Electric Power Faculty: Please make your students aware of this
Thank you,
Dr. Howard A. Smolleck, Professor Emeritus
Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
New Mexico State University
Box 3-O
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Power Engineering Society
Student Prize Paper Award in Honor of T. Burke Hayes
The purpose of the IEEE Power Engineering Society's Student Prize Paper
Award in Honor of T. Burke Hayes is to encourage students in their
professional development, to stimulate interest in the programs of the
electric power industry, to encourage students to prepare quality
technical papers with faculty supervision, and to recognize the schools
and faculties that provide guidance in these areas. This Award was first
presented as the Student Prize Paper Award in 1967. In 1989, it was
renamed in honor of T. Burke Hayes in recognition of his professional
contributions as a founder of CH2M Hill. It has been presented since
1990 as the Student Prize Paper Award in Honor of T. Burke Hayes with
CH2M Hill Foundation as the sponsor.
The award for the winning paper consists of the following:
$1,500 award to author (or split equally among coauthors)
Expense paid trip (up to US$1,000) for one student to an IEEE PES
General Meeting (foreign travel limited; total reimbursement limited to
available maximum)
Recognition plaque presented to student
Recognition plaque presented to the student's institution to recognize
the student author(s) and the supervising professor
A student (or a team of students, up to three in number) qualifies for
competition for this award if he or she has begun preparation of the
paper, which reflects his/her own work, while enrolled as a regular
student in (1) a program leading to a Bachelors or Masters Degree in
Electrical Engineering, (2) a program which will ultimately lead into an
engineering program, or (3) the equivalent of one of these if the
student is from an institution outside the USA. The paper must be
submitted while the student is enrolled or within one year after his/her
graduation. These conditions must all be met by at least the lead
student (whose name should appear first on the paper) if the paper is a
team effort. Each paper must be the sole work of the student(s). Faculty
sponsorship is encouraged, but papers co-authored by faculty or PhD
students are not acceptable. Submissions based on Ph.D. programs of
study are not eligible. A student or a team of students may submit only
one paper per year. Only papers postmarked by the deadline for the
current year will be considered, and none will be held over for the
following year.
General Guidelines:
The Student Prize Paper Award in Honor of T. Burke Hayes recognizes an
outstanding original student paper in electric power engineering and/or
application. The competition is based solely on judging of written
papers related to the electric power industry. The choice of suitable
topics is limited to the following:
* Renewable energy sources
* Alternative power generation
* High-reliability power generation, transmission, and distribution
* Energy-efficient power generation and distribution
* New technologies for power generation, transmission and distribution.
Papers may discuss engineering theory and/or applications. The
applicability to the power industry should be adequately presented in
the paper. The content of the papers may be broadly interpreted but each
paper must fit into at least one of the topic areas cited above. Papers
that primarily emphasize other areas will not be considered. Primary
criteria in judging papers will be technical quality and written
The general organization and format of the paper should follow the
guidelines set out in the current edition of the author's guide of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society. As of this announcement, an Author's Kit
can be downloaded at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/
power/subpages/authors-folder/authkit-folder/authkit.htm. The paper may
be either in IEEE model style (8 1/2 x 11" paper; 2 columns per page;
minimum type size for body of text 10 point), in single column on 8 1/2
x 11" paper, on 210 x 297 mm (A4) paper, or in a similar format.
Although the Judging Committee does not insist on absolute adherence to
every detail of IEEE style, the IEEE/PES model style is preferred;
prospective authors should consult any issue of the PES Transactions for
a sample. Times New Roman or a similar font is preferred. The paper must
be in the English language. Neatness and organization of material will
be factors in rating the papers.
The name(s) of the author(s) should appear in full on the first page as
in typical IEEE papers. A paper may be the work of a team of several
students; in this case the first name listed should be that of the team
leader or the primary author who will also serve as the contact person.
The length of each paper should be no more than approximately 5,000
words; papers clearly in excess of this will have penalty points
assessed in the judging. Clear copies of neat hand-drawings with typed
captions are acceptable, as are firmly attached original photographs or
quality copies thereof; however, it is anticipated that most student
authors (as most of today's professional authors) will prepare their
papers totally by digital means. The student should remember that not
only technical content but clarity of presentation, neatness, and good
form are important factors in a paper's success.
Six copies of the paper must be submitted. Papers will be accepted only
in hard-copy form (i.e., not through electronic means). Each copy should
be stapled in the upper left corner, and should not be in any kind of
binder. Also, each contestant or team must submit the following
additional documents (not stapled to any paper copy):
1) a letter, from the sponsoring faculty member or administrator, in
support of the paper.
2) a short autobiographical sketch of the author (or of each team
3) a permanent address and telephone number of the author or contact
4) name, title, and business address of the student's department head or
equivalent and academic dean or equivalent
The sponsor's letter should certify that the material contained in the
paper is substantially the work of the student(s), and should state
whether the paper is based on academic work at the Bachelor's or
Master's level.
Selection and Judging Procedures:
A panel of judges, typically electric power engineers from academia and
industry, will review the papers to determine the recipient of the
Student Prize Paper Award. General standards for reviewing IEEE/PES
papers will be observed. This group's decision will be final. Although
an award is typically made each year, the committee is not bound to
declare a winner if none of the papers meet its standard. In the
unlikely event of funding difficulties, the award may be made without a
prize or travel funds being issued. Scoring forms furnished to the
judges will include the following categories:
1. Does the paper show sufficient interaction between the student and
his advisor(s), or other evidence of adequate supervision and contact?
Does it show initiative on the part of the writer? (15%)
2. Does the paper show a significant degree of new and independent, or
at least useful, work on the part of the student? (20%)
3. Does the author seem adequately familiar with the state-of-the-art of
his/her area of study? (15%)
4. Is the paper technically correct and accurate? (20%)
5. Does the author exhibit ingenuity and resourcefulness in methods of
presentation, choice of illustrations, use of analogies, and the like?
6. Is the text of the paper clearly stated in correct grammatical form?
Are the graphs and/or figures precise and of good quality? Does the
paper have a professional appearance? (15%)
Presentation of award:
The Student Prize Paper Award in Honor of T. Burke Hayes will typically
be presented annually at the IEEE PES General Meeting. Recognition of
the Award presentation will be published in the IEEE PES Review, and
recipients will be listed on the IEEE PES Awards website at
Papers must be received by December 15, 2007 to allow time for full
review and consideration. Papers submitted without the nominating letter
from the faculty sponsor or without biographical sketch(es) and
permanent address will not be considered. Papers received after the
deadline will not be considered as entries intended for the current
competition. Please plan early and be sure that your paper will arrive
by the deadline.
This document constitutes the only available guidelines. There is no
application form. Submit papers and supporting documents to the Chairman
of the Student Paper Contest Working Group:
Dr. Howard A. Smolleck, Professor Emeritus
Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
New Mexico State University
Box 3-O
Las Cruces, NM 88003
voice: 505-646-3834 fax: 505-646-1435
Copies of this set of guidelines will soon be available for download at