16 February 2005
16 February 2005
Ref: (a) CNETINST 1533.12G (MIDN Regs)
(b) CNET P1533/3 series (NAM)
Encl: (1) Instructions for completing the Midshipman Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
(2) Blank Midshipman Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
(3) Sample Completed Midshipman Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
1. Purpose. To establish, in accordance with references (a) and (b), an evaluation system for use by the Philadelphia NROTC Consortium that will provide for consistency and uniformity while producing fair and accurate appraisal of Midshipman performance.
2. Cancellation. NROTCUPHILAINST 1601.2A
3. Background.
a. Important changes to this instruction are noted in bold italics.
b. The NROTC evaluation system is a standardized approach for evaluating officer potential of NROTC scholarship and college program students during all phases of their education.
c. Since STA-21 and MECP students remain on active duty and are evaluated during their regular annual cycle, they are exempt from the requirements of this instruction and shall not be included in the summary group in block 26 of enclosure (2). While exempt from formal ranking, they may be added to their peer group ranking when being submitted for awards, scholarships and/or grants. In this instance, it is incumbent upon the Advisor(s) to make a concerted effort to properly rank them among other Midshipmen and not to put them at the top merely to garner an award.
d. Enclosure (1) is the standard Midshipman Evaluation Report and Counseling Record and shall be completed at the end of every ROTC academic semester.
e. Enclosure (1) was previously used by NSTC as a nation-wide evaluation tool. Reference (b) has been modified and now recommends that units use the standard Navy Officer FITREP form. While the FITREP form has merit in that a future Navy officer is exposed to the form that is used in the fleet, it is neither the form used by USMC officers nor is a Midshipman’s performance easily articulated in the FITREP format. This point was brought to the attention of NSTC (ODM) during the June 04 Command Inspection; NSTC (ODM) agreed and was taking action to change ref (b). Enclosure (1) shall therefore be used by the Philadelphia Consortium pending receipt of a revised NSTC form.
f. Peer evaluations allow the Midshipman chain of command the opportunity to practice eval writing skills and provide recommendations to the class advisors. The class advisor’s average grade, however, will be the sole input for determining aptitude with respect to OPMIS entries and ROTC Scholarship inputs/Service Selection.
g. The terms Advisor, Class Advisor, and Officer/Instructor are used synonymously in this instruction.
h. The Freshman Instructor shall advise and write evaluations on all incoming Navy and Marine Corps scholarship and college program students for their initial fall term. Upon returning from break in January, the MOI shall take over responsibility for advising and evaluating 4th Class Marine Option Midshipmen. The MOI shall continue to retain advising/evaluating responsibilities for all 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Marine Option Midshipmen.
i. The Senior Instructor shall write evaluations on all first semester seniors. Since most seniors will not be available after the spring evaluation cycle, the Senior Instructor shall write an eval on the number one Midshipman in the graduating class; he/she shall also write an eval for the record on any Midshipman who had issues worthy of documenting in an official capacity. Examples: poor academic performance, notable inaptitude, or medical issues that did not prohibit commissioning, but that raised concern during the spring semester.
4. Importance. The aptitude marks that a Midshipman receives on his/her evaluations are included in a composite average that impacts scholarship selection (for college program students), service selection (for scholarship and advanced standing students) and ship selection (for SWO selectees).
5. Evaluation Writing Process. The initial grader will start the evaluation report by filling in all personal data and evaluating the midshipman before passing it to the secondary grader for their marks and comments. The Advisor will finish the report and sign it prior to forwarding, via the Executive Officer, to the Commanding Officer. The Commanding Officer will sign each report, prior to the individual being evaluated. The Advisor will complete the process by debriefing and obtaining the signature of the midshipman.
6. Responsibilities
a. Commanding Officer. Review completed evaluations and sign (provide comments to stimulate individual Midshipman growth as required/desired).
b. Executive Officer. Review submissions for administrative correctness and ensure an evaluation for each Midshipman is provided to the CO.
c. Battalion Advisor
(1) Ensure the Midshipman chain of command provides smooth evaluation inputs for each Midshipman a minimum of two weeks before the end of each NROTC semester. The end of the NROTC semester is defined as the last lab/drill period. Block 5 of encl (1), Date of Report, shall be the date of the last lab/drill period.
(2) Ensure all reports have been received, immediately review for completeness, and disseminate reports to Class Advisors. Immediately return any unacceptable evaluation input for correction.
