Who is Positive Charge?

Positive Charge are part of the Moreland Energy Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation set up by

Moreland Council in 2000, to work with the local community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Positive Charge has partnered with the City of Port Phillip to provide energy advice and support to local residents.

Positive Charge is a social enterprise, which means that it is set up in order to benefit the community and profits are reinvested back into delivering the service. Positive Charge also donates a proportion of funds generated by the program to support community projects and work in the community.

Why is the City of Port Phillip promoting a particular solar provider?

The City of Port Phillip has contracted Positive Charge to conduct the procurement process to select a solar supplier for Council’s ‘Power up with Solar’ program. Positive Charge conducted a rigorous open and transparent procurement process promoted by the Clean Energy Council to all solar providers (local and national) to participate. See below about key selection criteria for suppliers.

What was considered when selecting this solar supplier?

Whilst cost was an important factor in the supplier selection process, minimum requirements on the quality of materials and installers was also of high importance. Prospective companies needed to:

· Be a signatory to the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Retailer


· Offer high quality products which are independently assessed for quality and performance;

· Demonstrate previous bulk buy/aggregated purchases and demonstrate their ability to manage volume; and

· Demonstrate the internal capacity/systems to meet service requirements including customer service and program reporting requirements.

Solar panel system components (like any other household equipment or appliance) vary in terms of quality and are not all alike. Positive Charge are confident that the systems being offered as part of this initiative are good quality for a competitive price. The panels and inverters have all been independently assessed by the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) and financial checks have been conducted to ensure the financial viability of the solar PV supplier.

Positive Charge don’t claim to offer the cheapest system in the market place. This would compromise both the product they are offering and the program’s ability to demonstrate that responsible and measured assessments of the solar systems offered were carried out with due diligence, providing the best value for money for the customer. However, they are not the most expensive. What they stand behind is offering a good quality system at a good price that also comes with good warranties against the products and workmanship.

The systems offered through the Positive Charge program have the following warranties:

Solar panels 25 year performance warranty, 10 year product warranty

Inverter 10 year warranty

Workmanship/installation 10 year warranty

Aren’t Positive Charge going to just try and sell me solar?

Positive Charge don’t sell anything directly. Positive Charge offer independent energy efficiency information and advice on a range of products and actions, so although they promote the installation of solar through the bulk buy program they will not recommend you purchase solar unless it makes sense for your household to do so.

Their primary goal is to assist members of the community in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the running costs of their homes and businesses without compromising on comfort.

If you have any further questions feel free to call them on 9385 8555.

Who is Positive Charge’s preferred solar provider?

Please contact Positive Charge for this information on 9385 8555.

What do I do if I have a problem with my solar panels purchased through this program?

Positive Charge should be able to assist you in resolving any issues that you have regarding the installation. If there is an issue with your energy distributer or retailer, contact Positive Charge on 9385 8555, who should be able to offer advice on the best course of action to take.

I don’t think solar would suit my property, why did I receive a letter from the Council regarding solar at my property?

You have received this letter as part of a bulk mail out. This is an automatic process based on Council’s land use codes and unfortunately, can result in some discrepancies.

However, you are welcome to contact Positive Charge on 9385 8555, who can undertake an online rooftop assessment of your property and provide you with reliable and independent advice on whether or not solar is the best option for you.

Will I need a planning permit if I get solar panels?

You will need a planning permit if you live in a heritage overlay area and the solar panels will be visible from the street.

As part of the City of Port Phillip’s commitment towards environmental sustainability the application fee typically associated with obtaining a planning permit will not be required for applications to install solar panels. These are typically processed through our Fast Track service and completed in less than three weeks. For more information contact the Planning Department on 9209 6424.

What if my neighbours build taller than my house and cause overshadowing?

Unfortunately there is not currently any legislation around protecting the rights of solar households when neighbouring buildings cause overshadowing. Objections are handled on a case by case basis.

Positive Charge may be able to offer some advice on whether or not shading will be an issue. You can call them on 9385 8555.

Why aren’t you offering Australian manufactured products?

In selecting a preferred supplier, Positive Charge have considered a range of criteria including quality and supplier reliability. As a result, Positive Charge have selected a supplier who offer a quality –Tier One – system at a good price.

Further Information

General information about solar technology: www.dkasolarcentre.com.au/

On technologies, benefits, myths & facts: www.cleanenergycouncil.org.au/resourcecentre/factsheets.html

Factsheet on solar from Alternative Technology Association: www.ata.org.au/wpcontent/


Information on solar energy including building integrated panels:


Information on solar energy from Consumer Affairs Victoria:


Solar energy information from Sustainability Victoria:


Grid connection information for small, medium and large solar installations:


Feed in tariff information


City of Port Phillip Planning guidelines for Solar
