SPE 101 – Fundamentals of Communication
SPE 101: Fundamentals of Communication (Online)
Syllabus – Winter 2016
[SPE.101.M04] [MW 11:30-1:00, 263 LB]
Mid Michigan Community College
Harrison Campus:Mt. Pleasant Campus:
Office Phone:Office Phone:
College Phone:College Phone:
Office Hours:Office Hours:
Mobile Phone:
Moodle: Go to Link at www.midmich.edu
Master Course Proficiencies:
Intellectual Skills:
- Students will analyze key communication concepts, framing challenging questions that can be applied to everyday life and shared via course writing projects and discussion boards (Analytic Inquiry & Integrative Knowledge).
- Students will identify credible sources, select relevant details, and appropriately cite sources in their speeches, group projects, and class discussions (Use of Information Sources).
- Students will recognize communication as a symbolic, culturally-dependent process, managing their own responses to alternative views as they create writing projects, speeches and group projects (Engaging in diverse perspectives & Integrative Knowledge).
- Students will construct audience-centered messages that effectively advance individual and collective goals as speakers, writers, and listeners (communicative fluency & Integrative Knowledge).
Course Text and Materials:
- Seiler, W. J., Beall, M. L., & Mazer, J. P. (2014). Communication: Making Connections (9th Edition). New York: Pearson.. (required)
- Reliable Internet Access (required)
- Periodic Access to a video camera (Webcams are acceptable) and microphone (required)
- Flash Drive (Thumb Drive) or some Comparable Storage Device (required)
- Head Phones for Computer (required)
Important Notice #1: Moodle (the online course shell) is an integral part of this course. You access Moodle through the MMCC Portal.2 All materials (e.g., assignments, quizzes, supplements, etc., are provided through Moodle. All assignments (unless otherwise stated) must be submitted through Moodle on the date specified. You are expected to access Moodle on a regular basis (several times a week). You are responsible for all materials and assignments provided on Moodle. If you are not experienced with Moodle, contact the Moodle Help Desk immediately (ext. 411). Also, review the Moodle tutorial videos provided on your Moodle Home Page.
Important Notice #2: Opening Class Assignment. We will briefly review the central policies and procedures of the course, described in the course syllabus, on the first day of class. We will not have time to go over all of the specifics of the syllabus. Prior to the end of the first week, you are responsible for reading and understanding the syllabus in its entirety and indicating you have fully read, understood, and agree to adhere to the policies and procedures outlined in the syllabus through an email verification message. Your email will constitute a legal contract. By the end of the first week of class, you are also required to post to the Syllabus Discussion Forum. Descriptions of both these assignments will be emailed to you.
Course Description:
SPE 101 is an introductory course of study intended to accomplish two general goals:
(1) to acquaint you with principles of effective communication;
(2) to provide you with opportunities to observe, evaluate, and improve your own communication skills in a variety of contexts.
Communication is a field of study in and of itself. Many professions are centered on the principles and skills directly associated with the study of communication. Professional interviewing, customer service positions, political speechwriters, negotiators and mediators are but a few of the professions employing communication majors. Communication is also a field that provides individuals in other areas the needed skills to set themselves above others with whom they are competing. Management, health care, law, and public service organizations are some of the professions that list communication and human relation skills as the key to landing a job and being successful. Therefore, whether you focus solely on career choices within the field of communication or supplement your own field of study with the skills acquired through communication courses, you will be making the choices necessary to be successful in your endeavors.
SPE 101, Fundamentals of Communication, is an overview course that provides you an understanding of many of the different aspects of communication associated with the field. Throughout the course, we will examine the kinds of interaction/communication that occur in face-to-face encounters with other people--friends, family members, work associates, employers, employees, students, professors, children, etc. We also will study features of human communication (e.g. perception, self-concept, listening, verbal & nonverbal messages, etc.) that affect those encounters across a variety of interaction contexts (e.g., dyadic situations, small group situations, public speaking situations, "mass" situations). Most importantly, we will practice effective communication skills relevant to many of the areas and contexts listed above, including such skills as assertiveness, active listening, problem solving, conflict management, and oral/public presentation.
This course will include readings, lectures, class discussions, activities, self-analysis evaluations, application exercises, and references to outside sources (such as films, TV shows, etc.) that will expose you to and illustrate for you a number of concepts and principles related to effective communication. The course is directed toward improving your communication relationships, primarily by enabling you to become more aware of the options and choices open to you as you select functional, productive ways of communicating with your fellow human beings.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Primary Learning Outcomes:
Successful completion of the course will enable you to:
- Express a multi-perspective understanding of the communication process and discuss its application at improving your communication with others;
- Construct and present basic messages that permit you to create shared meanings effectively with your intended audience (both verbally and with the assistance of current technological aids);
- Strategically design and deliver audience-centered, evidence-based messages aimed at advocating a position on an current issue;
- Exhibit communication skills reflective of effective group participation interactions, including such skills as assertiveness, responding effectively to the contributions of others, following conversational rules, facilitating the communication of others, and maintaining a process orientation; and
- Utilize communication skills and techniques designed to guide and lead a group through effective problem-solving processes.
