Texas Workforce
Child Care Quality Incentive Awards
2016Nomination Form
The Child Care Quality Incentive Award honors Local Workforce Development Boards that have improved child care quality through the creation of exemplary child care programs that demonstrate positive outcomes for the population served. The goals of these awards are to recognize outstanding programs, and to encourage and foster replication of best practices across the state. The Texas Workforce Commission recognizes exemplary child care programs for outstanding performance in areas such as consumer education; technical assistance and mentoring; and professional development.
Nomination Form Instructions:
- E-mail nomination form to .
- Nomination e-mail must show a courtesy copy to the Board Chair and Executive Director.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:
Joel Mullins
(512) 475-0230
WDB Name:
WDB Contact Name:
WDB Contact Phone Number:
WDB Contact Mailing Address:
WDB Contact E-mail Address:
Child Care Quality Incentive Awards2016
WDB Name:
1.Provide an overview of no more than 350 words describing the child care quality incentive award program. Describe innovation, partnership, and collaboration the Board used to create outstanding projects for consumer education, professional development, technical assistance and mentoring, or targeted strategy to improve monitoring and compliance with licensing. / 30 Points2.Describe Board involvement with participants and the benefits each received. / 10 Points
3.What were the results? Identify the quality outcomesor other measurable results on population servedin the past 12 months or most recent reporting period. (Examples: training hours delivered, curriculum created, licensing improvements, etc.) / 10 Points
4.Describe the advantage participants gain and the long-term benefit to the local community. / 10 Points
Child Care Quality Incentive Awards 2016
WDB Name:
5.Identify those involved, including collaborators, both inside and beyond your local workforce development area. / 10 Points6.Describe the scope of this program, including the budget, administration/operations requirements, time invested, and timeframe. In terms of any or all of the elements identified above, what was the approximate cost of this endeavor? / 10 Points
7.Describe the program’s innovative methods or essential ideas. / 10 Points
8.Explain how others are using or might replicate these efforts. / 10 Points
Scan supporting documentation (two-page limit),such as newspaper articles, and attach to your e-mail nomination.1