Avalon Elementary
Parent Teacher Organization Meeting
September 13, 2013
I. Call to Order
Meeting started at 2:32pm
Maria Castillo
Jennifer Teresa-Kim
Dana Smith
Alice Vaidyanathan
Cheryl Zablow
Sharmon Asendorf
Elizabeth Jimenez
Thizel Stassart
Laura Retcham
Lupita Orozco
Venina Coronado
Excused Absence:
Ruby Berryman
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Old Business
- Budget
Recalculated the budget started with $10,000 but actual amount is $10,737.
Deposits - with membership grand total we have as of yesterday $5440.10
AR bill is coming up
United Streaming coming due
$150 bill came in. It was not our fee, but the money was supposed to be reimbursed back to us from the 5th grade dance last year.
The extra money shall be returned to pto.
b. Membership Drive
Membership drive forms went out last week to parents and students. Money is already coming in. Scoops will be put up in the multi purpose room. Let’s work on posters on gates to announce membership drive.
c. Cookbook Fundraiser
Cookbook fundraiser recipes are already starting to come in. We are planning to sell for $10. We should be able to make at least $6-$7 per book . Due by Oct. 4th.
d. “Donation of the Month”
Donation of the month let’s swing with the flow, different items every month.
e. BoxTops
Simple surveys - Need update by the 20th to send out to print Nina will have it ready.
f. Popsicles
- After school sales- we need more volunteers. See Jennifer in front office to sign up and if you happen to cancel please let Jennifer know asap.
- TOES - TOES we put aside $ for incentives for clarification: Are we using money for popsicles or for something else? All agree for popsicles unanimous vote.
IV. New Business
a. Fall Harvest Festival
Fall Festival- we need to step up on our task that will be given to us, we cannot let this fall through. Charge $1.00 entrance fee. We will deal with purchasing food. Games- giving to grade levels. Staff will be emailed. we need to be organized and staff need to let us know. Silent auction- we will sell our used books. Tickets and letters will be discussed .
Food: We will have burgers, hot dogs, corn ( ?). Kinder will sell the nachos. Alice can do a bake stand and will split the proceeds with PTO ( option). Special Ed will be selling popcorn. They will use the machine and clean it after. Snow cone machine has been purchased. We will be selling snow cones at the festival. No cotton candy machine. As far as the auction is concerned, we really need to push it. We need to think and come up with more ideas. Great Idea is to have an announcer promoting the auction; Mrs. Zablow volunteers her husband. We can try to have a company match the donation or selling price. Ask the DJ if he will donate a party as a silent auction. Outside vendors will be charged $30 per booth. A form needs to be done detailing what they will be selling. Kinder will have a petting zoo at the edge of the grass. Jennifer will be in charge of the vendor information and registration. Police, Fire, and AVID- Ruby will be in charge. We would also like a paramedic. Falcon gear- need a volunteer for falcon gear and books sales at the festival along with ELAC. Laura, Lupita, and Liz will sell those things. Tickets- need to acquire tickets. This year we can have tickets for games, and coupons for food (Thizel) in charge. Pictures- ( Mrs. Asendorf) . We need flyers for fall festival: Laura will be in charge. Posters will be done by ASB kids . Buying food- hamburgers were bought from Winco. Maybe we can make a donation letter for them. Next week we will start creating donation letters for drinks ( water , kool-aide , soda , etc). Pumpkins- Liz will follow up for the pumpkins. We have a pre order list (Pumpkin Picking Party). We need to find out when they will set a date for pumpkin pick-up. We need to have the pumpkins at school by Oct. 21st. We will further discuss our part of participation of fall festival next meeting. Reminder- Alice must be notified of any concerns or ideas (chain of command).
Dates- Sept. 27 ( Mrs. Asendorf) for flyers returned from print shop. Silent auction distributed by Sept. 30th. Outside Vendors ( Jennifer) form done by the Sept. 25th. Mark the date flyer for harvest fall festival and Trunk-0r-Treat sent out same as silent auction make it one full page ( Laura).
Tickets- Thizel will be in charge and shall be ready by Oct. 11th . Mrs. Asendorf, pictures are in the same time frame. Laura- pumpkin math to finished by Oct. 1st and back by Oct. 4th, sent out by Oct. 14th ( distributed) .
b. Red Ribbon Week
i. Mrs. Zablow in charge. ASB will do the posters. Red vines are for this week. Mrs. Smith in charge of flyer red ribbon week.
c. Trunk or Treat
i. Trunk-or-treat- we will need a form to be filled out. The event will be from 4-6pm on Oct. 31st. We will have a trunk decorating contest with secret judges. We will have a costume contest and pictures for Halloween. Alice will be the judging queen. Form needs to be out same date as the others.
d. Newsletter
Newsletter we need each one of us to write a column of our duties and what we are up to. Our article letter due by Sept. 18th given to Laura Sept. 25th. Dana will edit it and give to Liz by Sept.30. Liz will return it back to Oct. 5th.
V. Good of the Order
Mrs. Asendorf- target has a 1% cash back on purchases. $314 from last year. Harry’s Cafe- This is something we can look into. Teachers would have to serve people who come in. We could make money on this.We need to come up with the flyer with 10% back to us. Box tops- order online when linked we earn box tops. John’s Incredible Pizza Night is another fundraiser idea. Taxes have been sent out to be done.
VI. Announcements/Comments
VII. Adjournment
a. Mrs. Zablow moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mrs. Asendorf. Meeting adjourned at 4:21pm.