ACE-HC Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2005


Attendance: Dara Whalen, Susan Boyer, Carol Hughes, Teresa Hrubes, Cassandra Autry

Topic – Dara Whalen – Having trouble with emailing group. Some blocking happening at the institution level.

Topic – Carol Hughes – Grant funds should be able to be carried over to next year. She hasn’t heard of any difficulty but will keep us updated. We won’t know details until end of July or early August.

Topic - Specialty groups- Linda Oxley and Kelly Lambert will work with the peds group and Dianne Bigge and Michelle Casey have agreed to lead the educator/manager group. Discussion surrounded how to proceed with the next steps. It seems to be best if we try to launch one of the groups first. Susan Boyer recommended that the educator group get going and this can help get the other groups going. They have an educator group in Vermont. They meet once a month face to face. The attendance varies but they’ve found it to be really valuable. It is especially valuable for the new educators. Theresa Rhubes is a new educator and feels this would be helpful and would be happy to work with this group.

In Vermont the educator group put together a Pediatric course which was very popular. We will look into the possibility of sharing the information from the Vermont curriculum. We should look into how to offer a statewide conference. This may be something we could help facilitate and possibly use the videoconferencing equipment available through UAA.

Topic - Susan Boyer – It can be difficult to keep the email conversations going. Vermont has had the same problems but over time it does work. The secret is to keep going.

Topic – Dara-Trip to Vermont- I’d like to have some concrete information from the Vermont group when I come back.

Topic – Carol – What is Carrie’s area of expertise? She is a theorist and the author of the COPA model. She would need to at least be here for two days to cover the material needed.

Topic- Carol – Update – Training Calendar – Would like to try to put together a calendar which can be shared throughout the state. She has not had any support from ASHNHA for this process. Discussion surrounded around where to place the calendar. After discussing with the group it seemed that emailing it to begin with might be the way to see if this could work. Carol will work on developing an email version since placing the calendar on a website may be difficult. We will look at it for 3 months to see if this can work. We hope to be able to share the information and training we are all working on. It may also facilitate the sharing of course content for courses we are all developing in our own institutions.

Topic - Fall workshop – We will look to bring Carrie here for a workshop on Competency development. We need to wait until we know if we have the funds.

We may also want to look into preceptor workshops that could be open to all disciplines.

Next Meeting – July 12, 2005 at 2 pm