Secondary Learning Outcomes:
In addition to the primary course objectives, successful completion of the course may enable you to:
- Evidence awareness of and the ability to critically consume messages directed toward you;
- Increase your ability to communicate your empathy with and sensitivity to the feelings and thoughts of others;
- Improve your ability to attend to and listen to other people;
- Give and receive feedback in ways that promote greater understanding and more accurate perceptions of both self and others;
- Present yourself effectively in a variety of communication contexts and enhance your ability to develop rapport with others;
- Integrate your understanding of communication fundamentals with the social and cultural contexts/issues that affect your experiences in everyday life.
Americans with Disabilities Act Policy:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all qualified students enrolled in this course are entitled to “reasonable accommodations”. Please notify the Dean of Student Services during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course.
Assessment Procedures:
SPE 101 is a General Education course that meets the Oral Competency Requirement of most colleges and universities. When you receive a passing grade, MMCC, in effect, communicates to others that you have achieved at least minimal competence in communicating with diverse individuals in a variety of contexts, facing a number of communication situations. To this end, this course will present you with various communication challenges you may face in different contexts: communicating clearly; adapting messages to an audience; enhancing messages via alternative channels; listening actively; advocating ideas to an audience; etc.). In addition, it will provide you the opportunity to apply the concepts and principles we discuss in class and to develop communication competence through class-based performance activities.
It is imperative that you realize from the onset of the course that, in order to receive a passing grade in this class, you must exhibit minimal competence (C or 73%) in each performance assignment we address. A performance assignment is defined through the sequence of activities used to create and assess an oral presentation. Each performance assignment may include preparation assignments (topic selection, outline development, “mini” speeches,” etc.), the oral presentation, and post presentation assessments. Overall competency for each performance assignment requires you meet two (2) criteria: (1) an assessment of competency (73%) on the oral performance; (2) a total score across all assignment components of 73% or better.
At the end of the semester, if you have not achieved minimal competence in each performance assignment (i.e., have not meet both criteria for each competency assignment), the highest grade you can earn in SPE 101 is a C-.
Your final grade will be determined through the assessment practices listed below. As noted by the percentages associated with each assignment category, your final grade is computed using a weighting system. The points earned within each category determine your overall grade for that assignment category. Those points are then “weighted” for each assignment category to determine your overall grade. To further understand “weighting,” please consult the following sources: Schoolloop EHow
- Communication Activities……………………………………………15%
SPE 101 is designed to be highly interactive, allowing you to experience and learn about communication through your practice of it. Throughout the course, you will participate in many activities aimed at illustrating and/or instructing you on different aspects of effective communication. These activities could include such things as submission of material for illustration and analysis (e.g., photos or artifacts), role-playing activities, and “teaching” moments (either individually or with a group). Many of these activities are “content specific;” the activity occurs only in association with a specific class or time frame. As such, if you are not “present” when these activities occur, you will have no opportunity to make them up. If these activities have points associated with them, you will not have the opportunity to acquire these points.
A key type of activity in this class will be ongoing interaction and discussion (via discussion boards) of various topics related to assigned readings from the text as well as other discussions based upon relevant subject matter and/or current events. To earn full credit, you must participate consistently, each week, in all specified activities and with high quality contributions.
- Oral Presentations: ...... 45%
As Speaker: During this course, you will be given the opportunity to improve your public speaking skills through four (4) formal speaking assignments. Several semi-formal speaking assignments (called mini speeches) may also be included in course activities. Each performance assignment will include several preparation assignments as well as post-assessment of your message choices (an analysis of your speech including identification of your speaking goals for your next performance).
- One set of presentations will focus on your Informative Speaking Skills. In these speeches, you will practice both descriptive and demonstrative (training) speaking skills; you will focus on educating or teaching your audience about a topic or process that is new and interesting to them and/or using language to create vividness and imagery. A major emphasis in these assignments will be on developing an audience-centered approach to your speaking that allows you to demonstrate your ability to employ verbal skills to produce descriptiveness and/or precision in your messages. An additional emphasis in these assignments will be on enhancing the audience’s understanding through alternative channels of communication (utilizing current technologies).
- Common Assignment: For purposes of assessment in compliance with GenEd 2.0 and the MTA Agreement, all sections of SPE 101 will require each student to present extemporaneously a 4-6 minute informative speech. These speeches will be videotaped. Each instructor will be responsible for providing the lead instructor in Communication Studies copies of the video files for each class (on DVD or a Flash Drive)
- A second set of presentations will focus on your Persuasive Speaking Skills. In these speeches, you will work to develop and practice your assertiveness and argumentation skills by arguing your position on current and controversial topics. In addition to emphasizing an audience-centered approach to your speaking, these assignments will also emphasize developing evidence-based arguments in support of your position and strategically managing the climate of the situation in a manner conducive to your persuasive goal.