(3) If Class advisors must return reports for rework, the battalion advisor shall coordinate with the appropriate Midshipman staff member(s) to ensure prompt correction and resubmission in order to be complete prior to the semester’s end.
d. Staff Physical Readiness Program Coordinator/AMOI. Consolidate Midshipman PFA/PRT results and disseminate them to Class Advisors/MOI for inclusion in Evaluations. Results shall be available to advisors within two weeks of PFA/PRT completion.
e. Class Advisors
(1) When semester evaluations are received from the battalion advisor, perform an immediate check of each evaluation for completeness and content. Return unsatisfactory evaluations, with rationale, to the battalion advisor for rework by the Midshipman ranks.
(2) Ensure all NROTC Scholarship and College Program students are evaluated at the end of each semester. Completed evaluations shall be forwarded to the Executive Officer within two weeks of receiving semester grades from the university(ies).
(3) Debrief completed evaluations with Midshipmen during the first two weeks of the following semester. Half-way through the semester, complete a separate mid-term counseling session with each Midshipman. This counseling session shall be documented in the final evaluation of the semester.
(4) Ensure NROTC students who are given low or marginal aptitude marks in any marking period are properly counseled.
(5) As warranted or required by reference (b), schedule a Performance Review Board for those displaying marginal or unsatisfactory aptitude.
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16 February 2005
1. The following detailed guidelines shall be used in completing enclosure (2).
a. Block 1 - Name. Midshipman’s last name, first name middle initial, and suffix, if any, separated by spaces. Place a comma after the last name. Omit spaces and punctuation within a name. If the midshipman has no middle nor or initial, enter NMN. Examples: SMITH, WYATT B; OBRIEN, SUSAN J; HALL, BETTY NMN; WHITE, JOHN B JR.
b. Block 2 – Class Year. Grade or rank that the member is wearing during the semester being evaluated. Examples: MIDN 4/C; MIDN 3/C; MIDN 2/C; MIDN 1/C.
c. Block 3 – Company-Squad. Enter the Midshipman’s Company-Squad (just the company if reporting on Company Commander or Company CPO) or BATSTAFF. Examples: A; B-2ND SQD; BATSTAFF.
d. Block 4 – Occasion For Report. Mark the correct Block with an "x." Use the other Block if this report is a special report.
e. Block 5 – Date of Report. Enter the date the term ended - use the last official lab/drill period of the NROTC semester. Date must be written in YRMONDY format. Example: 04DEC07.
f. Block 6 – Type of Report. There are only two types of reports: Regular (an evaluation received at the end of the term) or Special (any other time an evaluation is done). Place an "x" in the appropriate box.
g. Blocks 7a, 7b, 7c – Latest PFA/PFT Date, Score, Readiness. Enter the date that the PFA/PFT was taken (Date must be written in YRMONDY format) in block 7a. Enter the score received by the midshipman in block 7b. Place an "x" in the appropriate box whether the individual is within standards (WS) or not within height/weight standards (NS). Navy Examples: 04NOV11 OL WS , GL 95DEC04 WS, FAIL 00NOV08 NS. USMC Examples: 04DEC13 285 WS, 04APR25 300 WS.
h. Block 8 – Sail Qualification. Put an "x" in the appropriate box.
i. Block 9 – Swim Qualification/Date. Put an "x" in the correct box and enter the date achieved.
j. Block 10a – Duties Assigned. Identify any billet that the midshipman was assigned; or, enter None. Examples: Company Commander, Squad Leader, Battalion Commander, None.
k. Block 10b – Major. Enter the University-acknowledged major. If a Midshipman is attempting to, but hasn’t officially changed majors, the new major should be included in parenthesis. If the long title does not fit, standard abbreviations may be used. Examples: Chemical Engineering, Chem Eng, Astrophysics, Mech Eng (History).
l. Block 11 – Honors/Awards. Enter any awards or honors received from the University or the Battalion during the reporting period. Since Advisors do not submit completed evaluations until the semester GPA has been received, Class Advisors shall annotate Dean’s list or Academic Stars for performance in the semester being evaluated. Should an instructor inadvertently miss the award notation during the semester earned, it can be noted on the following evaluation (but should be qualified by the semester in which it was earned). Examples: Dean’s List, Physical Fitness Awards, Academic Stars; Academic Stars (F03).
m. Blocks 12-14 – Midterm Counseling. While not precluding Midshipman-to-Midshipman counseling sessions, these blocks shall document the Officer/Instructor’s midterm counseling session with the subject Midshipman. Enter the date (same format as in block 5) the midterm counseling took place in Block 12. The name of the instructor conducting the counseling shall go in Block 13. The individual who was counseled shall sign Block 14. Verbal counseling, with appropriate and immediate notes placed in the Midshipman Personnel Record will suffice for documenting midterm counseling.
