The Centrist Party of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Manifesto to govern 2011/16


  1. Foreword
  2. Plan of action
  3. Manifesto
  1. Civil Liberties
  2. Constitutional Reform
  3. Crime
  4. Defence
  5. Economy
  6. Education
  7. Environment
  8. Europe & Foreign Affairs
  9. Family
  10. Health
  11. Housing
  12. Immigration
  13. Local Government
  14. Pensions
  15. Rural Affairs
  16. Transport
  1. Key Priorites
  2. Conference 2015
  3. Conclusion


It’s a new dawn, a new era in British Politics as we persevere to win the votes and support of the Great British public. Over this period of 5 years from 2011 to 2016 we will set in the foundations of a great party and start to win votes, it will not happen quickly and will take time but we know this already and believe as a party in perseverance. We already have a strong leadership team but it is the grassroots level we must work on to bring about true change. Funding is a major issue for all parties and we are no different, as a small and new party we obviously do not have much financial backing so I ask you to think of us now and donate accordingly. Sadly without financial backing we may well fail, but failure in my view is not an option. This manifesto for a period of five years will take us up to and beyond the 2015 general election thus making our policies relevant now and then. This manifesto will detail the plan of action and key priorities in each of the sixteen sections of public life that we have identified as important. A manifesto is views of our party The Centrist Party of Great Britain and Northern Ireland compiled together in an easily readable fashion. Only with this manifesto can we build for the future. We are a forward looking party, looking at how to better our future rather than dwelling on the past. Of course its is true that we can learn a lot from the past but many parties such as the Conservatives are constantly looking into the past and not to the future, which really matters. We are a party of togetherness, a family, a party that works hard together and with this manifesto we can go about building a fairer, better society in the United Kingdom. Together we can build for the future. Together we will make a truly Great Britain.

Padraig Curran

Plan of Action

The plan of action for this period is to continue to grow as a party and to formulate plans to build a better Britain through co-operation. By May 2011 we should have at least 2 fully paid-up members and by 2013 we should have at least 100 members on the official facebook page. Our first annual conference should be held in July/August 2016 or before this date. Remember that this manifesto is not to further ourselves but to provide the best governance for the people of our nation in whichever capacity that may be. By holding a copy of this manifesto you promise to toe the party line and refer any differences of opinion to the Party Leader or Deputy. Finally we thank-you for reading this and our best wishes go out to you.

Padraig Curran

Party Leader & Founder


  1. Civil Liberties
  2. Constitutional Reform
  3. Crime
  4. Defence
  5. Economy
  6. Education
  7. Environment
  8. Europe & Foreign Affairs
  9. Family
  10. Health
  11. Housing
  12. Immigration
  13. Local Government
  14. Pensions
  15. Rural Affairs
  16. Transport


MANIFESTO 2010/2016