EAP 4 - Proposal for Validation and Approval of Modifications to an existing Programme of Learning

Please Note: If the changes you are seeking approval for include changes to programme learning outcomes, contact the Registrar’s office in the first instance.

You may use a single EAP4 for multiple programmes. Click on the ‘Help’ links for details on what is required for each section. Before submitting this document please read ‘Next Steps’ on the final page.

Section 1 (Help):

Programme code(as listed on academic module manager): ______

Programme title (as listed on academic module manager): ______

Link to programme in academic module manager: ______

Current Delivery Modes:

Full-Time: ☐Part-Time: ☐Online/Blended: ☐Other (Please Specify):

Proposed Delivery Modes:

Full-Time: ☐Part-Time: ☐Online/Blended: ☐Other (Please Specify):

Department delivering the programme: ______

Section 2 (Help):

Names and contact numbers of 3-5 members of the programme development team:

Name / Contact Number

Provide the rationale for the proposed changes:

Section 3 (Help):

For each module you are altering/replacing, indicate the existing module code and new module code in the table below. Insert a link to each module code so that it links to the relevant module descriptor in academic module manager (expand table below as required):

Existing Module Code / Proposed Module Code

For each new/altered module, please indicate the mapping between the module and the programme learning outcomes by mapping the appropriate module learning outcome(s) against the relevant programme learning outcome(s) (expand table below as required):

Module Code / HKB / HKK / HKR / HKS / HCC / HCR / HCL / HCI

Date on which the programme board(s) approved these changes: ______

Insert the minutes from the programme board(s) pertinent to these changes:

Section 4 (Help):

Please list the proposed course schedule for all stages of the proposed programme(Highlight the new/altered modules in red):

Date on which the revised programme is to commence: ______

If programme learning outcomes are to change, please include details of consultation with the Registrar’s office:

Section 5 (Help):



Programme ChairDate


Head of DepartmentDate

Approved / Not Approved: ______

Conditions (if any): ______


Chair, Planning and Coordination CommitteeRegistrarDate

Next Steps

Ensure all sections are complete and check that relevant module links are correct. Have someone else in the department proof read the document.

Save the document as a PDF file – You DO NOT need to print the document.

Email the document (PDF version) to least 10 working days before the relevant Planning and Coordination Committee meeting (dates with all relevant deadlines reside with your Head of Department). The body of the email should list the programme(s) that this EAP4 applies to and the names of the relevant programme coordinator(s)

The Registrar’s office will print the EAP4. The Programme Coordinator(s) and Head of Department must call to sign the paper copy between Tuesday and Friday, (Friday being the submission deadline) strictly between 2 – 4pm.

The Chair (or someone nominated by the Chair) of the Planning and Coordination Committee will be in touch to indicate the location and time of the meeting.

Where EAP4 documents are unsigned, incomplete or incorrect they will not, under any circumstances, be placed on the agenda of the Planning and Coordination Committee meeting. Where an EAP4 document is left off the agenda, the Registrar’s office will inform the appropriate Head of Department after the meeting has taken place.

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