n. Blocks 15-20 – Performance Traits. For each trait, place an "x" in one and only one box. The meaning of the trait grades are printed on the form, along with the representative performance standards. The 3.0 grade represents performance to full NROTC standards. The 1.0 grade means generally poor performance which is not improving, or unsatisfactory performance with respect to a single standard. For the majority of midshipman, most trait grades should fall in the 3.0 to 4.0 range. The primary, secondary and Officer/Instructor will mark on "x" in the appropriate box. The primary grader shall put their "x" in the first box, the secondary grader shall put their "x" in middle box and the Officer/Instructor shall place their "x" in the last box. The Officer/Instructor shall also place an “x” in the appropriate box that was discussed during mid-term counseling. For Military Bearing/Appearance: A 5.0 grade requires a PFA/PFT score of excellent or outstanding. However, do not grade 5.0 unless the midshipman also meets the other 5.0 standards for this trait.
o. Block 21 – Growth Potential. Growth Potential is only graded by the Officer/Instructor.
p. Block 22 – Billet Recommendation. Enter one or two billet recommendations. The second billet recommendation is not required. Do not leave blank. If no recommendation is appropriate (1st semester freshmen), enter None. These are the Officer/Instructor recommendations, based on performance and seniority. For most midshipman the recommendation should be the next significant billet position. Examples: None, Squad Leader, DMO.
q. Blocks 23 & 24 - Comments on Performance (Primary/Secondary Grader).
(1) Be concise. Space is limited, bullet style is preferred. Spelling and grammar count – use spell check, but don’t rely on it as your sole source; proofread!
(2) Use everyday language. Do not use flowery adjectives or other extremes of style. Let the midshipman's performance speak louder than your words.
(3) Give examples of performance and results. Be specific. Concentrate on verifiable accomplishments.
(4) Don't make everyone sound alike. Each midshipman is unique and deserves to be noted as such.
(5) Grader’s Name. Type the grader’s name in lower right corner.
r. Block 25 - Comments on Performance (Officer/Instructor).
(1) Term/Cum GPA & Term/Cum Aptitude Grade. Fill in both blocks. GPA shall include all Naval Science grades if not already part of GPA. Some Universities do not give credit for Naval Science classes so these need to be manually added into the final GPA.
(2) Signature. Type Officer/Instructor name in lower right corner and sign above it.
s. Block 26 – Midshipman Ranking. The Freshman Instructor shall rank all Marine and Navy Option Midshipmen together during the fall evaluation. After the MOI takes responsibility for evaluating Marine Option Midshipmen, Navy Options shall be ranked independently of Marine Options.
(1) The Officer/Instructor will place an "x" in the box that correctly reflects the Midshipman's “Individual” ranking. The recommendation may be NOB if appropriate, e.g., short period of report.
(2) "Top Tier", "Second Tier", "Middle Tier" are positive midshipman ranking recommendations. The recommendation should be consistent with performance trait grades, and take into account the midshipman's future value to the Navy or Marine Corps.
(3) "Fourth Tier" means that the midshipman is making progress but is not ready to be ranked higher.
(4) "Bottom Tier" means that the midshipman has serious short comings that must be addressed prior to them receiving a higher ranking, and this must be justified in the comments.
(5) Upper limits on "Top Tier" Recommendations. The number of "Top Tier" recommendations are limited to 20% of each group ranking (rounded up to the nearest whole number). There are no further limitations on remaining numbers. Example: Assume 37 Navy Option 2/C Midshipmen with 20% maximum in the Top Tier; 37 x 0.2 = 7.4 = 8 (rounded up). Therefore, eight Midshipmen may be ranked in the “Top Tier” while the remaining Midshipmen may be placed in the categories that the Officer/Instructor deems appropriate.
(6) The “summary” block shall list the numbers of all Midshipmen in that ranking group and the breakout of how many fall in each tier. Only include the number of people who completed the semester; do not include those who are on overseas study or personal LOAs, nor those who dropped during the semester. If there are 37 being ranked, the sum of numbers in all tiers shall equal 37. Example: MIDN Jones is the individual being ranked. His evaluation puts him in the second tier (the second tier block is x’d). The instructor has decided to rank the full 20% allotment of Top Tier Midshipmen (8), and has split the remaining 29 Midshipmen among the fourth, middle and second tiers (the numbers 0 + 2 + 12 + 15 + 8 = 37).