the information helpful. The chemicals, residue, and toxic trash left behind by lab operators can be dangerous to humans and animals as well as soil and ground water. Clean up and decontamination of the land may be necessary to insure the health and well-being of future residents.

Children, frail elderly, and others in compromised health situations are particularly vulnerable to the effects of chemical and production toxins.

Presently, there is limited financial assistance available to help clean up or decontaminate these properties. There are very few private companies equipped or trained in reclamations of this sort. Guidelines for such clean up are also inconsistent and unclear. Kentucky law makers will be considering HB 94, introduced by Rep Tanya Pullin, (GreenupCounty), which addresses some of these issues. If the bill passes and becomes law there will still be a need to allocate or locate funds to meet the provisions of the bill.

In (Your County’s Name) County, contact the (Your County’s Name) County Extension office at (Office Phone Number) for more information about ‘Has This Property Been Used as a Meth Lab?’ and (List health programs being offered in your county such as health education, physical activity and nutrition) programs offered by the Cooperative Extension Service.


Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.

The development of the HEEL program was made possible by Senator Mitch McConnell with funds earmarked for the University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Lexington, KY and budgeted through the CSREES/USDA Federal Administration.