A brief description of possible speeches/communication activities follow:
- The Artifact Speech: – Participants will develop a basic message through the sharing of a personal artifact. This presentation will be used to illustrate basic message construction principles and fundamental outlining techniques. An outline will be required for this speech and the speech should be videotaped. Students will be required to deliver this speech using an extemporaneous style of delivery, using only a single notecard.
An Oral Reading – Participants will select and read aloud content of their own choosing, using a media back drop, strategic pauses, inflection and other elements to demonstrate meaning and create impact. This presentation will be used to illustrate basic aspects of the communication process. Only an audio presentation will be required for this speech. Obviously, a manuscript style of delivery will be allowed for this presentation.
- The Proverb Speech: Developing a Single Point – Participants will develop a single point through the sharing of a proverb or anecdote. The selected piece must be of the learner’s own creation. This presentation will be used to illustrate basic message construction principles and fundamental outlining techniques, as well as idea development skills. A video presentation (no audience) with an accompanying outline will be required for this speech. Students will be required to deliver this speech using an extemporaneous style of delivery, using only a single notecard.
- An Informative Speech – Participants will identify a lesser-known subject (or a unique approach to a known subject) and develop an informative speech to educate/enlighten an audience. This presentation will be used to improve informative speaking skills and to introduce the Speech Preparation Process. Students will be taught to expresses a clear thesis, organize key points to fulfil the thesis, and develop each point with a variety of support materials. An outline will be required for this speech and the speech MUST be videotaped (this assignment will be used to assess learning outcomes across all sections of SPE 101). Students will be required to deliver this speech using an extemporaneous style of delivery, using no more than 2 notecards.
- A Persuasive Speech – Participants will take a position on an issue of their own choosing (as approved by the instructor) and create a speech to persuade an audience to the chosen position. This presentation will be used to solidify persuasive speaking skills. A video presentation (with an audience) with an accompanying outline will be required for this speech. Students will be required to deliver this speech using an extemporaneous style of delivery. The choice of speaking notes is left to the speaker for this speech.
Collectively, the required speeches in the class will comprise 45% of the total course grade. Detailed requirements and an evaluation rubric for each of the speeches scheduled within the course will be made available on the Moodle course site. Presentation/submission of ALL speeches will be required to pass the class. For anyone who does not complete ALL oral presentations, the highest grade you can earn in SPE 101 is a C-.
Audio/Video recordings need not be in high definition quality. They need only show the speaker clearly enough such that facial expression, eye contact, posture, body language and other physical aspects of communicant could be subject to evaluation.
As Collaborator: While the majority of your own efforts will be invested in the construction and delivery of your own oral presentations, you will also be responsible for helping your fellow classmates on their presentations, either through analysis of their communication choices in the preparation stage or through your feedback and responses to their oral presentations during their post-presentation assessment stage. Typically, these responses will take the form of posts in discussion forums.
- Group Problem Solving Project: ...... 20%
A central emphasis in this course (as well as in other courses) is on collaborative learning—working with others to enhance your educational experience. Throughout the semester, you will be working in short-term groups to complete weekly exercises. Towards the end of the semester, you will form a long-term group and work with group members to complete a major communication project.
This assignment is aimed at:
- allowing you to examine how communication operates in the small group context;
- learning about and improving your group communication skills;
- developing your ability to engage in the problem-solving process; and
- practicing techniques useful for facilitating and managing a group.
As with any performance assignment, this assignment will include preparation assignments, the presentation, and post-presentation analysis. These components may be assigned to individuals or to the group as a whole. During the completion of the assignment, you will also focus on and examine the group processes emerging as the group progresses, with emphasis placed on analyzing the participation patterns exhibited by members as well as leadership strategies needed to manage a group.
Assessment of the project will be based on preparation efforts as well as the final presentation, and will be comprised of both individual and group assessments.
- Quizzes/Exams:...... ……...20%
Your mastery of the concepts, principles, and theories discussed in class will be assessed through multiple quizzes. Each quiz will deal with the assigned reading material as well as material from lectures, class discussions, and films. Quizzes may consist of objective questions, subjective questions or both, and will focus on the material from the assigned chapters. In-class quizzes will be announced; online quizzes will be posted in Moodle. You may take each online quiz multiple times (no attempt will be “reset” for any reason). You must complete each quiz by the specified due date. Once the quiz closes, no additional attempts will not be allowed. Your score on the quiz (based on the scoring method selected) will constitute your final grade for that quiz. At the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest quiz score. Because you get to drop a quiz, no make-up quizzes will be allowed for any reason.